Ghost: The Story of a Killer

Ghost: The Story of a Killer

A Story by Raver Ozzy

Ghost: The Story of a Killer

            They say dead men tell no tales but, they never met me. I am Hell’s story teller and today I’m here to tell you of the most infamous killer the world has never seen. His name is Ted Bear, he was an average man in life nothing special about him. It wasn’t until his mid-30s that he had a calling in life, but it wasn’t one anybody expected. See Ted worked all his life but never got anywhere, he was stuck and tired. His wife, Maria, knew he was fed up and hated seeing him so down, so she told her teddy bear to go find something he loved to do and leave his job.

            So Ted went off to find something he would enjoy, he was gone from home every day searching. His wife was there every night to welcome him home, until one night when Ted came home to an empty house. Everything was gone, the only thing in the house was a note left to Ted saying “The sisters have a different plan for you Ted. There’s no time for happiness. Signed TAOD.” Ted was freaking out, he called the cops and when they got there they found nothing to go on. Ted was told to wait outside while the forensics team looked for clues.

            While outside Ted saw a strange hooded man staring at him sadistically. Ted chased this man down hoping it would lead to his wife. Ted chased him all the way to an old abandoned hotel, when he got inside the hooded man had disappeared and Ted saw Maria, hanging dead from the chandelier with her guts sprawled all over the ground and her blood splattered on the walls. Ted dropped to his knees crying, when the cops walked in some of the puked at the gruesome scene. One cop went to ask Ted why he came here when blood dripped onto his head from the ceiling, when he looked up he saw a message, “What’s Wrong Ted?” written in Maria’s blood.

            The cops got Ted outside and questioned him, when Ted tried to tell them about the hooded man they said there was no one outside the house Ted just took off after nothing. Ted then told them about the note and when he pulled it out of his pocket the cops looked at it and saw it was blank. They told Ted that the only forensics in the house was his and Maria’s. Ted was baffled and trying to explain how he would never do this to the woman he loved but, the cops weren’t hearing it and arrested him. When the court date his lawyer plead not guilty by reason of mental defect, against Ted’s wishes and the judge ruled that Ted would serve 10 years in an insane asylum with no chance of early release.

            For five years Ted was in the asylum haunted by images of his wife. He refused to take medicine and never slept. An image of his wife taunted him every day, “What’s wrong my little psycho teddy don’t like seeing his wife anymore. Then why the hell didn’t you stay with me. Why’d you have to run off and leave me to die at the hands of that man?” Ted had finally reached his limit, he snuck a plastic knife to his room after dinner and started cutting at his wrist wanting to end it all. But as he broke the skin the lights flickered and the hooded man appeared in his room and said, “Well what are you waiting for join your dead b***h already.” Ted looked up and in a flash lunged at him with the knife, but he just went through the hooded man.

            The man laughed and took off his hood, revealing a skull, and said “You damn fool do you really think you can kill The Angel Of Death like that?” The man still pissed kept slashing at the man and the blade kept going through him but not hurting him, “You ruined my life you b*****d!” The man sat on the bed and said, “I was only doing my job, now if you want to be mad do so. But you need to shut p and get on with this so you can get on with your new life and get out of this nut house. Also so I can get back to my job and stop torturing you with images of your dead b***h.” Ted sat down tired next to the man and asked “What the hell are you talking about? What new life and why would you show me those horrible images of my dead wife?” “Ahh so we’re finally getting somewhere Ted,” the man said, “but before we continue let me introduce myself, I am The Angle Of Death but, you can call me Grim. You see ted I was sent here by higher powers to recruit you. As you read in my letter to you The Sisters of Fate have a plan for you. They sent me to detach you from humanity, they needed you to lose all hope so that they could have a soldier to combat all the damned souls that have defied them and are living on borrowed time. Ted, they chose you at random there was no reasoning behind it they just needed some random average Joe.”

            “So,” Ted responded sadly “you tortured me, ripped my happiness away, and drove me into an insane depression just for me to become a serial killer for some mythical sisters?” “More or less,” Grim responded, “but the sisters are not mythical supernatural yes, but we are far from some mythical beasts. You won’t be just some random serial killer though Ted, you will be a ghost, figuratively speaking. See if you agree to this you can kill the people however you want, and as long as they’re on your list the cops won’t hunt you down. You will be an agent of fate and all the deaths will appear as accidents to anyone but you, me, the sisters, and the victim themselves. So what do you say Ted?”

            Ted sat there think of how this could go wrong but, he saw no down side, he could take out his anger on people who deserved it and there would be no consequences. Ted looked at Grim and said “You’ve got a deal on one condition, when I want to I will get revenge on The Sisters for the Hell they put me through and will not stop me.” Grim smiled and looked at the wall wear “Agreed” was burned into the wall. “Looks like the sisters want to see you try Ted.” Grim laughed, “This is going to be fun my boy, so let’s get down to business. If you want out you’ll have to do it yourself though, the warden of this Asylum is the first person on your list and a few of the orderlies too. But that puny plastic knife won’t get you far escaping from here.” Grim opened his robe revealing a wide array of weapons and told Ted to pick whatever he desired.

            Ted looked over the weapons and wound up choosing a sword and a mask. “Ahh good choices my boy, that swords name is Sika while she may seem weak the more she kills the stronger she will become, the only down side of that blade is that once you draw her she will not go back into the sheath until she draws blood whether it be yours or your enemy’s, she doesn’t care either way.  And that mask you chose is the Mask of the Wither, while you wear it, the mask will drain the life of anyone near you and increase your strength, endurance, and your pain threshold. But be careful boy all wounds you receive while wearing this damned mask will leave you near death after you take it off. Now I will give you more weapons in the future if you so desire but it will cost you. So before you go I will give you your new clothes and a location of your new place, see the clothes will make it so that no one except those on the list will be able to see you.”

            Grim snapped his bony fingers and Ted was in a Black hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. “I will see you at the house when your done here Ted, and don’t forget they die or your stuck here forever, because your soul is off the table for reaping now.” Grim vanished and Ted was left in the room alone with the door cracked. Ted looked around, no longer haunted by the twisted images of his wife he smiled and put on his mask to get to work. He felt the power from the mask surging through his body and kicked open his door, two orderlies saw him and charged at him. “They must be on the list.” Ted thought as he drew Sika from her sheath and whispered “It’s time to get to work my dear.”

As the orderlies got close Ted side stepped the first one and drove his blade deep into the second one’s chest. The blood poured down the blade and onto the floor. Ted then ripped the blade out slicing the left side of his ribcage in half. The orderly fell to the ground and ted turned his attention to the other orderly who was cowering on the floor inside of Ted’s room. Ted walked in and closed the door, “What’s wrong Lawrence don’t like it when you’re the one penetrated?” Ted taunted as his stabbed the orderly in the leg. The orderly started to scream in pain but ted shoved part of the blanket from the bed in his mouth to gag him. “Come on Lawrence you were all down for penetration when it came to you and Sarah, and she screamed far less than you did. Be a man Lawrence you want to rape someone who isn’t right in the head you might as well feel her pain.” Ted stabbed him again twisting the blade as it went in. Ten minutes passed and Ted finally came out of the room a bloody mess and looked at his list to see just who was on it and saw the names of the two orderlies get burned off of it. Ted then started to roam the halls looking for the warden and the rest of the orderlies on his list.

            One by one Ted brutally murdered all of the orderlies on his list before making it to the Warden’s office and he kicked the door down. The warden was drunk laying back in his chair eyes closed. As ted walked closer the warden pulled out a gun and shot him in the leg. Ted fell to a knee and a naked girl came out from under the desk and ran out of the room. The warden got up and zipped his pants “well look at this one of the psychos escaped his cage and looks like he killed someone.” The warden kicked Ted in the face “And you made that s**t run out of here before I could finish with her. You are going to pay you little b***h.” The warden went to kick Ted again but Ted raised his sword and cut his leg. “You are a sorry son of a b***h warden,” Ted said as he stood up, “I’ve already killed all of those b*****d orderlies of yours and now it’s your turn to die.”

The warden shot Ted in the head but the bullet just bounced off of the mask. Ted charged him and cut off the warden’s hand and kicked the gun away. The warden dropped to his knees and started screaming in pain and begging for his life. “It’s too late for you to ask for mercy you b*****d. Day after day you force these girls to f**k you and your orderlies raped them. You are a sorry excuse for a man and you will pay for it.” Ted cut off the warden’s other hand, then slowly started carving up the pig. Finally Ted chopped off his head and his list for the asylum was complete. Before leaving, Ted decide to let all of the patients of the asylum out, and once they were out of the building Ted burnt it down.

            Ted walked to the address Grim gave him, looking at the people he noticed that he truly was invisible because no one was freaking out about him being covered in blood. Ted arrived at a loft and knocked on the door. When it opened Ted walked in to see Grim sitting on a coffee table sharpening his scythe. “Welcome to your new home Ted,” Grim said, “we’ve stocked the place with clothes and other things we think you would like. So how’d the killing go?” Ted looked at him like he was stupid “I got the job done if that’s what you are asking. So when do I know who else I’ll have to kill?” Grim laughed “I know you got the job done my boy, the blood still smells fresh. What I was asking was, how did you like it? Because this is your new life Ted it’s not some job, you’ll have to get use to the fact that you are a murderer now and forever.” Ted grabbed a paper towel and wiped his face, “I get that you b*****d, and yes it felt good to let some anger out on those b******s. I was asking because I want to know how long I will have to settle into this place.”

“Well Ted,” Grim said as he stood up, “that list of yours will update constantly with the names of who you need to kill. You don’t need to constantly murder and you can do it at your own pace. All we care about is that you get the job done. The most urgent people will show up at the top of the list and if you were wondering how you will know where they are or what they look like well the sisters thought of that. When you are ready to go out for a kill look at the list and focus on a name, you will get a vision of where they are at that current moment, what they look like, and what they are doing.” “Well that seems simple enough,” Ted said as he started to look around the place, “So I get the job done, you stay out of my hair, and when I need you I’ll call.”

Grim headed to the door, “You’ve pretty much got it. There will however be times where it will be me needing a favor but, don’t worry I’ll make it worth your wild. So I’ll be off to reap those damned souls you left in that burning building, good bye Ted.” Ted took off his mask and said “Ted is dead Grim, for now on call me what I am, Ghost. The name Ted means nothing but heartache to me now.” Grim smiled “Farewell for now Ghost.” Grim left and Ghost went to the bathroom to shower and change clothes. When Ghost got out of the shower he grabbed a pair of pants and walked to the couch where he saw a girl naked and covered in blood, laying there watching TV. Ghost walked over to grab his sword but it was missing.

“You know,” the girl said as she stood up and looked at Ghost, “most guys would be happy finding a naked girl laying in the middle of their house and not try and kill them.” Grim grabbed a knife off of the counter “Who the hell are you and what the f**k did you do with my sword?” The girl sighed and walked up to him, “Grim told me you were a little slow but I didn’t think you’d be this dumb.” “What the hell are you talking about?” Ghost asked as he sliced at her. The girl just caught the blade and snapped it “You really are going to kill your powerful blade with a damn steak knife? You dumbass I am Sika your blade, to think I’m supposed to call your a*s ‘Master’.” Sika slapped him then walked back to the couch. “You mean to tell me that you are a girl who turns into a sword?” Ghost asked as he walked over to her. Sika rolled her eyes, “You have your fate I have mine. The sisters gave me a choice, spend eternity serving their family as a sex slave or spend my life serving swordsmen as an all-powerful sword whose strength dies as she’s passed along from master to master. And while I do love sex, one I’m not a lesbian and too I’d much rather get the chance to penetrate some of the b******s in this world. So if you get your damn head out of your a*s we can make a good couple Master.”

“I’m sorry I tried to kill you Sika” Ghost said. “How was I supposed to know that you could change into a girl? It’s not like it’s a normal thing that happens. And why the hell are you naked and covered in blood?” Ghost asked wiping her face with a rag. “Well you could have asked Grim more about me. He is the one who came up with the curse to change me back and forth. And as for the reason I’m covered in blood is because some A*****E didn’t clean me off before sheathing me and decided that he rather clean himself and leave me a mess.” Ghost nervously replied “I was going to clean you off when I got out of the shower. I was going to leave you that way forever, and you still haven’t explained why you’re naked.” Sika got up and walked towards the shower “Sure you were, and I’m naked because you were hogging the shower and I wasn’t going to put on clothes while I was soaked in some disgusting men’s blood. Who know what they caught f*****g all those mental chicks in that asylum. Now if you excuse me I’m going to get a shower we can talk more when I’m out.”

Ghost got up and started cleaning the blood off the couch, and when he was done got himself a beer out of the fridge, then sat down and started watching TV. Sika came out of the bathroom a few minutes later wearing a black and purple cocktail dress. She walked over to the fridge grabbed a beer and plopped down onto Ghost’s lap. “So what are we watching Master?” Sika asked as she opened her beer. “I don’t know some s****y show about drugs or something.” Ghost replied “Why are you sitting on my lap when there’s a whole damn couch?” Sika slapped him, “Don’t you ever question me about s**t like this you idiot. For one I already told you I was a nympho and I haven’t had a good master in centuries. For two I will do whatever the hell I want inside the walls of this house of ours. And for three without your mask on I am more powerful and dominate than you so deal with it.”

Ghost took a sip of his beer, “Fine, so I guess since you are actually human and there is only one bed here you will be taking it?” “No silly we are both adults and if I wanted to sleep alone I would have told Grim to get us a two bedroom place. We will sleep together unless your stupid a*s has a problem sharing a bed with me then you can stay your a*s right here on the couch. And before it surprises you I hate clothes in bed, both yours and mine, and I cuddle so get used to it.” Ghost sat there for a moment thinking then said, “I don’t have a problem with it. So you said you haven’t had a good master in centuries, so exactly how old are you?” Sika pulled Ghost’s hair tilting his head back “Didn’t your mom ever teach you not to ask a girl her age? But if you must know I was born in the 10th century daughter of a blacksmith, I was nearly killed by a king when Grim swooped me away to the sisters. I was giving my choice and have lived throughout the years serving different masters sometimes becoming powerful than beyond imagine, others my master was killed before I could gain any strength, and sometimes I was just sold when they got me. So yes I have had my ups and downs as a sword and as a human, but I have moved, I have evolved with time, and I am ready to murder all of the b******s on your list.”

Ghost picked up Sika and threw her on the bed “Well we’ve got work to do tomorrow so I’m going to bed, so either get ready or go do something.” Sika started taking off her dress “I’m going to go to bed now but if it was up to me then why the hell did you throw me on the bed?” Ghost took off his pants and laid down “Because your a*s was sitting on me and I didn’t feel like asking you to move and I’m pretty sure you would have kicked my a*s if I would have pushed you onto the floor.” Sika cuddle up to Ghost “Well that was smart of you, goodnight Ghost tomorrow we slay.” Ghost closed his eyes “Goodnight Sika.”

The next morning Ghost woke up to find Sika still naked in the kitchen cooking, Ghost got up and went to the fridge to grab a beer. Sika threw a knife behind her shattering the bottle before Ghost could open it. Ghost got pissed “What the hell? Why the f**k did you break my beer?” Sika put the food down on the table and made Ghost sit down, “Because I don’t like anyone using me while they’re drunk, plus if you started drinking before breakfast you wouldn’t be able to tell me how good it is.” Ghost groaned “Fine let’s eat but if you ever break my beer again I will swing you repeatedly into a brick wall until you are so dull that you can’t even cut through warm butter.”

Sika giggled as they ate breakfast, when they were done Ghost cleared the table. Sika got up and stretched “So are you ready to go?” Ghost grabbed her sheath “Yeah breakfast was good. Now I don’t know how you do this but I guess it’s time for you to transform and sheath yourself.” Sika grabbed the sheath and threw it up, “Don’t forget to clean me this time.” She then jumped up and burst into a ball of flames, when the fire settled she was a sword again and in the sheath. Ghost caught her and grabbed his mask, “Time to go destroy some lives Sika.” Ghost walked out the door and looked at the list to see where his target is.

On the list for today was a few drugies, some dealers, and a surprise to Ghost; Ted’s former boss. See while Ghost held no grudges for anyone in his past life he still relished at the chance to kill the man who put Ted through hell. So ghost decided to save him for last, he hunted down the drugies and they were easy to kill. He could easily slit their throats, chop them apart, or just shove Sika down their throat and make them choke on her. Ghost made sure to clean Sika after every kill this time, then he made his way to find the dealers. The dealers were a little tougher to kill, some of them shot Ghost while others ran away but, Ghost would catch them. When a dealer shot Ghost in the face Ghost made sure to string his entrails all over the hole the dealer was working out of. Ghost decided that he would take himself a prize after killing the dealers, so he took their stashes to make it look like a drug deal gone terribly.

Ghost hid the drugs then made his way to his former place of business. The place hadn’t changed much since he’s been gone, still the same colors, still drones just working away, and in his office his former boss, Mr. McCoy, sleeping at his desk not doing s**t. Ghost knew the perfect way to do this so he walked over and locked him in his office then pulled the fire alarm. Everyone started run out of the building, and Mr. McCoy tried to run but couldn’t open the door. He started freaking out hitting the door with a chair until finally the door slowly opened. The building was empty, the alarm was shut off and the only person he saw was Ghost standing in the middle of the room Sika in hand. “Who are you and what’s going on here?” McCoy asked as he put the chair down.

“Get the sword from behind your desk and come on McCoy your time has come. I’ll give you a fair chance, but the chances are low that you will survive. I’ll even give you an advantage.” Ghost said as he removed his mask. McCoy grabbed his sword “What the hell is the meaning of this Ted? Why the f**k do you have a sword? Why are you trying to kill me and how the hell did you escape that asylum?” The two started fighting like two master swordsmen, McCoy in his youth was a champion swordsman in Japan and England while Sika was using all of her experience to help out Ghost. McCoy finally struck down Ghost and put his sword to his throat “So Ted I don’t know why you decided to attack me but looks like I win this fight.” McCoy drew his sword back and as soon as he did Ghost drove Sika through McCoy’s gut and up into his heart. “You talk too much you b*****d, you had me dead and you chose to withdraw.” Ghost stood up and drew Sika out of McCoy’s gut, he cleaned her off and left the building.

Their list was done for the day so Ghost headed home, when they got there he laid Sika on the couch and went to change his clothes. Sika changed back into her human form, put a beer on the table for Ghost then went to the kitchen to cook. Ghost came back and started drinking, seeing if Sika needed any help. She said no and finished cooking, and while he wasn’t looking she slipped something extra into Ghost’s food. The two of them ate and stayed up drinking for a little while. Ghost got extremely tired quickly and went to bed early, Sika soon followed. You see Sika had her needs, yes she would serve her master, but she needed her release. So from that day forward Sika started drugging and having her way with Ghost every night and when he woke up he was none the wiser.

Their lives continued like this for 5 years, their friendship grow stronger over the years, and Grim had giving them a lot for helping him out over the years. Ghost now had an arsenal at his disposal but he always went back to Sika as his weapon of choice. Sika over the years has become so powerful that she can slice through any metal like butter. But, after all these years Ghost decided that it was finally time to go meet the sisters. That day Ghost called Grim to meet him and Sika in their house, when Grim showed up Ghost greeted him fully geared up.

“So the day has finally come huh, my boy?” Grim said as he looked at Ghost. “I told you it would Grim, now if you’re ready I’ll call Sika over so we can go.” Ghost said as he grabbed her sheath. Grim pulled out his scythe, “I’m ready to open the portal. When you enter it the two of you will arrive in front of the sisters. Just remember they control fate for a reason my boy.” Ghost nodded “Come on Sika we’ve got to go.” Sika came running in naked “Ok, ok I’m here. Now throw my sheath up its cold out here.” Ghost threw up the sheath “Well maybe if you were some clothes once and a while you wouldn’t be so damn cold all the time.” Grim laughed and Sika stuck her tongue out and transformed.

Ghost caught her and Grim stabbed the air with his scythe and tore down opening a portal “Well here you go. I’ll be waiting to see the outcome of this confrontation.” Ghost waved as he stepped through the portal and on the other side he saw the sisters sitting in their chairs waiting for them. One of them spoke when they saw him “Welcome Ghost to our home. As you know we are the sisters of fate, I am Clotho, to my left is Lachesis, and to my right is Atropos. Now we already know the many of the outcomes to this encounter Ghost. So what fate have you chosen for yourself today?” Ghost pulled up a chair “My fate is what I decided to day, which means I want answers from y’all. Like why did Maria have to die? Why did Grim have to drive me insane? And why shouldn’t I tear you three apart piece by piece for the hell that you put me through?”

Lachesis drew her sword and responded “We are immortal Ghost, just like you. So if ripping us to shreds is your wish then draw Sika and see if you can best those who know the future.” Atropos lowered her sister’s sword “Patience sister he will chose that fate if he wants to in a moment. But as to why Grim drove you insane, we needed you to lose all ties to humanity that you had. So making you lose your mind was the easiest and quickest way.” Clotho then stood and walked over to a door “And as to why we had to kill Marina we will let her explain that.” Clotho opened the door and Marina walked in “Long time no see Ted.” Ghost walked over and hugged her then asked “What the hell is going on here?” Marina walked over to the sisters and said “They told me about their plans for you and while I didn’t like the fact that I would die, you would be happy and that’s all I ever wanted. So I agreed to it and Grim killed me. But not in the brutal way it looked like, it was a peaceful painless death.”

Ghost drew out Sika “Well that answers my questions, now draw your blades sisters. I don’t want y’all dead if that’s what you wanted, but I do want my revenge. You put me through hell when you could have just asked me to become what I am.” Clotho nodded and took Maria’s hand “Then I guess it’s time for Maria to face her fate.” Maria transformed into a sword and the other two sisters readied their weapons. Ghost was pissed to see them using Maria against him again and attacked Lachesis. She tried to block it but Sika shattered her blade, Ghost the chopped off her head and pierced her skull with Sika. Ghost was then shot in the back with an arrow, Atropos was a long ranged fighter so Ghost had to find a way to get close. She kept shooting arrows from all directions around Ghost and he tried to block them but they were coming too fast and too many at a time. Ghost backed up into a wall thinking he would only have to worry about arrows from the front now. Atropos fired five shots, two arrows came from the front one aimed for the head and one for the heart, Ghost blocked them. The next two shots came for each of Ghost’s arms, again he deflected the arrows. Ghost looked around for the fifth arrow but couldn’t see it, he then felt a sharp pain piercing his back, he stepped away to see an arrow sticking out of his back.

Atropos laughed “You think backing up against a wall will stop my arrows of fate from piercing their targets. They will break the laws of physics and reality to kill what I want them to.” While Atropos was laughing Ghost used it as a chance to get close, he closed some of the distance but kept getting hit by arrows. Ghost used all his strength to throw Sika who broke Atropos’s bow, Atropos started to panic. Ghost ran up and jumped up to the ledge she was on, Ghost grabbed Sika out of the wall and sliced Atropos in half. Ghost jumped down and pulled the arrows out of him, Clotho walked over to him with Maria in hand.

Clotho cut Ghost’s cheek and said “So you were skilled enough to defeat the hothead and the coward, but let’s see how you fair against someone of equal skill to you and your blade.” Ghost clashed blades with her “You are nowhere near my skill level dear, you see you have your plans and that sword of yours wouldn’t kill me. Besides you have your limits I however do not.” The two started fighting blocking each other’s shots neither of them getting a good hit on the other. There was a few scratches and cuts but the two truly were equals. Clotho decided it was time to use her secrete technique so as Ghost came in to attack he hit her blade but her blade disappeared and came back cutting his arm deep. Ghost backed away holding his arm “What the hell was that?” “Oh dear you didn’t think this would be easy did you?” Clotho taunted as she prepared to attack, “The only way you will come out on this encounter is if you destroy this girl who meant so much to you over the years.” Clotho attacked and Ghost went to block but again her blade disappeared and reappeared cutting Ghost in a random place.

Ghost tried to retreat to come up with a plan but everywhere he ran Maria would appear cutting him deep. Sika yelled out “Ghost you have to trust me, don’t hold back you have to use me and destroy that blade. Use me like you would against any other opponent don’t go easy on this b***h just because she is using your dead wife against you.” Ghost turned around covered in cuts, drenched in blood, and looked back at Clotho who was smiling insanely. He charged her and swung his sword meaning to destroy anything in his way, and when Clotho brought up Maria to defend herself, Maria shattered. Ghost saw this as his opportunity and stabbed Clotho in the heart. Clotho began coughing up blood and smiled “Congratulations Ted, you have proven that you were the man we needed for this job. You sacrificed Maria to get the job done and now you are ready to take over your true post.”

Everything went black Ghost began looking around and when the lights came back up he saw the sisters sitting in their chairs with Grim and Maria in between them. Sika transformed back into a human and stood there beside Ghost trying to figure out what’s going on. Ghost stepped up “So what the hell is this? Yes I know you said you were all immortal but Grim and Maria why are y’all here?” Maria walked over and hugged him “It’s simple dear I’m cursed to help the sisters which mean I can’t die so easily. I’m like Sika now but instead of having to serve a master I am free to roam as a spirit blade.” Clotho stood up “That’s enough Maria, go on and get to work, you will see Ted again soon enough.” Maria nodded and gave Ghost a kiss on the cheek then walked through a portal and was gone. “So Ghost, you and Sika are free to do whatever the two of you please now. You two have proven that you can handle fate without our guiding hands. Of course, you can keep the list and keep doing the job you were chosen for but that is entirely up to the two of you.

Ghost and Sika looked at each other and nodded, “We will keep killing those who come up on this list. But I want you to give Sika her freedom back, leave her with the ability to change to and from a sword, and the immortality. But she doesn’t need to serve any master, she has proven that she is far strong enough to run her life.” Clotho smiled “You have a deal. Grim will take care of changing the terms of her curse. And as for you Ghost if you ever want to spar again you know where to find us.” Ghost laughed and waved goodbye as he walked through the portal, Sika gave the sisters hugs then ran to catch up with Ghost. Grim looked over to the sisters “Are you sure we should let the three of them be on their own like this? I mean he is strong enough to destroy everything we fight to keep peaceful and with the two of them no one would be able to stop him.” Clotho laughed “Don’t worry grim those two girls will keep him in line. Anyways you can always reap that poor boys soul if he gets to be too big of a problem. Because no matter how invincible he thinks he is, he can’t run from death forever.” Grim nodded in agreement and left through the portal which closed up behind him.

Back at the house after Grim was done adjusting Sika’s curse, Ghost was getting ready to go out. Sika stopped him “Hey Ghost, hold on before you go.” Ghost sat down “What’s up Sika?” Sika sat down next to him “Well, since you are no longer officially my master I figured I’d confess something to you. You see ever since we moved in together I have been drugging you and having my way with you to calm my urges.” Ghost laughed, got up, and kissed her on the head “You idiot, I’ve known you were doing after the first month. You really needed a stronger drug. But any way you can keep doing it if you want I mean you don’t have to move out so there’s no point in stopping unless you want to. Anyways I’ve got to go meet someone so I’ll be back later tonight.” Sika was speechless as Ghost hugged her and left, after he shut the door she finally spoke “That f*****g b*****d.” Ghost went to the site of his old house which was tore down and converted into a park after he was locked up.

Ghost walked up to a tree where a swing was hanging from and sat under it. After a few minutes someone started swinging on the swing and kicked Ghost in the side of the head, he looked up and it was Maria. “Come on teddy bear push me,” she laughed as he got up “you always wanted to build a park here if we ever moved.” Ghost started pushing her “Yeah it’s just too bad that it got done under the circumstance that we were under.” Maria jumped off and hugged Ghost “I know dear but think of it this way, now we are together you, me, and Sika. Cause yes I know what’s been going on, but the three of us can be some weird happy threesome now.” The two of them laughed, “Oh and Grim gave me this to give you Ted, and it’s a note.” Ghost took the letter and read it “I hope there’s no hard feelings between us my boy. As you can see no harm came to Maria and you seem as happy as ever now. And so that you three have enough room I have got you three a bigger place the address is on the back and Sika and your three’s stuff is already there.”

Ghost and Maria went to the new place where they found Sika naked again making dinner. The three of them laughed about it and ate dinner. Now Ghost, Maria, and Sika keep the world in balance as agents of fate. The hidden swords man now with two swords has yet to be defeated in battle and has slain thousands of people to make his two girls the most powerful blades in existence. The sisters were happy with the choices that were made and kept an eye on the three to see if Grim would ever need to reap. And as for Grim, his life was so simple now he only had to reap the souls of the damned that Ghost would slay and in his free time either hanging out with Ghost and the girls, the sisters, or gambling with the mortals.

The End.

© 2015 Raver Ozzy

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The first line is brilliant. The rest not so much. But the first line has a lot of potential.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 31, 2015
Last Updated on August 31, 2015


Raver Ozzy
Raver Ozzy

Elizabeth City, NC

Fuuuuck more..
