

A Chapter by vnorris

Another section of on independence, a look at the powers of your own image and the powers of improving and obsessing over such a thing


This is something that is taken as great, and in the modern world is pushed to a much higher level of importance, so that time and effort is spent toward the frivolous nature of looking good. This has come about through the need to still have the plumage and decorations of mating, but now it is not just in the look of your face or the marks of your muscles.

With the simplest animals, it is that sex is for everyone, and the choice of identical beings is a choice based on the sound of your voice or the movements of a dance. Now culture and identity are much more complex, you have the idea now that each person is a single person, someone that has to contain much more than just full tones of colour to get anywhere in reproduction.

I know that that seems a very basic view to take of culture, but this is always the essence of image, though it may feed ego, it is another way of making yourself seem great and thus naturally follow the path of life. The image of most things that people see in the media and clothing that coats ideas of behaviour to our susceptible minds is something that is more sexual than before.

This of course was once something that only was felt by women in cleavage and shortening skirts as really they are the people with the appearance issues and development, they are the pretty ones and so the ones that try the most with their image to tempt men. With the complicating of gender identity though, this is not something that has stayed such a way; men show the skin of maintained forms, masculinity knocking interest onto the doors of those they wish to reproduce with.

These general rules of the man being someone that does not show much but has power and personality, style and suaveness, men that flirt with the sexualised woman who try to compete with the higher images of the celebrity always change with other containers though.

I do feel that I need to talk of the celebrities and thus the owners of the image of something that people want to have, these are people that through there fame and there openness to the world, force you in a very small way to become like them if you wish to by picking a part of their image.

Let’s say that every famous acting man has a beard of curls, people that see themselves as similar to those celebrities would try to force the impression of such a similarity by looking the same, as in the fragility of human impression people may think of something of you as being the celebrity. Though this is a subtle engine of making others follow the look of those they see as above them, it is more importantly a function of control, so that you can only have a limited number of looks to be able to be accepted as cool, and so something you have to do to fuel your ego, your idea that you should be up to the top of ranks, and so anything that helps this is automatically accepted.

You must look a way to be a gender, as said; there are styles of hair and such that show you as a girl or a woman or someone who is older. Then after that it goes even further into other sections of existence, so that rather than just being a gender, you can also be a worker or a politician, a type of uniform that tells people the layers of your essence.

Now of course we are going into the arguments of fashion again something that is created by larger powers, but also something that tells people who and what you are. Small sections of style shift in meaning, that you can have glasses to appear intellectual, spiky hair to seem open and welcoming. Each part of how you look says something about you, and always you are aware of it, of the impressions that other people will have of you based on how you look.

Really every part of it is something that tells others who you are and really everything you wear and every part of how you look combines to create what is really a uniform if all is revealed, that no matter how you look there are always impressions made by generalisations. In seconds this is the impression that will create a view of you entrenched in those that view you.

It is because of very old days when the initial concepts came in, like the old fashioned hats displaying the ideas of the time when they were invented, and so in wearing that you become a person that tries to look the same as they do, to introduce the same impression and as such the same reaction.

For those that are not able to think of higher things than the material, which unfortunately is many people, this is something that is vastly important, that what you wear in a way is who you are. For some each part of what you wear and how you look say something deep and meaningful, that colours mean things about your mood, or if you are wearing shoes you are a formal minded person.

These ideas are ridiculousness defined, that somehow by covering ourselves with material and having features, our personality and self are defined, rather than in our actual personality, when really all that these two things are is simply meaningless. There are a range of acceptable clothes based on age and race and gender and other things, so that so long as you wear something that is correct, then you are correct, rather than meaning anything more.

It is a part of humanity that we apply things to the simplest process and keep them, that it is much easier to hold impressions about people from their image first and then to create the correct version of the person by actually communicating to them, seeing them behave and other things. Though it may seem to be something that is easier to live with, and so will mean that you will stay away from those that seem intimidating and be able to use how people seem to your advantage.

Really though it is a secondary layer of impression and one that blocks the primary ideals, that if someone sees you and thinks of you as vulnerable for example, they will not be able to shake the initial impression, or act a little as if it is not true. The essence of who the person is will not be able to come through in how they are viewed, as each of the impressions is too general to ever have any real meaning toward one person. They are complicated when everything that you do is put together.

It is not possible to be able to look at someone, take every cultural idea about how they look and find an opinion that makes sense, that is to say those summaries everything about a person without any contradiction or falsity. As far as my experience goes, the impressions of image usually combine into something odd or full of small non-connected ideas, so that it falls to the viewer to make their own impressions.

You will have a person and a basis of thought from your own experience, so that if you thought that having a particular style mean that you were homosexual, you would keep thinking that, as there is nowhere to go to gain a real meaning of what image shows. Therefore if someone else looked at the same person there would not be the option to be able to see two people as that makes no sense in rationality, but two people viewing the same person are likely to have different impressions, both of which probably differ from the actual person anyway.

 To have created an engine of thought that then needs to be overcome to see the real person is more complex and more likely to fail than other ideas of people, that you should not hold an impression of them until you have talked with them for a reasonable time. That is the way that I think human interaction should behave, but there are deeper reasons that is not the case.


Communication and openness is ending, and in a basic sense, as it will be argued further later on, man is moving further and further away from other men, we do not talk or behave as openly as we once did, because there are things that we can do which are easier than talking. It is also the mark of a world that is more taken for granted, that we do not need to talk to people or be kind, we have our own things to be getting on with.

Thus when we talk less but we need to be aware of people, for many we will never talk of others unless we need to have some way to be better than others, to be placed somewhere near to where out ego tried to place us and so the complexity exists. It gets rid of the need to talk to people to be able to pass judgement on them, and we can talk of new things about people we do not know, but in such a way as it can be supported.

This is the reason that there is still so much divide in the world, and so many believes that are negative toward huge groups in general, that is to say racism and sexism are here because of a lack in closeness for people anymore. At the beginning as with the hats there was an impression of how people should be because of a single factor, not caring for anything else that person had.

Now of course there is still not the place to be rid of such thinking, that we can still think of people as holding some part of the ignorant thought we had of them without really needing to argue for it very much.

Though it may now be seen as wrong, there are any people that still hold both methods of thinking, because again there is nothing of sense in the impressions, there is nothing people can do to force beliefs to change.

These impressions exist in part of the behaviour of different people that if you are a woman, you know of these negatives thought that people will have, so that in the normal method of conforming, you will be at least a part of that generalisation.

Women physically on average are weaker than the average man, and so there is an idea and acceptance that they are the weaker people, even if there is a very strong woman she will be viewed in a way as frail even though physically that is not the case. This is a single example, but these ideas are things that will stay around because the basic views of people are a part of their identity.

It is that by having someone that is separate and different from key characteristics, you are giving that person part of an identity, that to be a gender or a race means that these ideas are superimposed because of your image, and because of their wide acceptance, do not go away.

This is that they are not ideas of clothes or hair that can be thrown away, but a part of you in everything that happens, and so an attitude will not fade because the cause of their existence does not, and is such a strong part of that person, that it would not be possible for you to look upon another significantly different human and see someone that was in some way different.

It is an extension of people wishing to be unique, an extension that each of us is someone who though restricted in what they seem to be by the characteristics we have created, they are also somehow themselves, something that is dependant of the rules, with some ideology that there is only person like them.

That really is just the acceptance of ego and in some ways a machination that tries to make people believe that they are great and unpredictable so that you can be appreciated as more than just an exclusive thing, but the only one.

It is utter ridiculousness though, but something that in my view is there to force a larger gap between the person and the rest of the world, that you are something that has their own view, and so someone who cannot coherently communicate with others absolutely, someone that will not be able to be everything they wish because they are different to the minds that are listening.

This gap is reduced in the engineering of ideas of identity being portrayed through image, so that by looking and acting a specific way, you are communicating yourself to the rest of the world.

It is something that does not just determine how you look; it also shows how you should act as an umbrella of symbols. If you are a man in a suit for example, you are someone that has come from success and should be a masculine person. You will be serious in the suit; you will be related to working and to money.

Each of the things that you display are symbols of a greater net of personality, and so further controls on who you are, lest there be ridicule from the act of not being the expectation. If there is someone that looks a specific way they have to do something that force they in another direction or they will be met with a distance because the normal structures of being are not followed in their existence.

It grows though, it is not just something that is based on how you look, it is how you behave and act. They are the same rules that force impressions of your identity. Though this seems to be much the same as how you look, it is a lower awareness of what you do, you may hunch or sneer without realising that those actions are being completed.

It will reveal more about you than the purposeful way that you force clothes upon yourselves; it does not have the same crafting to divide yourselves from the real world. If you are happy with something then you will react as such, so that though you are restricted by the culture you are a part of, it is a much more honest behaviour.

There is nothing within this sort of behaviour that is free or obvious in definition, it is simple reaction and conditioning that makes you react in such a way. If I had never witnessed another person laugh or cry, I would have no idea of the reaction, but I would wince and have the same voice.

Though in the real world, there is a difference between these behaviours, which you can have something that you cannot help, such as your height or the colour of your eyes, but these things when combined with those that you can are still reacted to the same. Everything that you do is thought of as if it is something that you can help, that each part is something that makes you.

This difference in behaviour is never thought of, and so each little thing that you do, your body language and nervous actions are things that are all taken into the idea of you, even if you could not think of how you behaved, people take it as being you.

Everything that can be seen or heard or experienced in any way collects together to make what people see of you, and though it is not the content of your character that matters at the beginning, that is the driving force behind it. In the easy living attitude of life, we look to the simple things, to be able to judge and create structures about a person from the beginning.

The divide between each person’s individuality and the rest of the world is the thing that will lead to this murkiness because every person is not able to push out their own views cleanly into the rest of the world, because of every person seeing their own view, and so encroaching their own perspective onto what the other person says.


Each part of image and those that are obsessed with image, are those that are distracted from the wider issues, you are not likely to be able to think of the things that really matter, and so there is much that can be sacrificed to keep you there that for the person purchasing the item will not care about.

It is an entire existence that can keep a person’s focus, so that they live within the creations of the fashion world, endlessly investing as much money as they can into the best items of fashion.

These are the small minded people, the flat and the unintelligent; those that care more for their body than their mind, so that by being at the top level of looks, you are showing that you are a shallow and unfulfilled person if such an act gives you pleasure.

It is something that you cannot stop but have, as research has found, we are unable to not see colours as meaning something, as having innate effects because of the way that our entire world has been created, red is passion or danger, blue is calm. These things combine together to make the complex paths that we see in every part of what people do and how they look, that these associations are more than just the stupidity of the small mind, but a manifestation to make it possible to understand the world without having to engage too much thought into it unless you need to.

You know from looking at things what they are, what dangers or positives they may contain, due to the experience you have had that has never been doubted there is never any reason to get rid of the impressions.

It is something of very old thinking, of traditional values, that once when we were much simpler there was not the engine of thought that we had now, we had no way to communicate how we felt or who we were, just our actions could decide us.

Innate to most peoples thinking is acceptance and fate that for some reason part of what we do is not something that we can control, so that when it comes to how we act and look, there is nothing we can do to influence that, and so it becomes a higher ranking part of our essence than it would if we commonly accepted our own power to overcome these rules.

It is the same with the very manifestation of the actual constrictions that we place upon image and behaviour, we do not simply see them as obvious, but as things that are not changeable, and in a way are as true as the laws of the universe.


There is also a difference between the image that others see and your own inner image, in my opinion the epitome of the difference between the inner world and then the outer world exterior to this. In this example it is that you see yourself as someone differently to how others do, but just as with the rest of perception, it has to go to the rest of the world and then to the other person’s perceptions.

This is because you do not see your own image constantly, so that whatever your impression was the last time you saw yourself, it will remain the same not until you look at someone else, but until something happens that changes how you view yourself. You have been in your own world since you were born, and so without really needing to think about it, you have an impression of who you are, the type of person and such.

Nobody will ever be able to know you as much as you do, and of course you have your own bias of how great you are, that is to say that you do not place real impressions on yourself, you always will place yourself as great, because of course you are never going to say that you have a negative attribute, unless it is too explicit to deny.

You will not change what you think of yourself, and though there are very obvious parts of your personality that can be understood, you will be too blinded by your own experience to see who you really are. Usually you are able to excuse things that you do that are negative, and so really other people are able to see things that you have that contradict your ego of your greatness.

You of course will never be able to pick up on subtle parts of your behaviour, you will not be able to see that you are defensive or that you are talking in too much of an extended way, because whatever you do and however you behave, you will not be able to see the confusion that others might.

Of course there is no neutral view of who you are, as I have said, the impression of you goes out into the world, and then every person puts their own impression on who you are, there will not be one person that will see you in a neutral way, they will always put their own impression of you and as such your actual image cannot be defined by something quantitative, because of your own ideas of the other person being bad or great.

Image is now something that can be changed, and though it should be embraced as something that is you, and should just as much as other behaviour you cannot help, but there is now a culture that makes it acceptable to be able to change how you look so that you are more in the higher levels of what is appreciated to be normal.

This is partly because of so much being applied to how you look, that as I have said we apply ideas of image as being a show of so much more. There is acceptance of what you can do, so much that people change about how they look to make sure they are normal. This is to be muscular and to be tanned, to be slim and open, but more than that to be utterly searching of fun when you are free.

This is to rebel and to be a new thing, which you should not be the same as those before you because that is something that is going to happen later. I can say with certainty, as I have seen it that people follow a path of image, so that they go from the beginning of being de-sexualised, they go to be fully sexual and then mute when other attributes of their life have been fulfilled.

To be able to change such things as how you look, not just the size of your muscles or the wildness of your clothes, this is to lessen the idea of being a person that appreciates themselves, that is able to say that yes this is how I look, but I do not wish to be this way anymore.

This is another and even stronger, more disgusting side of our life, that many people will place image before personality, and in doing so think they need to change how they look before they change how they behave. People are rarely going to change how they behave without any realising it, life will evolve to make them different people, but things that they do wrong they will accept.

Rather than being able to think that how you look is the way you look and that if anyone wishes to be at all close to you then they should go more into who you are rather than how you look. There is nothing in my mind that can be discovered in how you look, it is the engineering of the people that have still not evolved their minds and so depend on the easy thinking that can be seen in looking good, because if they were not able to show their image then they would be shown as the small people that they really are.


Image and clothing is a way of thinking that will always exist, because there is no way to avoid such thinking, in fact through the pull of pro-creation, we are always going to be aware of other people’s image, be it for competition, mating, or simple recognition.

Humans also apply a method of order to everything that they see, so that in the beginning we were able to see the paths that the enemy was taking or the changes in someone’s face before they acted. It is a way of being able to realise things before they are announced or changed, so that though what you may be seeing is sometimes wrong, by seeing something you have a greater likelihood of finding something than if such thought did not exist.

We have created clothing so that nakedness becomes more exclusive and we are further away from nature, and in that there will always be order for as long as our minds function as they do and really as they should.

© 2013 vnorris

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Added on November 7, 2013
Last Updated on November 7, 2013



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Really I am an analyst, someone that will look to the world with an unending curiosity pursuing the truths and powers within their ideas, finding the hope and evolutions that will come about from impr.. more..

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