Are you Insane? Chapter One: Semi-New beginnings

Are you Insane? Chapter One: Semi-New beginnings

A Chapter by Violaeatalt3

Chapter One for Are you insane.


*Authors Note: So I won't be doing a lot of notes. Mainly when there's something I feel you should know before reading the chapter. This and the next chapter are going to be more of an introduction to the characters. They are going to be pretty slow and nothing really amazing but that's what they are and I feel their important to have. I don't do the So-many-votes/comments-till-the-next-chapter thing I don't really care. Your welcome to vote and comment if you'd like. That's all. Enjoy :)
P.S. There aren't any arranged marriages or vampires. Sorry.*


Chapter 1: Semi- New beginnings

 I should introduce myself. My name's Nicole. I'm about 5'4 with shoulder length curly red-brown hair and brown eyes. Curvy in the right places, not too fat, not too skinny.  I'm also Schizophrenic. Yeah I'm totally insane. I have no problem with it I'm actually relieved.  Edgar Allen Poe once said "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." He couldn't have been more right. Between the mundane actions of everyday life and the unwanted scrutiny of the people around you, always judging how your different, my sanity just snapped. One day at school I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I always have to wage an internal battle in my head. Skipping class to have a quiet talk is something that's become almost routine to me. As I was walking down the puke green and white tiled hallway, running my fingers over the lockers, I let my guard down. That's always a stressful thing to do. For the first few minutes it's as if fifty people are whispering in your ear trying outdo everyone else. The hallucinations are bad too. I never know if it's a real person or not... That's the difficult thing. Trying to decipher reality from insanity. Doing what you should do over doing the things they tell you to. That day was one of those days where I chose wrong. I had stumbled into the bathroom and made my way to the sinks. My appearance was rough. Hair every which way, eyeliner smudged. I splashed a bit of water on my face and told myself to calm down which wasn't working very well. I heard too many people telling me to do too many things. I picked one and did it. It's the only way to get some peace and even then it's a thin slice of alone time. I walked over to the paper towel dispenser and took a bunch. I then walked to the trashcan, took my lighter out, and set the papers on fire. It was just so convenient that a teacher was walking by and smelled the smoke. They took me to the principle, who then called my parents. When they asked me why I simply said Them. My principle looked at me confused where as my parents broke down. They took me to Dr. Warren. He was as nice as someone who has to tell you your crazy can be. I didn't mind him. I told him everything he wanted to know and didn't bother trying to disprove the fact that I was indeed very insane. After the fire and three months of mental evaluation he broke the news to my parents. We had already come to the conclusion about five weeks after my sessions started, but he felt my parents needed more time. They discussed my arrangements and here I am. Lying on my bed looking up at my royal purple painted ceiling with the small bag of personal belongings I was allowed to bring with me by my side.  My room was my sanctuary.  This place I was going to didn't seem so bad. The wing that I was staying in was allowed a good amount of freedom and electronics surprisingly. All I needed was my iPod and my laptop. I couldn't do this without music. I would say it kept me sane... but I obviously can't. I looked around the walls. They were covered with posters of my favorite band and actors. Almost like every other teenager. Though unlike them my bands are unsigned, unknown, like myself. The actors, people no one has ever hear of. I was happy in my room. Soon though, I would have to leave my little heaven and go somewhere else. I stood up and walked to my wall. I took down four posters that I would take with me. Might as well make the new place more homey. I could hear pots and pans banging around downstairs. I knew my mother wasn't handling this well, but in the end we all knew this was for the best. I looked at the clock. 8:27. Time to go to my new home. I grabbed my bag and the rolled up posters, took one last look at my room, and shut the door. I could hear my dad trying to calm my mom down. He was taking this a bit better than her.
"Hey guys," I said to them. Wow. Lame right?
"Oh um... Hey sweetie are your ready to g-go?" Mom asked her voice breaking near the end.
"Yeah, I'll just go wait in the car."
No more awkward silences, another thing I won't miss. I left them standing there and walked out to the car. On the way out I passed the living room and could see my brother and sister just sitting there on the couch watching TV. Huh nice to know they care. When I opened the door I turned around and sighed. I won't be seeing this place for a while. I smiled and shut the door. As I reached the car I could hear my parents leaving the house. It's weird to see them so devastated, I'm honestly surprised they care at all.  My dad pressed the unlock button and I climbed into the back seat. I took out my iPod and put my headphones in. I was instantly submerged in Polka dot Cadaver. Totally trippy band if you've never listened to them. It was 8:40 and we had about a two hour drive. The whole time I was listening to Chloroform girl I was thinking of what it was going to be like, who my room mates would be, what there'd be to do. The ride was silent besides my music blasting through the headphones. I guess we were all just in our own little world. Soon houses became few and far between, and trees began to appear from the snow covered ground. Before I knew it we were arriving at a tall wrought-iron  gate complete with scanner and intercom system. The large sign read 'Alexander Institute for the Mentally Ill.' **Thanks AliceIsIn for the name :)** Huh. Fancy place. My dad drove up to the intercom and spoke.
"Uh we have an appointment with a mister.... Daniels."
"Please proceed through the gate." My dad drove through the gate and I was amazed at the sight before me. The Institute was an old gothic styled mansion, complete with courtyard, a huge fountain, and was surrounded by hundreds of acres. It was more of a castle really. ( [but imagine it with tons of trees surrounding it].) It was absolutely gorgeous. The fountain was iced over and snow covered the ground, but come spring the place would be amazing. I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the car. As we made our way up the stairs I couldn't help but think to myself that this was going to be amazing. That thought alone was enough to put a smile on my face.


*I suppose it is much more comfortable to be mad and not know it than to be sane and have one's doubts.-G.B. Burgin*

© 2010 Violaeatalt3

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Added on March 5, 2010
Last Updated on March 5, 2010



In the magical world of make believe :), VA

i like to Listen to music. i love writing but never think its good enough. i'm the geek of my family. Marching band, Harry Potter, World of Warcraft. Everything. i read until 4 in the morning, wak.. more..
