![]() RevolutionA Story by Raver Ozzy![]() An alien ruler and five children to fix the world![]() Revolution A freak of nature, a b***h born to
a ruler, an assassin for hire, a man who tried to start a revolution, and a
woman of fate. These are the people who will save the planet from an alien
ruler. Now when you think about it these people really don’t fit well together,
I mean why would a revolutionist team with an heiress? Well you see these
people were all brought together by one man, a man with a vision of over throwing
the world’s new dictator. But of course it won’t be as easy as he thought. Now
let’s go back to before the aliens and before our little party was started and
see just how this horrible life came to be. It was 20 years ago, the world was
at peace for the most part, crime was at an all-time low and the only wars were
only for sport and fun. It’s almost like a dream come true but, not everyone
was happy with it. There are still people who want things how they used to be
but they are crazies. One day there was an incredible
feat five babies were born in the same hospital, the same day, by five separate
families. The First, our freak, was born to a circus family but he wasn’t even
normal from birth. Stirling is his name and when he was born he had adaptive skin,
it would change into whatever he would touch. He got the name after touching
the doctor’s stethoscope and becoming metal, which is good considering the
doctor dropped him after that. The next born was the future
assassin, Shade. Shade comes from a long line of assassins in his family dating
all the way back to ancient Greek times. Known for their stealth and agility
they were able to sneak past even the most keen eye and technology. Shade was
gifted from birth able to steal things from people even if it was in a secure
spot. Feared in the shadows if you ever hear something glide past your ear in
the dead of night you better pray that he missed to hit something else. The b***h, the royal w***e’s
daughter, a girl born out of an affair, she was born a mistake. Fiona was
always belittled from birth, a shame to her father Emperor Trent Bayne, or so
they thought. The Emperor had an affair with Fiona’s mother, it was news
worldwide when they heard she had given birth. Fiona grew up not knowing her
mother for she was executed after Fiona was born. After finding out about the
circumstances of her birth Fiona took it upon herself to one day murder her
b*****d father and avenge her mother’s death. Future leader of the revolution and
most cunning of the group, Marcus a common man would help change the future.
Marcus’s family were nothing special just hard workers trying to make a living.
There wasn’t anything special about Marcus at first either it wasn’t until he
was a teenager that his true strength came forth. Marcus is a master technician
able to think things through completely and decide all possible outcomes. Even
when the odds were against him he could out think even the fastest computers. Last but not least was the girl of
fate, talked about in legends, and said to be able to change the future. Karma
was born and it felt like time had stopped. Everyone in the room looked at her
and asked themselves, what is this strange feeling? Karma’s parents were
spiritual people but not even they could explain it. Karma’s abilities lay
dormant, she had complete control over them even when she was just an infant
and knows when to use them. After that day the five families
took their kids and went back to their lives. The kids not knowing that they
would ever see each other, not knowing they were all born to the same fate.
Over the years they all grew into unique individuals with strengths in
different areas. Shade being trained in his family’s art, Stirling grew up
mastering his power and working in the circus’s freak show, Fiona training to
take down her father and getting her way in the empire, Marcus going to school
and leading a semi-normal life, and Karma being protected by her family and
training her for the future. Now let’s jump forward eighteen
years it was a peaceful day like any other and also the five kids 18th
birthdays and the world was about to get a present it wouldn’t like. All five
of the kids celebrated their birthday in their own special way. Night came but
it was strange the sky stayed lit up all over the world. The sun was down and
the moon was out but there wasn’t darkness. Suddenly a transmission came
through on all televisions, radios, computers, and phones. It was an alien king
transmitting worldwide. “Hello earthlings, my name is King
Bazaar from the planet Yeloden,” he said. “Today is a special day for you, it
is the day you all become my peasants.” The world went into panic as aliens
started appearing all around taking them prisoner. Throwing them into cages as
they dragged them all towards one place. Stirling was in the middle of dinner
when an alien tried to grab him. Stirling rose up grabbed a steel bar and
changed into metal. He then squashed the alien’s head and sat back down to
finish eating. Shade saw the aliens as they were
appearing around his target and wasn’t too pleased about this. He broke his
family’s rule of staying hidden in the shadows and jumped down and fought the
alien. Using his sword he cut the alien into pieces and the man thinking he was
safe tried to thank Shade. Shade smirked and told the man “tell death I said
hello” then in one swing sliced the man’s head clean off his neck. Shade then
faded back into the shadows to investigate the aliens who had started to
appear. Fiona was protected from the aliens
by her family’s guards and fled to a secure location where a strange man would
watch after her. Marcus was on a boat when the aliens started to appear, when
the first one appeared on his boat he out smarted it and tricked it into
killing itself by running into a harpoon. Marcus then began a plan how he was
going to survive without getting captured. Karma was the most protected out of
the kids. She had gone into the mountains to train and didn’t know that there
was an invasion until she saw a helicopter landed with both the pilot and an
alien dead inside. So two years went by and Karma,
Marcus, Stirling, and Shade have spent their time opposing the aliens killing
them and rescuing prisoners. Fiona was still safe with the strange man training
her heart out while her father sat beside the alien ruler as head of the
slaves. One day the strange man finally decided to tell Fiona why she was sent
to him to be protected. He told her about the day she was born how his daughter
was her mother and that he had planned for her and the other four children to
take down her father. Shocked Fiona hugged her
grandfather Oldar and cried then looked at her and asked how he was going to
find these other four kids. He smiled “oh young one I’ve kept track of all five
of you ever since the day y’all were separated.” Oldar sent his people a message and they were
off to collect the four other kids and bring them back to him. It took a couple
of weeks but finally after 20 years Karma, Stirling, Fiona, Marcus, and Shade
were all in the same room once again. Everyone was shocked that they were
all born on the same day. The spent the day getting to know each other and
shocked at the stories they had to tell. Oldar smiled as his plan was coming
full circle and told them after they get a good night’s sleep he will explain
to them the plan for the future. The next morning Marcus woke up first and went
to Oldar to talk about the plan, but when he got to his room he found Oldar’s
dead body and a note. Shocked he went and woke up the others. Fiona cried as
she heard the news her last tie to her mother gone. Marcus read the note as
follows “Hello my daughter and your pathetic friends. It seems you were
planning on fighting our new leader so take this as a warning. Give up now and
serve King Bazaar or die!” Pissed off Fiona looked to the
others and said “we are going to kill all the motherfuckering aliens and my
father!” Shade and Stirling smiled and started packing supplies, Marcus started
devising a plan, and Karma said a prayer over Oldar. As the plan was finished
and the supplies were packed everyone left the house and Fiona set it ablaze.
Everyone stood there watching the house burn to the ground and set off for the
alien kingdom. It took them two months to get
there fighting through hordes of aliens and people who have joined them.
Killing thousands and getting wounded they were fighting to survive and for
revenge. But no one noticed that Stirling started acting weird, he was being
corrupted and hungered for power. As they got to the kingdom they made camp and
planned for the morning. Marcus making a plan as Shade kept watch and the
others rested. In the middle of the night everyone
was in bed and asleep besides for Stirling he left the camp and made his way
inside to talk with Fiona’s father. Stirling saw him and said “Emperor Bayne I
want power and I will do anything to have.” “Please call me Mr. Bayne I am no
longer an Emperor that it Bazaar’s role.” Stirling nodded and the two of them
conjured up a plan. After the plan was done Stirling went back to the camp. That morning they raided the
kingdom, killing off aliens and rescuing humans who still had faith in someone
to rescue them. As they made their way through the city and to Bazaar’s palace
none them knew what Stirling had planned. They got to the door and as they were
about to go in a cage dropped around Marcus, Karma, and Shade. Fiona tried to
lift the cage but her father soon came out and smiled. She chased her father in
as Stirling sat back and laughed. Marcus and shade looked at him and
told him to get them out. Stirling smiled as he grabbed the cage and changed
into the unbreakable metal and said “now why would I ruin my own plan?” Shade
started hacking and slashing at the bars as Stirling walked into the palace.
Karma told Shade to stop and Marcus to devise a new plan. As the plan was
finished Karma lifted the cage with ease, stunned neither Shade or Marcus knew
what to think. She told them that she would explain later as they rushed
inside. When they got there they found
Fiona standing over her father with a gun to his head crying as she pulled the
trigger. Shade went to her to tell her what had happened when aliens surrounded
them. Fiona and Shade told Marcus and Karma to go ahead and find Bazaar. As
soon as they ran forward the aliens rushed Shade and Fiona and the fought a
long battle. When they got up the stairs to Bazaar, Stirling was sitting beside
him waiting. Marcus immediately rushed him and the two began to fight. They were going blow for blow
countering each other until Stirling changed again and broke Marcus’s arm.
Shade had just gotten up carrying Fiona who was badly wounded, and as she heard
Marcus cry out in pain she shot Stirling through the eye and he fell off the
balcony to his death. Karma went to check on her but it was too late that shot
was Fiona’s last bit of strength. As Bazaar saw this he laughed, “So this is
all you pathetic humans can mustard up to face me.” He rose from his throne and
walked over to Marcus. Marcus tried to fight back but it was too late Bazaar
snapped his neck and he fell to the ground. Bazaar then set his eyes on Shade
as he grabbed a sword off of a dead alien. He rose the sword and lunged at
Shade. The two locked swords and fought back and forth striking devastating
blows on each other until Bazaar finally got the upper hand by stabbing him in
the foot. He then looked Shade in the eyes and told him “say hello to death for
me,” and shoved the sword through his heart. Bazaar then started looking for
Karma but couldn’t find her, she was starting up the worldwide broadcast
showing the whole battle. Bazaar finally saw her but it was too late as he ran
toward her she picked up Fiona’s gun and shot him in the chest two time. As he collapsed to the ground Karma
walked over and grabbed Shade’s sword. “Your reign is over Bazaar the world
will go back to the way it was and you shall be forgotten”, she said as she
drove the sword through his skull pinning him to the ground. Karma stood and
looked around at the carnage, tears came to her eyes she walked over to
Bazaar’s throne and sat to talk to the world. She said “Hello world it’s
finally over, the aliens have no power now and should be fleeing soon. I hope
that y’all take something from this but, if you didn’t maybe I can tell you. I’ve
seen what happens when people give up they become corrupt. Hopefully the world
will be a better place after today but if not at least we helped give you a
chance.” As Karma walked out of range of the
camera there was a gun shot heard around the world as she killed herself. Years
go by and everyone starts forgetting about the aliens and the girl who made a
speech. The world had started to go back to the way it was, but there were some
people who remember Bazaar’s Kingdom was turned into a utopia in honor of Karma
and the other’s and a statue was erected in the honor of all five even
Stirling. The statue is called The Five Children of Destiny in the city of
Peace. The End © 2014 Raver Ozzy |
Added on February 20, 2014 Last Updated on February 20, 2014 Author