![]() Music LoversA Story by Raver Ozzy![]() Written cause one friend wanted a love story![]() Music
Lovers Andy
loved music, it was his life and he listened to it all the time. This turned
into a problem though, people didn't get why he never talked. He was quite so
people assumed they could target him and nothing would happen. So every day
Andy was bullied, attacked, and made a fool. But Andy didn't care he shrugged
it off and blared his music cutting out the world. One day someone started
yelling at Andy, he said “You’re a worthless piece of trash. You mother should
have had an abortion when she saw the piece of s**t that would become you in
her. You should just f*****g kill yourself.” He kept going on and on, insulting
and messing with Andy, so Andy took out his iPod to turn up the music and tune
him out. But, as soon as Andy got it out the guy took it and said, “The f**k is
this s**t, has your stupid a*s been ignoring me?” then he threw the iPod to the
ground and stomped on it breaking it. Andy snapped as soon as the iPod broke
and tackled the guy to the ground and started punching him in the face with all
his strength. Andy broke the dudes nose and kept swinging it took three guys to
pull Andy off. The other guy was unconscious and a bloody mess. Andy shook off
the guys holding him back and walked away. Andy
felt lost now, without his music he was stuck listening to all the things going
on around him. He heard people talking about him, what he just did among other
things. He kept walking until he heard something that caught his attention. It
was the sound of a guitar playing a song he knew so he looked for who was
playing it. As he got closer he figured out the song and started singing the
lyrics to himself. He finally came to a café where a girl was on stage playing
the song. When he saw her he forgot all about his iPod and the people and
walked in to listen to her. He sat at a table off to the side and listened as
she shredded away on the guitar. He looked around as she played and noticed
that some people weren’t even listening to her play they just shrugged it off
like it was nothing. Andy was irritated by it but just stayed calmed and
enjoyed her playing. As
she finished her set everyone clapped for her and started to leave. Andy walked
up to the stage as she was packing up. “Hey there,” he said, “you were really
amazing.” She said “Thanks I’m glad someone enjoyed it most people were on
their phones or just ignoring the music.” She wasn’t looking at him while she
continued to pack up and as she went to grab her amp Andy was sitting on it.
She looked at him and said “Could you get your a*s off my amp? I’m trying to
go.” Andy laughed and said “Sure, I’ll get off of it. If, you let me carry it
for you and we go do something.” She looked at him weird, “So some random
stranger wants to follow me home and then make me go out with him? Yeah that
isn’t weird at all.” Andy brushed his hair back, stood up, and said “Hi my name
is Andy and I would love to take you out on a date, if you’d do me the honor.”
She smiled, “Nice to meet you Andy, my name is Lizzy and if you really want to
take me out tell me one thing. Why?” Andy
laughed and sat back down on the amp. “Why the hell are you laughing!?” Lizzy asked
frustrated. Andy stopped laughing and looked up at her, “It’s because you seem
like an amazing girl and I’d like to get to know you. What better way than a
date, plus if you don’t have a good time you can always leave. So what do you
say Lizzy wanna give me a shot?” Lizzy looked at him concerned, she couldn’t
figure out why Andy would ask her out. But she sighed, and said “Yes I’ll go on
this date with you, but I choose where we go okay?” Andy smiled and picked up
the amp, “Well let’s your stuff back to your place and head out then. Lead the
way.” Lizzy smiled and shook her head then headed home, Andy followed her and
they talked some on their way. When
they got to Lizzy’s house Andy took the amp inside and set it in the living
room. But Lizzy quickly rushed him out saying “Wait outside please I wanna
change and don’t want someone who’s still a stranger just waiting in my house.”
Andy laughed, “Alright, alright I’ll get out just hurry up.” Andy stepped
outside and sat on the porch and lit a cigarette to smoke. A couple of minutes
later a guy showed up in a muscle shirt, and walked up the steps to Andy. He
looked at Andy and said “Yo f****t, why don’t you get the hell out of my way so
I can see if this b***h is home.” Andy plucked his cigarette away and looked at
him, “Who the hell are you, and who do you think you’re calling a f****t?” The
guy lifted Andy up by his shirt and said “This is my girl’s place so unless
you’re here to get your a*s beat I suggest you get the f**k out of my way.” Andy
pushed him back and he tripped down the steps, then Andy walked down the steps
and put a knife to the guy’s throat. “Now listen here you f*****g dick,” Andy
said pressing the knife down harder, “I’m going to let leave here and never
come back. Your disrespectful a*s has a choice, you either leave or die.” Andy
got up and stepped back to see what the guy was going to do. The guy got up and
said “If I ever see you again you’re f*****g dead.” Then he walked away as
Lizzy came outside, she looked over to see him leaving then walked down to
Andy. “Umm
did that guy come here?” Lizzy asked pointing at him. “Yeah,” Andy answered,
“he said something about not coming around anymore. Who is he anyways?” Lizzy
looked away and avoided the subject saying “Let’s go eat I can tell you about
him later. Ok?” Andy grabbed her hand and said “lead the way hun.” The two
walked down the street not really saying anything, Andy was humming some music
but Lizzy was quiet. They got to the restaurant and when they got seated Andy
asked Lizzy “So, what’s wrong?” Lizzy looked up at him and shook her head.
“Don’t lie,” Andy said as he grabbed her hands, “you were quiet the whole walk
over here so either something’s wrong or you don’t want to be here, in which
case you didn’t have to come.” Lizzy looked at their hands then up at him,
“It’s not that, it’s just that… this whole thing is weird. Out of nowhere this
sweet weirdo asks me out, and I just say yes without knowing you. I’m just
confused, and I don’t know.” Andy nodded “You’re right this is weird, I didn’t
think I’d meet a beautiful girl this morning, let alone get to go on a date
with her. And I asked you out because you are beautiful, and interesting, and
you seem like an amazing girl. Hell I don’t know you either hun but I’m willing
to take a risk and get to know you.” Lizzy smile and said “Yeah you’re right
but this can’t be more than getting to know each other ok?” Andy nodded and
said “That’s fine, I didn’t think it would go much farther than that right now
anyways.” The two talked all night
during dinner getting to know each other. They learned that they had a lot in
common like taste in music, favorite holiday, shows, and more. After dinner
Andy walked Lizzy home, on the way they walked past an alley where a group of
guys were surrounding a couple of girls. Andy looked over and saw this and told
Lizzy “Go wait a little down the street hun I’m gonna go see what’s going on
here.” Lizzy looked worried but went and waited by a street lamp. Andy picked
up a metal pipe and walked over to the group. The guys started to grope the
girls so Andy yelled out “HEY FUCKHEADS, Why don’t you leave them alone.” A big
guy turned around and told two guys to go take care of him, they walked over to
Andy and one of them pulled a knife. As soon as one got close enough Andy
cracked him in the side of the head with the pipe and knocked him out, the
other guy reacted quick and stabbed Andy in the arm. Andy yelled out “F**K!!”
and hit the other guy with the pipe a few times, and pulled the knife out when he
fell over in pain. Andy tossed the knife and more guys came, they took their
attention away from the girls long enough for them to run away. The guys got
pissed and started beating the s**t out of him. Eventually one of them kicked
Andy in the side of the head knocking him out then told the guys “Let’s get out
of here.” They walked out of the alley dragging the two that got knocked out
with them, Lizzy saw that and rushed into the alley. When she got there she
saw Andy bleeding trying to get up, and helped him stand. “What the f**k
happened?” Lizzy asked wiping the blood from Andy’s mouth. Andy smirked in
pain, “I guess they didn’t like me helping those girls out.” Lizzy asked
“Should we get you to the hospital or something?” Andy wrapped his arm where he
got stabbed with a piece of his shirt and said, “No I’ll be fine, let’s just
get you home hun. Before anything else decides to pop up.” He wiped the blood
away and smiled holding his hand out. Lizzy shook her head and took it saying
“Let’s go dork,” and they walked home. When they got to Lizzy’s house, Andy’s
bleeding had stopped for the most part, and he walked Lizzy to her door. Lizzy
looked at him and said “Thanks for a fun night Andy. I really enjoyed it.” Andy
smiled “It was my pleasure hun. I hope we get to do this again sometime.” Andy
gave her a hug and after hugging him back Lizzy went inside. As Andy walked home he
felt like he was being followed, so he decided to take a detour through a park.
When Andy got there he ran up the slide and looked around, and to his surprise
the guy who came looking for Lizzy earlier was standing there. “So a*****e
what’s your damn name and why the Hell are you now following me.” Andy said as
he slid down the slide and walked over to the guy. He said “My name is DJ and I
told you, you f*****g prick that you were a dead man so let’s settle this
s**t.” Andy spit and said “If you really have that big of a death wish bring it
punk but remember you brought this s**t onto yourself.” DJ took a cheap shot
and rocked Andy in the jaw, Andy stumbled back and got pissed. The two duked it
out for a few minutes fairly going pretty much blow for blow. Then DJ pulled
out a knife and stabbed at Andy, who side stepped it. Andy then grabbed DJ and
bashed his head into the metal part of the slide until he got knocked out. Andy then cut down a
swing and used it to tie DJ to the slide and pinned a note to his chest saying,
“Stalker, aggressive, liar, cheat, pig. Jail him or next time he won’t be so
lucky.” Andy then called the cops off DJ’s phone and left him there for the
police to handle. When he got home Andy cleaned his wounds and went to sleep.
The next few days Andy and Lizzy hung out doing random things together, going
to the movies, and just messing around. One day though when Andy went to pick
up Lizzy she wouldn’t come out. So Andy decided to go in and see what was
wrong, he went around to her bedroom window and knocked. Lizzy got up and
looked out saying “Leave me alone Andy I don’t feel like going anywhere today.”
Andy shook his head and said “Well we could still hang out silly, we can just
stay here and watch movies or something.” Lizzy sighed and opened the window
and laid on her bed, Andy climbed in and closed the window. He sat beside her
and asked “so what’s wrong beautiful?” Lizzy rolled her eyes and said “Stop
calling me that….” Andy looked at her confused “Why would I stop calling you
beautiful, it’s what you are silly.” “Because I don’t f*****g see myself that
way now knock it off!” she snapped and covered her head with a blanket. Andy
stood up and walked over to the other side of the bed, he moved the blanket and
picked Lizzy up. She stared at him as he carried her to the bathroom and put
her down in front of a mirror. “What are you-” Lizzy tried to talk but Andy
hushed her. “Look in the mirror and tell me what you see hun.” Andy said. Lizzy
looked at him weird and said “I just see you and me.” Andy shook his head “Well
yeah silly, but more than that. I see a beautiful girl, someone who deserves to
be happy and smile, not someone who should mope around lying how they look.”
Lizzy looked at him “How do you see that when I can’t? Why do you think I’m
beautiful?” Andy held her hand and brushed her hair out of her face with his
other and said “Because I can see things clearly, my mind thoughts weren’t
manipulated by terrible people and I can see just how beautiful you are. And
it’s not just what you are on the outside silly, you have a beautiful, amazing
soul and personality, everything about you is simply wonderful and you deserve
to feel and see how beautiful you are. Stop believing the lies you were fed and
see that you truly are beautiful hun.” Lizzy blushed and hugged
him “Thanks Andy.” She then walked over and laid in bed Andy followed her and
put in a movie and the two of them watched movies all night. Andy left when
Lizzy fell asleep, he left her a note saying “I had a great night hun, I’ll see
you later. Sleep tight dear.” The next few days Andy and Lizzy talked but
didn’t hang out cause Andy was planning some things and Lizzy was busy. When
they finally did hang out next Lizzy had some bad news. They went to café where
they met and Lizzy told Andy the news. “I’m moving” she said. Andy was confused
and asked “Why?” She got up and hugged him and said “I can’t live here anymore
I’m sorry. I have to go and pack I have to be at the airport by tomorrow so I
have to leave tonight.” Lizzy then left and Andy was too stunned to move or say
anything. And that was it she was gone, Andy tried to move on and he did what
he could. The two kept in touch but it wasn’t the same he was in love but he
wasn’t able to be happy about it. Months passed and Andy
finally had enough, so he decided to chase his dream. He hopped on the next
flight out to her. When he got there he decided to surprise her, he had gotten
where she was living from one of Lizzy’s friends. He got her a bouquet of
lilies and went to her house. Lizzy’s friend let him in and Andy waited in
Lizzy’s room for her to get home. When Lizzy got home her friend told her that
she had a surprise waiting for her in her room. She walked into her room but
didn’t see anything, she walked over to her bed and saw the bouquet laying
there. She picked them up and yelled out “You got me flowers?” Andy snuck out
from behind the door and hugged Lizzy from behind “She didn’t but I did hun,
it’s good to see you.” Lizzy jumped then turned around shocked. “What are you
doing here Andy?” she asked. Andy smiled and said “Get ready we’re going out
and I’ll tell you why I’m here at dinner.” Lizzy got ready and met
Andy outside, they walked to a restaurant and got seated for dinner. “So what
are you doing here Andy?” Lizzy asked as they ate. Andy smiled and said “I’ve
been down in the dumps since you left hun. You’ve been on my mind all the time
and I just couldn’t move on. I fell in love with you and I wasn’t going to give
up on something that I feel can be an amazing thing. Lizzy I want to be with
you for the rest of my life.” Lizzy started blushing and said “so what are you
asking me dork?” Andy chuckled then leaned over the table and kissed Lizzy,
“Give me the chance to make the happiest girl in the world and I promise you
that I won’t let you down.” “You better not” Lizzy said as she kissed him back.
The two dated for a year and a half happily living together and making the most
of it. One night Andy surprised Lizzy once again and proposed to her while she
was at work. She said yes and the two got married on their favorite holiday,
Halloween. For their wedding they
had a black and purple theme, all the guest were in costume, Lizzy was dressed
as the Corpse Bride, Andy was The Mad Hatter, and they were married by Batman.
They lived the rest of their lives happy with each other and Andy kept his
promise, never letting Lizzy down. They had a few kids and amazing stories to
tell when they got old.
The End © 2015 Raver Ozzy |
Added on November 3, 2014 Last Updated on August 25, 2015 Author