Darby's Dream to be added to The Creatures Script whenever I feel its appropriate

Darby's Dream to be added to The Creatures Script whenever I feel its appropriate

A Story by aspiringactress16

this is something i wrote in class and i want to insert it into my script eventually


*Insert this when appropriate into The Creatures Script*

SD: The audience sees the bunker, but in sepia/60’s tint. A little girl laughs and ducks behind a box of grenades, a younger boy calls out:

LB:  where are you sissy?:?”

LG: you’ll never find me! (Runs and ducks behind another crate)

SD: there’s a pitter patter of little feet and then a small hand taps her on the shoulder

LB: I found you!

SD: Little girl stands up, puts hands on hips, and pouts dramatically (*humph*); Little Boy looks away guiltily, LG giggles.

LG: don’t worry, I’m just kidding. (Smiles and picks up little boy/hugging him. Kisses his cheek and puts him down again.)

SD: younger version of Big L appears in bunker doorway

BL: your mom called, she needs y’all to come home.

LG & LB: awww…*sigh*…ok

LG: bye uncle L!

SD: Big L squats down and hugs both kids before they leave, he smiles at the little girls and tussles the little boy’s hair, then stands up in the doorway as the kids race each other down the hill.  The kids run quickly through the town, giggling and playing tag.  Finally they slow as they reach a white picket fence, their daddy’s truck was parked in the driveway…

LG (thinks): daddy should’ve gone back to work by now; his lunch ended a half hour ago…

LG wears a puzzled expression but then shakes it off

 SD: They grab each others hands and the little girl unlatches the gate.  They stroll through the gate.  The screen door is wide open and they walk in…  The house is dark except for the thin beams of light shining through the blinds, it was lunch time and the blinds were closed (LG looks curiously at the blinds and then shakes her head) (suspenseful music starts to play very softly in background)

LG: Mom?, Dad?...we’re home!

SD: footsteps heard upstairs, silence, then a loud thud from upstairs.

Mom: we’re up here sweetie! (Sickly sweet voice)

Dad: stay down stairs baby! (Voice calm, but strained and flecked with panic)

LG: (turns to brother, looks him in the eyes and says solemnly) stay here

LB: (confused, spooked, with eyes wide) nods in agreement

SD: LG tiptoes to the staircase and notices a blackish puddle at the bottom. Her breath catches in her throat.  Shakily, she made her way up the stairs following a trail of blackish shiny specks.  She heard her father yelling from behind her middle brother’s door.

Dad: what the heck is wrong with you Meredith!?! (His voice is freaked out mixed with anger)

Mom: what do you mean dear? (Voice sickly sweet/innocent/creepy)

Dad: (in disbelief and anger) I mean what did you do!?!?

Mom: what are you talking about? (Innocent/creepy/confused) I’m just rocking my son. Is that wrong honey? Is that a crime?

Dad: I don’t know what’s wrong with you Meredith, but you need help. Your sick and what you’ve done IS a crime. (Disgusted) now hand Doyle to me.

Mom: what? (Innocent and confused/betrayed even)…NO!...NO! (voice transforms from sweet and confused to creepy and gravely)

LG: (knocks on the door) daddy?

Mom: come in honey. (Sickly sweet voice is back)

Dad: NO! DO NOT come in!

LG: (says through the door) but momma called uncle L and told him we needed to come home. (Confused and scared)

Dad: what? (Turns to Meredith) why did you do that? Are you freaking crazy?!?

Mom: Darby, I think you should come in here and give your daddy a hug; he seems a little upset at the moment.

SD: LG opens door and gasps, her mom is in a rocking chair in the corner, the room is dark, but she can still see the limp body of her brother in her mother’s lap; his head resting on the arm of the chair, with every rock a single drop of shiny dark liquid drips to the floor and the little girl’s face clearly shows the shock, sadness, anger, and disgust she feels inside. She shakes her head and backs up against the wall with her hands over her mouth.

LG: (very quietly, almost in a whisper) what….what happened?

Dad: baby, go downstairs (his eyes are pleading and the worry and stress and sadness shows on his face too)

Mom: no honey, come here… (Mom’s eyes are empty and dull)…

Mom: come here and JOIN YOUR BROTHER!!! (Yells in deep gravely voice, jumps out of chair, drops Doyle, and lunges at LG.)

SD: Dad moves in front of LG and tackles mom, they wrestle until dad has mom’s hands behind her back.  Looks at little girl with sad, caring, pleading eyes…

Dad: (says in a loud voice) run! Run with Nathan and hide! Take care of your brother and when things are worked out here I’ll come find you!

SD: Then the mom starts to kick, writhe, and scream in a demonic way.  Her eyes roll back and her back arches as a loud monster scream comes out.  Then the little girl runs downstairs.

LB: what was that noise?...what’s… (Gets interrupted as his sister picks him up)

SD: she picks him up, grabs their coats off the couch and runs out the door.  The sky outside is suddenly cloudy and the wind has picked up.  A gust of wind blows sounds of screams to her ears as she runs with her baby brother up the hill to the only place she knew of as safe.

© 2012 aspiringactress16

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Added on February 21, 2012
Last Updated on February 21, 2012




I love acting and writing. I'm obsesed with anything retro, vintage or antique :P my room looks like it came from the 60's :P i'm a little shy but my close friends know everything about me. want to kn.. more..
