

A Poem by Vincent Esprit FMI

the cross symbol of fortitude




The cross very significant,

For on it the Saviour was crucified,

Is only part of the easter celebration,

His passion, death and resurrection is the totality,

The is no ressurrection,

Without the cross,

And there is no cross without the resurrection,

They are always together, incompatible.

Just as a rose so beautiful,

But the stem...prickles.....

Jesus' paschal experience is very significant to humanity,

For it gives to us a living image,

that helps us to deal with our own crosses and resurrections,

It helps us to be real and authentique,

Evrery time I overcome a problem,

Or I find a solution is a moment of resurrection in my life,

If I cannot experience the resurrection here on earth with humans,

Then how can I experience it in heaven.

Every time I go through a struggle I know it must come to an end,

For Jesus did overcome through the resurrection,

And it was not done on the same day he died......,

Three days after he died,

 He resurrected,

This means that I too will  for some time experience pain here on earth,

This is part of the human condition,

And Jesus was human like you and I,

But I know suffering has to come to an end at some point,

Suffering does not have the final answer,

The final answer is the overcoming of suffering!

Love, pecae, justice,,,

Negativity has already being conquered on the cross,

We just have to manifest it in our daily tasks,

The cross to me is the object of perseverance, continuity in faith and undying love for humanity.

So when you see me with this simple cross,

It is simply my symbol of victory


© 2011 Vincent Esprit FMI

Author's Note

Vincent Esprit FMI
Every time we overcome a situaion here on earth, however small....we are being resurrected.....

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The message of the cross is very simple to me. I can express it in three words. Here goes. (Love is Sacrifice) Love is not sweetness and pretty happy things. No. Love is blood and pain and forgiving through it all. Love is not easy. The greater the love, the greater the sacrifice; the more work, worry and responsibility involved. So the greatest love would require the greatest sacrifice. And THAT is the message of the cross to me. I learned the meaning of (Love is Sacrifice) when I became a parent 25 years ago. :o)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I agree with you all the way, the Shroud of Turin is a painful reality. God work's, in mysterious ways, If you find the time read the true story of "Lifeline", if you didn't already, when my son Troy was at the right place at the right time. God Bless

Posted 14 Years Ago

Although our faiths are different, I cherish your testimony to the risen Christ. I wonder what happend to part about the Atonement. I believe that Christ suffered as no man has before in The Garden of Gethsemane; where he bleed from every pour of his body taking on the weight of the sins of the world. It was this suffering that allows us the provision to repent for our sins, and it was His death and then His resurrection, which enables us to rise again. I think this is key in the telling so we can remember these important accounts of which we celebrate Easter.

Great Work!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you for your convictions and for writing about them. We cannot keep quiet about His great work. I agree that He died was resurrected and is alive today to see the rest of us through.
Thanks again

Posted 14 Years Ago

I am eternally grateful for God dying on that cross for me. I love how you broke t his down. Great job and a very timely write just before Easter.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Deeply personal...

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The message of the cross is very simple to me. I can express it in three words. Here goes. (Love is Sacrifice) Love is not sweetness and pretty happy things. No. Love is blood and pain and forgiving through it all. Love is not easy. The greater the love, the greater the sacrifice; the more work, worry and responsibility involved. So the greatest love would require the greatest sacrifice. And THAT is the message of the cross to me. I learned the meaning of (Love is Sacrifice) when I became a parent 25 years ago. :o)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

thanks for reminding me y I am Catholic (I've had my doubts over the years, doesn't everyone) but this does help a lot :)
It seems like u have a deep understanding of your faith, thats really cool (in my mind at least)
Good job!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Writings about God are always awesome. The savior of our lives. The one who blesses all, nicework man. Well done.


Posted 14 Years Ago

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10 Reviews
Added on March 29, 2010
Last Updated on May 28, 2011


Vincent Esprit FMI
Vincent Esprit FMI

Quebec, Canada

I am a Catholic Priest. I do enjoy serving the Lord and the Church. I have always loved writing words of inspiration and thus I have recently published my first simple book entitled "100 Ways to Feel.. more..


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