Are you Insane? Chapter Three: Secrets Revealed

Are you Insane? Chapter Three: Secrets Revealed

A Chapter by Violaeatalt3

Chapter Three of Are you Insane?


****Author's Note~ Yeah I know again I said I wasn't going to do these things,This chapter may seem a little slow...Or like too much is happening... And it's a little shorter than the others...And of course I think I sucks... But whatever here it is...Comment also I like to know what you think****



Chapter 3: Secrets Revealed

 What is the absolute worst question a psychiatrist can ask you? How does that make you feel. How are you supposed to answer that? Of course it makes you feel like crap to have people talking in your head, and seeing things that aren't there. So you tell him it feels like crap. Now what does he want you to do? Elaborate. That's why I dislike shrinks. Going to one over and over again, doing the same thing everyday and expecting a different result. That's what true insanity is. So here I am sitting in Dr.D's office. It's been two days since I've been here and I had another little episode. This time it was in the middle of breakfast. So any doubts whether or not I am crazy, have now been dealt with. And let me tell you how embarrassing it is to have 23 people stare at you like your...well in this case I guess...normal? Well back to my session. Dr.D has been asking me all kinds of questions ranging from the normal-ish How old are they, to  the weirder, What are their voices like. I was about to answer his question when the door opened to reveal Brandon bringing in his next session Kelsey. Doc looked at me and nodded signally my release from the session. As I was walking about I passed Kelsey and smiled.
"Hey Kelsey!" I said with a tiny smile and wave.
"Hey Kelsey!" She answered in the exact tone. Kelsey was a Catatonic Schizophrenic. She talked only to repeat whatever was said to her. Mostly meaningless statements or phrases. As soon as I was outside I shut the door and swiftly returned to my room. As I was walking to my closet I noticed a note placed on my pillow.
"Nicki, When you get back from your weekly, come meet us in our hidey place!"-That was written in Marie's handwriting.
 "P.s. Bring your iPod"- That was written in Bri's handwriting.
"P.P.S. Bring the Oreos your hiding under your bed,"- That was written by Chris. I smiled as I walked over to the little closet we had and grabbed a little black bag. I dropped to the floor and stuck my hand under my bed. I know it's not an original place to stash stuff but hey, it worked so far. I grabbed the Oreos that were amongst other sweets and stuffed them in the bag. I stood up and searched for my iPod. I'm always loosing small objects. I spotted it on my desk and grabbed it. I stuffed it in the bag next to the Oreos and decided to bring a big puffy jacket. I put it on and walked out of the room. I hummed along with the singing in my head and ran my hands along the chair rail molding. As I passed a window I couldn't help but think 'Dumbasses.' I reached the door that led to the roof and pushed it open. I gust of frigid air blew in my face and my teeth started to chatter instantly. I jogged up the stairs and spotted them sitting in a corner. I walked over to the semi-sheltered area.
"Hey, Idiots why the hell are we out here it's thirty-three degrees and if you haven't noticed, snowing!"
"We're insane. We're indifferent to the cold," she answered with a laugh. I took the Oreos and the iPod out of my bag and set them on a crate that was used as a table. I took my seat on another crate suddenly thankful I brought the jacket. To be honest, we looked like a bunch of hobo's sitting around chatting on the roof in thirty degree weather in the snow. They passed the Oreos around, of course skipping Bri, and we all sat there in silence. That is until I decided to break it by asking Marie why she was here. She seemed as if she's told this story so many times it's committed to memory. Which I guess it would have to be after six years of people asking. She laughed a bit before starting her story.
"I've actually always been this way, my parents just didn't know. It started when I was around... Four? Yeah, but you know when you're a kid you have your imaginary friends, and that's what my parents thought it was, my imagination. Until I started getting older and to the point where you stop having imaginary  friends did my parents really start to worry. I was nine when my parents decided to take me to a psychiatrist. I went to Dr. Stevens for about a year, and around my tenth birthday I snapped. I had a breakdown that was so bad I tried killing my "friends" which, when your schizophrenic, are in your head. So I basically tried to commit suicide and my parents thought it was too much for them to handle and they sent me here, which isn't a bad thing because I really love it here. They stopped visiting after about three months... I think it was an out of sight, out of mind kind of thing. Not that I mind. I don't remember them much oddly enough," she ended with a sad smile. She then turned her attention to Chris.
"What about you? You never actually told me why you were here," Chris looked hesitant, but swallowed and started her own story.
"I've been in here for about three years. I was hanging out at my friends house. It was just after my thirteenth birthday and we were having a sleepover. Her parents went to get us ice cream from the grocery store and we were home alone. Her parents weren't that hesitant to let us stay home I mean we were like officially teenagers so it wasn't a big deal. Anyways we were in the living room and there was a knock on the door. We, being really naïve, thought it was her parents so we got up to get the door. She unlocked it and opened about an inch before screaming and trying to close the door. The guy who was at the door was, obviously, a lot stronger than a thirteen year old girl and forced it open. I was closer to the back door so I ran for it which was one of the hardest things to do.  Her name was Sarah. She was my best friend. Anyways, she was following me. Or, at least trying to. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up the stairs. I tried to grab her legs but it was pretty much useless attempts. I went to hide under the table, I wasn't able to unlock the door. I was too scared to think logically to unlock it so I grabbed the phone called 911, and then her parents cell phone. During both phone calls I could barely answer their questions I was just in shock. The only thing I could really hear was her screaming. I couldn't move... I was stuck there. He raped her... She was thirteen and was raped by a man in a disguise... That's why I have that illness now... When the police got there I was sobbing terribly. They asked me where Sarah was and all I could do was look at the stairs... I won't ever be able to forget those screams. So that brings me here," she finished as she looked at her hands. Wow...That's a lot to take in. She sighed before turning to Bri.
"Your turn," She said with a smile. Bri laughed before starting her own story.
"So mine wasn't as tragic as either of yours. My mom and dad abused me a lot and picked every insecurity I had out until it just kind of...happened," she said with a shrug. She turned to me and I knew what was about to happen.

"Your turn newbie," she said with a laugh. I laughed a little too and began my own insane tale.
"Okay, so this whole insanity thing happened about six months ago. I had just turned sixteen and my friend Morghan and I were driving home from a party. Of course we were both a bit drunk. She was yelling at me for something I did having to do with her boyfriend. And the voices just took over. They just kept saying tree, tree, tree. And I just couldn't take it. I drove off the side of the road and ran into a tree. By the time the police came, I was sober, Morghan was dead, and the voices were satisfied. Since I didn't have any alcohol on my breath I was able to say that it was an accident. That's what I did. The whole three weeks I was in the hospital I couldn't think of anything else. Then three months went by I started the fire. My parents sent me to Dr.Warren. Three months after that he diagnosed me as insane. And here I am," I finished up and they just looked at me like I was insane. Well, I'm in here for a reason aren't I?



***"Disease, insanity, and death were the angles that attended my cradle and since then have followed me throughout my life."-Edward Munch

© 2010 Violaeatalt3

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Added on March 5, 2010
Last Updated on March 5, 2010



In the magical world of make believe :), VA

i like to Listen to music. i love writing but never think its good enough. i'm the geek of my family. Marching band, Harry Potter, World of Warcraft. Everything. i read until 4 in the morning, wak.. more..
