Welcome to Hell

Welcome to Hell

A Story by Raver Ozzy

One boy, one fire, and a whole new life.


Welcome To Hell

            It all started five years ago, he lost his family in a fire. It was started by a gang that went to his school. Wolf was always an outsider, always stuck in the back no one wanted to accept him. He had two real friends who stayed by his side though through it all. Kit, the sexy brunette he met his first year of high school. He had always had a crush on her and liked her but they never dated or anything because they feared ruining their friendship. His other best friend was Rocko, the toughest dude around. They met in middle school and could act as each other’s body guards. After the fire, Wolf tried to shut down and shut out the world, people started picking at the fact that he was alone in the world. He was close to snapping one day, one of the gang members who burnt down his house came up to him with a lighter and said, “You should have burned with the rest of them you useless waste of space.” Wolf lunged at him with a knife he carried with him, and knocked him to the ground. Wolf was about to plunge the knife into the b*****d’s throat when kit walked in. she ran over and pulled wolf off of the b*****d and out of the room.

            “You can’t go around doing that Wolfy” Kit said as they walked out to Rocko’s car. They sat in the car so Wolf could calm down when. He put his head in Kit’s lap and started to cry, she petted his head and let him stay until he fell asleep. Rocko came up and saw them in the back seat and opened the door to see what was going on. Kit explained it to him and Rocko suggested they leave and take Wolf back to his place to rest. She nodded and agreed as Rocko drove off. When they got there Kit woke up Wolf, he opened his eyes and asked “where are we kitty?” Rocko answered “we brought you home bro didn’t think you’d want to go back in after what happened.” Wolf got up and got out of the car to stretch his legs, Kit and Rocko got out and walked beside him.

            Wolf hugged Kit and said “thank you for stopping me back there.” “Anytime Wolfy,” Kit said and smiled, “but what made you attack him?” Wolf stopped walking and looked up at the sky. “He’s one of the b******s that killed my family,” wolf said “they burned down my house when they were sleeping. The doors were barred and windows blocked, they were trapped. I went out that night so I’m still alive but, I shouldn’t be.” Wolf looked at his two friends, “I’m going to kill them, and I’m going to make this world pay for what it did to me and my family. The people who abandoned me, who helped those b******s, WHO COULND’T EVEN HELP ME PUT OUT THE DAMN FIRE!” Kit looked at Rocko concerned and said “Wolfy what are you planning?” Wolf smirked “this world is due for a change and we will be at the front of it if y’all are with me.”

            Rocko smiled “I’ll always have you back bro, just tell me how I can help.” Kit concerned still asked “how exactly do you plan to do this?” Wolf looked at them both then off to the distance “I’ll need power, power that I won’t be able to get here. I’ll be leaving for a few weeks to find the one person who can give me what I need.” Kit turned him around and looked him in his eye, which were cold yet burning with rage, and asked “Where are you going? What are you about to do?” Wolf hugged her and whispered “you’ll see me again silly just don’t forget my face.” He then walked over to Rocko and told him “give ‘em hell I’ll be back soon and make sure too watch over Kit” Rocko nodded and Wolf turned and walked off until he was out of sight of the two. Kit and Rocko curious of what Wolf had planned talked to each other about it then went along their business.

            It’s been three weeks since that day and no one had heard from wolf since. Wolf made his way to a place he read about in some old book, a place where demons roamed and Hell was visible. It was called The Crossroad, a meeting of four roads in the middle of nowhere. Wolf looked around to find the demon he read about in the book, a female who would make a deal for anything you want. The one downside is that it comes with a price, and there she was the temptress. Dressed like a s**t, she had on high heels, a short skirt that showed her a*s, and a low cut shirt. The b***h might as well just strip down and wear nothing. She smirked as she saw Wolf and said “come here silly boy and tell Tif what you need.”

            Wolf was cautious of her but walked over to a chair that appeared out of nowhere and sat down as she gestured. Smiling Tif sat in Wolf’s lap and asked “what brings a boy like you to such a damned place like this?” Wolf wanted to punch her off of him as she started to rub on his body but knew he needed her for the power he desired so he let her continue. “I’m looking to make a deal” he said, “I need power. I want to take over this world and punish those who deserve it.” Tif smiled, “such a young boy what makes you think you have what it takes to go through with this.” Wolf got up and slammed Tif’s head onto the concrete and pinned her down. Growling with anger he said “THIS WORLD NEEDS TO PAY SO TELL YOUR BOSS TO GET HIS A*S OUT HERE TO MAKE A DEAL BEFORE I RIP YOUR F*****G THROAT OUT YOU DISGUSTING S**T!” Tif was shocked but before she could make a move Lucifer himself rose from a fiery pit in the middle of the crossroads and Tif disappeared.

            Wolf raised up to face Lucifer but as soon as he looked upon Lucifer’s face he was forced to kneel. Lucifer laughed and said “Pathetic humans always thinking that you can handle my power. You think just because you find this place you are worthy of anything. I must give you some respect though you’re the only one that I’ve ever seen who could put Tif in her damn place.” Lucifer sat down in a chair and Wolf was able to rise to his feet now. “Have a seat” Lucifer said motioning to a chair in front of him. Wolf sat down and went to say something but before he could a cup of tea appeared in both of their hands. “Drink up” Lucifer said, “I know why you’re here Wolf. You want revenge but, are you really willing to give up everything just for this power?” Wolf drank some tea and answered “Yes, I’ve lost my family, I’m never happy, just give me the power and I’ll let you have anything you want.”

            Lucifer nodded as he got out a contract, “What power do you want exactly?” Wolf answered “the power to rule, the power to control fire, and unholy strength.” Lucifer smiled as the things were added to the contract. “The price of this power you want will be as followed: you will not be able to find happiness, you’ll be able to do whatever to this world as long as in the end it will be a wasteland that I can use as a battle field, and finally you will have to wear this mask.” A mask appears in Lucifer’s hand from a ball of fire. “It will be the only way you can control this power and only three people will be able to remove it: me, God, and your true love. Is this understood?” Wolf nodded and signed the contract and took the mask. “Good now this may hurt so put on the mask and it will begin.” Wolf put on the mask and was engulfed in flames. The fires of Hell were infusing into his blood, body, and soul.

            Wolf started screaming out in pain as the fire tainted his soul, Lucifer was laughing through the whole thing. As the fire was finally infused with Wolf he stood up. His eyes were now blood red, the only part of his face that could be seen now. Able to control and generate fire at his whim Wolf was eager to test it out on the gang that burned his house down. As he spoke those nearby could feel the power of it. “Thank Lucifer, I will not fail in making this world pay and rule my kingdom without fail. I do want to test this power though my Lord, would you send that little s**t Tif out here.” Lucifer smirked and snapped his fingers and Tif appeared before them. “What do your desire my Lord” Tif said to Lucifer. “SILENCE!” Wolf demanded. Tif turned to him and in shock of seeing the unholy mask couldn’t speak or move. “ON YOUR KNEES S**T!” Tif obeyed and fearful of what Wolf was going to do looked to Lucifer for saving. “You are unworthy of him and the position you hold.” Wolf walked over to him and his hand lit on fire as he griped her neck. “Say good bye to this s****y a*s body.” A tear ran down Tif’s face as Wolf ripped out her throat and her body burned up. Lucifer smiled and said “She won’t be gone long but I don’t think she’ll be able to get a body as s****y as that one again.” Wolf shook Lucifer’s hand as he walked away to go back to his town to see his two friends. “This will be a fun show,” Lucifer laughed as he went back to his throne in Hell.

            As Wolf was walking back home he looked around, he was tired of hitch hiking where he needs to go. Wolf smiled as he saw a biker bar in the distance and headed that way. When he got there he was looking over the bikes for one he wanted to take. One of the bikers saw him and decided to go in and get the rest of the gang to teach Wolf a lesson. The group came out and the leader spoke “Looky here boys it seems this freak is checking out our bikes.” Wolf cocked his head at the tall bulky leader and stared at him. “My name is Robert and you better back off my gang’s bikes before you regret it.” Wolf’s eyes lit up as he’s been eager for a fight after Tif was such an easy kill. Wolf decided to start the party right and pulled out a bowie knife he found on the side of the road and drove the blade through one of the gangs Harleys into the front tire. Furious at what he just saw Robert sent two of the guys to take down Wolf.

            The two were large guys with muscles bigger than their brains. They charged Wolf and as soon as the first one got close wolf grabbed his arm and flipped him onto one of the other bike breaking it. The other guy got his arms wrapped around Wolf’s neck but, wolf laughed as he kicked back and hit the guy in the nuts. As the big guy’s grip loosened out of pain Wolf turned and punched the guy in the throat. Not satisfied Wolf drove the guy back into the wall and bashed his head into the wall until there was a pool of blood around there feet. As the guy blacked out from the blood loss Wolf dropped him and turned back to the rest of the gang. They were trembling in fear, one guy said “Those were the two biggest guys in the gang besides from Richard how the hell are we supposed to do anything?” Richard snarled and ordered four more guys to go in as he said “We have numbers on our side this freak will not get away with this!”

            The four guys ran in just to meet their fate, Wolf was enjoying the bloodshed as Richard sent them in just to be slaughtered. As Wolf was taking care of the four guys the rest of the gang were talking behind Richard’s back and started to sneak away. Wolf quickly punished two of the bikers as the other two pulled out knives and a broken beer bottle. They lunged at Wolf, he dodged the one with the beer bottle but couldn’t dodge the other as he sliced Wolf’s arm and stabbed him in the side. Wolf got excited when this happened the one knife was stuck in him but that couldn’t even stop Wolf. He grabbed the knife and ripped it out, only to stab the biker with the broken bottle in the back of the neck. Satisfied with that he turned to the other and lunged to grab the knife. As Wolf came closer the biker raised the knife hoping that it would stab the charging maniac. But, Wolf stopped just short of being stabbed in the eye and took the biker’s wrist and forced him to stab himself in the throat.

            Richard was scared but didn’t show it thinking his boys had his back but, as he turned around he saw that he was completely alone. Wolf slid around in front of Robert and stared him in the eyes. Scared Robert backed up and picked up a long, heavy chain “come on freak you think I’ll go down as easy as those b*****s.” Wolf charged at Robert who started spinning the chain. As Wolf got close Robert threw the chain and it wrapped around Wolf’s throat dropping him to the ground. Robert smiled and quickly picked up a knife to lock the chain tightly around Wolf’s throat. Robert thinking he had won taunted Wolf “See you f*****g freak you think your big s**t but look at you now! You destroyed must of my bikes and now I will choke the life out of you!” Wolf laughed and finally decided to speak “My name is wolf and you will fall you F*****G FAT PIECE OF S**T!” Wolf grabbed the chain and ripped it from Robert’s hands, shocked Robert stumbled back. Wolf got up and unwrapped the chain from his neck and wrapped it around Robert’s. “Time to die dick” Wolf said as he snapped Robert’s neck with the chain.

            Wolf smiled as he looked at the carnage he had caused and went in to grab a drink. As he sat down to the bar and ordered his drink a girl approached him. She smiled and sat down beside him. “Hiya” she said “I’m Lee An, what’s your name cutie with the mask.” Wolf looked her over and saw noticed she was wearing a low cut Batman shirt and skinny jeans. “I’m Wolf,” he said staring at her big tits, “you want a drink?” She smiled and nodded, ordering an expensive a*s drink. She kept talking and flirting and telling him how much she wanted to run away from her family, and trying to convince him of how “innocent” she is. Wolf bought because he though what the hell this could be fun. So Wolf went out and grabbed the keys to a bike off on of the dead bikers and told Lee An to move the bike away she did it without thinking. Wolf went in and ordered everyone to stay where they were and to not try to run. Then he began to spread gasoline and alcohol all over the bar and other bikes outside as he took a look around and smiled as he shot a fireball into the building and it set ablaze.

            Wolf walked over to Lee An and smacked her a*s as he got on the bike and rode away from the bar the fire burning high. The bar was almost out of sight when it finally exploded due to all the bikes. Wolf drove to a hotel where he got a room for him and Lee An. He got a free suite due to some convincing of the manager. Wolf went up to the room and told Lee An he was going to shower, she smirked thinking she could finally see him without the mask. “Find yourself some new clothes or whatever I don’t care” wolf said as he went into the bathroom. Lee An smiled and snuck into the bathroom a few minutes after the water had been running and stripped down so Wolf didn’t think she was up to anything. As she got to the shower and opened the curtain Wolf grabbed her from behind and pushed her up against the wall. “Ooo the big boy knew I was coming whatcha gonna do about it Wolf?” she said rubbing her a*s against his dick. Wolf looked at her and whispered in her ear “keep it up and you’ll get kicked out of the damn hotel for screaming so loud.” “Bring it” she said as if it was another person.

            Wolf turned her around and kissed her roughly pulling her head back by her hair. Lee An moaned and kissed him back rubbing on his dick. Wolf started kissing down her body, biting her when she tried to resist him moving lower and she moaned every time. He sucked on her n****e and groped her a*s, she was enjoying every moment of it. Wolf then got up and grabbed a handful of hair, she moaned as he led her over to the tub bending her over it. She whined wanting to get fucked but, Wolf kept teasing her, rubbing her p***y with his fingers. She was moaning his name wanting more, he started fingering her fast and hard making her squirm every time his fingers went in her deep.

            Wolf made her turn around and get on her knees, she looked up at him like an innocent girl who didn’t know what to do. “Open your mouth” Wolf said as he tied her hands behind her back. She did so and started sucking his dick, he kept his hand on her head guiding her speed. She was sucking fast and hard like a pro but Wolf wasn’t shocked. When wolf was hard he picked her up and bent her back over the tub and started teasing her with the head of his dick on her p***y. Lee An moaned and begged “Oh Wolf please just f**k me already.” Wolf tired of her mouth started f*****g her hard and fast. She screamed out in pleasure, she may have been s****y but it seems she was still a virgin. Wolf kept f*****g as she came with him in her. When she said that was enough Wolf pulled out and made her suck his dick until he came in her mouth. She gladly did it and swallowed every last drip of cum.

            After they were finished Wolf untied her and she went to sleep in the big bed. Wolf got his shower washing off the blood from the guys he had killed and cleaned the knife wounds, they were burnt shut from the fire within him. After his shower he went to sleep on the couch since Lee An was taking up all the bed. Wolf lied there thinking was bringing her along the right thing to do? He looked over to her and saw her touching herself and squirming, he rolled his eyes and went to sleep. In the middle of the night Wolf felt something rubbing his chest and pulling his arm. It was Lee An, “I’m scared” she said trying to pull him off the couch, “come sleep with me.” Wolf sighed and went in lay in bed with her, she cuddled up to him and they fell asleep.

            The next morning, Wolf woke up first and grabbed a new pair of clothes out of the closet and went down to the bar for a drink. In the bar, two girls were checking Wolf out when he walked in. He walked up to the bar and ordered a gin and tonic. The two girls came over and started flirting with him when he got his drink. A little while later Lee An came down and found Wolf sitting at the bar with the two girls hang all over him. She got jealous and walked over and pulled Wolf away from them. She started arguing with the girls how he was his and he just ignored it and continued drinking. After a while the girls gave up and left Wolf to Lee An, she walked over to Wolf to show off her new Batman outfit. He looked it over and said it was nice then told her to get ready, that they were leaving. She grabbed a bite to eat and met Wolf in the parking garage. The bike had been towed away by the police who were investigating the biker bar explosion.

            Wolf looked around and saw a valet driver parking a Ferrari nearby so he told Lee An to wait where she was. Wolf walked over and took the keys from the valet, the valet got pissed knowing it’d be his a*s when the car went missing so he tried to fight back. He swung at Wolf punching him in the face and trying to kick and knock him off his feet. Wolf fought back, punching the guy and knocking him to the ground. Wolf started punching him in the face repeatedly until blood was pouring from his nose and mouth. Wolf got up and kicked the guy who had blacked out, then moved his body into the trunk of one of the other cars he stole the keys for and the keys on top of the car.

            Wolf called Lee An over and they got in the car and drove back to Wolf’s town. When they got there Wolf gave Kit and Rocko a call and told them to meet him at the river. They were happy to hear from him and agreed to meet him. When they got there Wolf got out to see Kit and Rocko waiting with some friends, he walked over and hugged Kit and Rocko. He was glad to see them. Kit looked at Wolf and asked “What’s with the mask Wolfy?” Wolf answered “It keeps my powers under control.” Kit and Rocko looked at him confused and asked “What?” Wolf laughed and shot a fire ball at a tree, he then picked up the Ferrari he arrived in and threw it into the river. Lastly he showed them his power to control, Wolf called out to a cop who came over and slugged him. As the cop was getting ready to arrest him Wolf demanded “Stop you will forget what just happen and walk away!” The cop stopped what he was doing and looked at the group confused. He then waved and walked away wishing them a nice day.

            Kit and Rocko couldn’t believe what the just saw and neither could their friends. Wolf looked around and said “So who are you’re friends?” Kit spoke first bringing a short girl and a guy over, “This is my best friend Xoey and her dumbass a*s boyfriend Nick.” Xoey came over to Wolf and gave him a hug “Nice to meet you Wolf” she said. “What’s up man” Nick said shaking Wolf’s hand. Lee An despite being told to wait back until wolf called to her ran up to Xoey and hugged her. She then started screeching “OMG! It’s my baby cousin. I can’t believe.” Xoey was annoyed along with Kit. She then hugged Nick Whispering something in his ear then saying “I’ve missed you.” Kit asked “Who the hell is this and why is she being so annoying?” Xoey answered “This is Lee An my cousin who is prone to being a copycat and annoying.”

            Lee An laughed “Oh Xoey always the joker.” “Anyway,” Wolf said, “Rocko who’s the girl with you?” “This is my girl Sam” Rocko replied. Wolf greeted her with a hug and said “Welcome to the freak show.” Everyone laughed and decided to go get a bite to eat, Kit and Xoey offered to cook. They went to Nick’s house where Nick and Lee An ran off to “catch up” and Rocko, Sam, and Wolf waited in the living room talking as Kit and Xoey cooked. Wolf went to the kitchen to help cook but was kicked out cause Kit and Xoey were talking. When lunch was ready everyone gathered at the table to eat, weirdly Lee An insisted to sit between Wolf and Nick. After they were done eating Wolf started to talk about the future. “What I have planned” he proclaimed “is a world under our control. Rocko in charge of the military, Kit will be in charge of the people in the castle she will be my right hand woman basically, and Xoey will be head of the economy. As for the rest of you, you can hold positions at lower levels. Is this understood?”

            Everyone said yes except for Kit. Kit asked “Could I also be in charge of the discipline?” Wolf looked at her but agreed none the less, “So it’s settled. It may take a couple of years but if we work smart and follow my lead it will go smoothly. Now I will need time to build our kingdom so, I will keep in touch with y’all and have to go tonight. You will know when it’s time for us to rule.” Everyone cheered their glasses and saw Wolf off as he set off to build their kingdom. But as Wolf opened the door to leave someone from Kit’s past showed up. It was Mike a French prick who tried to rape her a few years back, and Wolf knew this. He pushed Wolf out of the way and smiled at Kit “How’ve you been sweetie?”

            Kit was shocked to see him threw a cup at his head. Mike barley dodged it, it caught his ear, and he got furious. He went to hit her but Wolf stepped in and grabbed Mike’s hand before he could and threw him outside. Mike got up and got into Wolf’s face “WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TOUCHING ME FREAK!?” he barked. “NO! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TRYING TO HIT A GIRL!?” Wolf answered. Everyone gathered outside to watch when Mike swung and hit Wolf in the face, then charged at him and kneed Wolf in the gut. Wolf coughed and swung back and hit Mike in the ribs multiple times. Mike tried to pull a knife on Wolf but, it got knocked out of his hand when Wolf kicked his arm. Mike swung again but missed and Wolf grabbed his arm and broke it by bringing his knee into Mike’s elbow. Screaming in pain Mike tried to fight back but Wolf Picked up the knife and shoved it through Mike’s good hand pinning to his leg. Wolf then stomped on Mike’s foot and brought him to his knees. “Rocko toss me that chain” Wolf said pointing to one by a tree. Rocko did and Wolf ripped the knife out of Mike’s hand and leg and chained his hands together.

            Mike screamed out in pain as wolf forced him to move his broken arm. Wolf finished chaining him up using the knife to hold the chain to the tree. Mike looked at them and begged for mercy “Please stop him he’s insane! Kit come on help.” Kit walked up and spit in his face and turned her back. Wolf walked over to kit and whispered to her “It’s up to you Kitty, I can end this, you could make him pay, or we can leave him to die somewhere.” Kit took one last look then told Wolf she would. Wolf gave her a butterfly knife and left him to her. Kit walked over and slashed Mike’s face, Wolf advised the others to go inside. They did and Wolf stayed at the door to wait for her. Kit cut Mike again and yelled at him “YOU RAPED ME YOU F*****G B*****D! I HATE YOU!” As Kit cut him again Mike said “I did and I’m glad I did it.” Kit had enough and finally stabbed him in the heart. Mike coughed up blood and some of it got on Kit she kicked him, yanked out the knife, and walked away leaving Mike to bleed out. Wolf walked up to her and asked “How do you feel Kit?” She smiled “Better, here’s your knife back.” “Keep it,” Wolf said and hugged her “go clean yourself up you’ve got his blood all over you.” They both laughed and went inside. “Now that that’s over I’ll get going.” Wolf said his goodbyes for now and went on his way to start their kingdom.

            Over the next few years Wolf unleashed Hell, going on killing sprees and converting people over to his side of this war. He kept in touch with his friends this time, since they kept hearing about him in the news. Wolf had slaughtered over two hundred people the first month he had been gone. Kit and Xoey became close friends, Rocko and Sam got engaged, Nick got Xoey pregnant, and Lee An kept sneaking Nick away from Xoey and begging for attention. Rocko was also keeping an eye on the gang that killed Wolf’s family so that he could get his revenge when he was done taking over. Things were going as planned for Wolf, he had a group of his followers start his castle in the middle of the country. It was large and commanding anyone who tried to stop them from building was dealt with, with violence and torture.

            Wolf had conquered the country was at war the government battling the anarchy that he had started. The castle was nearly finished, so Wolf decided it was time to claim his country. Wolf went to a national news station and made his way to deliver his message. He made them broadcast it over all the country, on all channels, and over the radio stations. “Good afternoon, ladies, gentlemen, freaks, geeks, a******s, b*****s, and everyone in between. As you may have noticed a war has been raging in this country between the government and my people. My name is Wolf, and as of today I will be in charge. If you don’t like it there may be consequences, if anyone tries to stop me THEY WILL DIE! Now this is my kingdom, Oblivion, my castle will be open to followers who wish to serve me and my friends. As for any challengers I will have an arena built and you can see if you are worthy to dethrone your new king. Kit, Rocko, Xoey, Nick, Lee An, and Sam the time has come I will send for y’all.”

            The transmission cut and there was a roar of excitement outside, a group of Wolf’s followers came to cheer him on. Wolf sent two of them in helicopters to go get his friends and a bus to pick up the gang that killed his family. Wolf made his way to his castle and went to his throne room and waited for his friends. As they arrived they were in awe of the castle, a couple of Wolf’s servants led them to him. Smiling Wolf got up and greeted his friends, “Welcome to Oblivion and to Castle Dread, it’s good to see you again” he said as he hugged Kit, Xoey, Sam and Rocko. “Where’s Lee An and Nick?” Wolf asked. Everyone looked around, Kit responded “I don’t know they were right behind us.” “They probably got lost” Rocko said, “let’s go look for them.” Kit, Wolf, and Xoey went down one hall while Sam and Rocko searched the other. They split up the rooms to see if they could find them, when Wolf did as he opened the door to find Nick and Lee An f*****g. Shocked he went and grabbed Kit and Xoey, and brought them back to the room where they heard Lee An moaning outside the door. “OH FCUK NICK FASTER” Lee An shouted as Wolf opened the door.

            Wolf walked over and pulled Nick from behind Lee An and put him on his knees in front of Kit and Xoey. Nick panicked and try to get up to explain to Xoey but, Kit kicked him in the balls and he fell to the ground. Wolf then dragged Lee An to the floor beside Nick and she started crying. “Xoey he was raping me!” Lee An said trying to get herself out of trouble. “YOU C**T!” Nick yelled out at her. They kept arguing back and forth on the ground trying to lay the blame on the other. Xoey was trying to hold back the tears from being betrayed and Kit comforted her. Wolf yelled at Lee An and Nick, “SHUT THE F**K UP YOU STUPID PIECES OF S**T!!!!” Wolf hand cuffed them to each other back to back and walked over Kit and Xoey. Kit was furious and Giving both of them her “you’re dead to me look”, Xoey just couldn’t believe this was happening. “It’s your family Xoey so you can decide their fates” Wolf said as he hugged her. Xoey became furious and walked over to Nick and hit him, “I’M F*****G CARRYING YOUR CHILD AND YOU DO THIS S**T TO ME! F**K YOU!” she said. “AND YOU” she said as she kicked Lee An in the stomach, “YOU’RE MY COUSIN! AND YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THIS! YOU TWO DESERVE EACH OTHER IN HELL!!!!” Xoey walked over to Wolf and said “I want them dead!”

            Wolf nodded and handed both Xoey and Kit knives, “I’ll leave this to the two of you since it’s your family Xoey and you’re the head of discipline Kit.” Kit eagerly took the knife and walked over to Lee An, Xoey instantly took the knife and walked over to Nick. Wolf walked over and separated the two making them look at each other as they got killed. Xoey spit in Nick’s face and said “I’m going to enjoy this you pig” as she cut him across the chest. Nick screamed every time the knife entered him, and kept slowly cutting and stabbing him. Lee An began to tear up but Kit was quick to slap her. “You don’t get to be sad about this you b***h,” she said as she stabbed Lee An in the tit “you’re lucky these things are so big or you’d be dead already.” Kit cut Lee An and tortured her “How dare you hurt my best friend you f*****g s**t. You deserve so much worse than this.” Finally, Xoey had had enough, she walked over to Kit and said “It’s time to just end this.” Kit agreed and they both stabbed Lee An and Nick in the hearts at the same time. They fell over and bled out as they did Kit hugged Xoey to comfort her, Wolf walked over and hugged them. “I’ll take care of the bodies, you two go clean up, find Rocko and Sam, and wait in the throne room.” Wolf said leading them out of the room.

            Wolf walked to the bodies and shook his head, “Pathetic” he said, “the two of you could have had so much but chose to betray those who cared about you. I hope y’all find Hell enjoyable cause that’s the only place you’ll see each other again.” Wolf called for some guards to remove the bodies and clean up the room. Later, he met up with Kit and the others in the throne room, they were confused because there were four smaller thrones surrounding the one in the middle. “I told y’all that y’all would have power and I only need four advisors and it’s you four. Sam; head of entertainment at the far left, Rocko; head of military, me, Kitty; head of staff and discipline, and Xoey; head of the economy at the far right. You each get a wing of the castle to live and operate from, Kit since you are head of the staff you also operate in the main part here. We will rule a great kingdom and all who oppose will fall. Now enough business I say its dinner time which has already been prepared.” They went off to the dining hall where a feast had been prepared for them and sat down to eat.

            They talked about how the kingdom was to be ran, how they would deal with the other nations if they tried to stop them, and how Wolf got his powers. Kit was the most curious about his powers she kept questioning him about it. Wolf answered her not thinking about it because he trusted her. As they finished eating one of the guards came to Wolf to tell him that the bus had arrived. Wolf got excited and told him to put them in the dungeon, it was almost time for him to get his revenge on the people who turned him into this. Wolf excused himself from the others suggesting that they should get started establishing their power with their followers, Wolf then went to the dungeons. The gang was rowdy not knowing why they were down there and were trying to break out. When Wolf got down there on of the gang member’s asked “Who the hell is this freak, let us out of here.” Wolf reached into the cell and pulled the member to him, “Who am I?” he asked, “You don’t remember the kid whose family you killed? Who you wished had burned with them?”

            The gang member looked at him and laughed. “Look boys it’s that freak Wolf who should of burned a long time ago.” A few of the other members started to laugh, but Wolf was getting pissed as he lit the guy’s shirt on fire. He started freaking out trying to put out the flames, panicking so much that he ran full force into another guy. “Don’t worry the fire won’t kill you yet.” Wolf said as the fire went out, “You will all pay when the arena is built so you have an audience to watch you punishment.” Wolf left as the gang were talking amongst their selves. As Wolf got to the top of the steps he was met by Kit. “You really think this revenge will make you happy?” she said as they walked through the castle. “No, but it needs to be done. They need to pay for what they did,” he responded. “I know.” They continued walking and talking as they got to Kit’s room. Wolf hugged her and said “Go get some sleep Kitty, we’ll be busy from here on. Trying to get this country and eventually world to become a better place for everyone.” Kit smiled and said “Remember what we talked about.” Wolf nodded and left for his room.

            Over the next couple of months the group focused on running the country, and to their surprise it was easier to overthrow the rest of the government then they thought. The people were ready for a change, and the other countries feared to interfere because of the stories of how easily one man overthrew the country. As soon as the country was running smoothly Wolf decided that it was time to punish the gang. They had been in the dungeon waiting and making peace, but they knew their death was inevitable. Wolf had them transferred to the arena, rightfully named Wolf’s Den, where they were lined up in the center where everyone could see them. Wolf made his way to the arena alone because, the others didn’t want to come because they either didn’t want to stomach it or they were busy.

            As wolf arrived in the arena there was a roar of excitement, the people were eager to see Wolf use his unholy, hell fire. He walked by all of the members making sure the leader was at the end so he would be last. Then one by one wolf burned them alive, the stench of burning flesh filled the air. Some people were amazed as Wolf put on a show while he burned them, enjoying their screams and their pleas for mercy. As he got to the leader he asked “any last words before I end your worthless life?” The leader shook his head “I accept this fate you’ve chosen, I deserve this if not worse. I’m not sorry for what we did though.” Wolf was conflicted he knew this was what he wanted but, if he doesn’t fight it then is it what he deserve. His thoughts were soon clouded though as the crowed was chanting “BURN! BURN! BURN! BURN!” Wolf’s body soon took over and without think he torched the leader of the gang, the fire was intense and large. After he was done there were cheers from all over the arena, and Wolf was satisfied with what he had done.

            After that life wasn’t eventful for a while the kingdom ran smooth a couple of people tried to fight Wolf but were quickly defeated. Wolf went from girl to girl f*****g most the girls around the kingdom to satisfy his lust. Xoey had her child, his name was Tony, Xoey and Kit raised him. Sam and Rocko got married and had a big wedding, everyone was happy to finally tie the knot. Kit well she had to kill and punish some of Wolf’s one night stands who tried to rob them. She had now became more or less an assassin, and a hot dominatrix. Though Kit did take time off every now and then to go see someone, she never said who but she would only be gone for a couple days then it was back to business as usual.

            As time went on everyone in the group could sense that Wolf was slipping farther into the madness that came with his power. Kit and Rocko got worried but weren’t going to confront him because they wanted to believe in him. Wolf kept bringing in girls despite never feeling anything from being with them. One time Wolf even went as far as to kill some of the girls because they tried to remove his mask. Kit had finally had enough, she knew that Wolf was too far gone to rule right anymore. So she met with Rocko and they talked to him, they argued for hours that Wolf needed to relax and to step away for a while but he wouldn’t listen.

            One night a girl showed up to Wolf’s room she was dressed in a sexy outfit but she hid her face. As she entered Wolf’s room he never questioned it, thinking it was just another girl looking to please her king. But, it wasn’t. She walked straight over to Wolf and kissed him, and Wolf’s eye closed. For the first time his heart was actually racing from her kiss and her touch. As she finished kissing him she removed Wolf’s mask, he was shocked. She smiled and said “It’s time to move on Wolf, the kingdom is in good hands you’ve done what you set out to do. Oh and it’s good to see you without the mask again” She kissed Wolf again and rushed out of the room, Wolf was still in shock but was smiling. Without the mask Wolf’s power was raging out of control. The fire from Hell was burning him from the inside and he was engulfed. In his place was the mask, with no power left in it the girl walked back in and took it.

            The next morning, everyone was wondering where Wolf was and they looked around. Kit got everyone and showed them a note, it read “Hey everyone. Wolf is dead. It was his time but don’t worry he was happy when he passed. The kingdom is in your hands rule it right. Wolf’s only wish is that you don’t forget him.” Everyone cried for a little but then decided, it was their job to make this world a better place now. From then on Kit was queen, she ruled the kingdom better and made it an amazing place and soon would spread that to the whole world.

            It was a while later and we find Wolf in Hell talking with Lucifer, they were discussing why he failed. “You didn’t,” Lucifer said “you set out what you planned to do and that is a success.” Wolf sighed “I guess you’re right but there is one thing I want to ask you my lord. Who was it? Who is my true love?” A female voice responded from behind him “You dork I thought it was obvious by now.” Wolf turned around and saw Kit, and he was surprised mainly because she was in hell. “Hey uncle,” Kit said as she hugged Lucifer “can we have a moment?” Lucifer nodded and left the two alone. Kit hugged Wolf and said “You were never alone dork but you just couldn’t see it. We’ll meet again Wolfy but for now I have a kingdom to run for you.” Wolf smiled and kissed her, “I’m sorry I didn’t see it before Kitty. But, I’ll be waiting to see you again.” The two kissed one last time and Kit left back to her kingdom, but she did leave Wolf his mask with a picture of her.




The End

© 2015 Raver Ozzy

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Added on May 6, 2014
Last Updated on August 25, 2015


Raver Ozzy
Raver Ozzy

Elizabeth City, NC

Fuuuuck more..
