![]() The Subtleties Of SpidersA Chapter by Vincent![]() the first chapter in my story. wouldn't mind any criticism![]() It was dark. I
tried opening my eyes, but closed them immediately. The bright white light
above me blinded me almost instantly. I could feel myself laying on my back on
something metal, and a strange beeping noise right next to me. The
first thought I could remember for the longest amount of time came into my head
at once. It screamed Who am I? My
heart beat seemed regular enough, even though I could barely move. The most I
could manage seemed to be the ability to breathe. I
heard talking from somewhere to my right, everything sounding as if I was
underwater. “He’s
awake, sir. Should I discontinue use of the anesthetic and prepare him for the
tests?” a voice said far to the left. It sounded like a woman. After a few
seconds, the voice said “I understand. I’ll begin immediately.” Forcing
my eyes open, I was able to make out the woman’s shape putting a receiver for a
phone onto the hook and hanging it up in the blinding glare. I watched as the
figure approached me and reached to the machine above me, pressing a few
buttons to make it whir to a stop. Immediately, I felt a change in my body, it
becoming more alert. I still had no clue what was going on, who I was, or where
I was. But I was finally able to move after a few more moments. “Sit
up, please,” the woman said. I did as she told me and sat up groggily, taking in
my environment. From what I could see, I was in something like a hospital room,
except a metal cot for a bed and it was a small room also resembling an
emergency room surgical bay. There were various instruments on the counter to
the left of the room, none of which I knew the name to. I was wearing hospital
scrubs and had nothing on my feet. The
woman was in a lab coat and had hospital scrubs underneath it. She had short
cut brown hair and wore eyeglasses over hazel irises, a thin face and clear
skin with a pointed nose and high cheekbones. She was beautiful, but definitely
not my type. My guess was she’s a doctor. The
doctor checked my vitals and then removed the needles from my arms that I
hadn’t even realized were there. Man, I was really out of it. And I still
didn’t know my own damn name. After hours of various
tests, some checking my vitals and physical condition, they finally gave me
something to go by. They called me “The Reaper”. Why? I have no idea. But at
least I have an alias to go by. The doctor brought me
to a large room with a solitary chair in the middle. It looked like a dentist’s
chair, just more metal, higher technology, and it had straps for the arms and
legs. There were various wires attached to the back of the chair and it
connected to a base on the floor. “Sit, Reaper,” the
female doctor said. So I did. Then I heard a
conversation passing the door to the room between two scientists. “Did you hear about
Reaper?” a voice said. It sounded male. “Yeah, it’s a shame
they’re gonna drain his blood and kill him. He seemed really promising for the
gene trials,” said another. “They already put it
into him, didn’t they?” “Oh, I forgot that. I
guess he’s a failure then.” The conversation
happened as my right arm was being strapped into the chair. Then my body kicked
itself into overdrive. I reached up and
grabbed the stethoscope around the woman’s neck and yanked her down towards the
floor, bringing my knee up and smashing it into her forehead. Then, while she
was dazed, I stomped on her head until she was unconscious. There was blood
seeping out from her nose and mouth, and I might have cracked her skull, but I
couldn’t have worried about such trivial matters right then. I unlatched the
restraint and dragged her body into the right hand corner of the room, away
from the door and against the wall the door is on, putting her in a position
where no one could see her from outside of the room. That’s when I started
taking my surroundings in slowly. There was a single metal table next to me
with a bunch of papers on it, and cabinets next to it. I checked the cabinets
and saw a bunch of hospital scrubs, which would be no use to me since everybody
in the facility knew me. Then I looked at the documents on the table, seeing
what information could be provided. Delving into the small
pile that was in front of me, I found it had an entire profile on some
important doctors while the final page was about someone, last name Redgrave,
first name Ranscion. Alias? Reaper. At least I had found
out who I was instead of wandering with an idiotic nickname like Reaper. But
why not keep it? I was already pissed off that these people wanted to kill me.
They had used me like a lab rat, and like a good lab rat I offered no
resistance. I don’t think I deserved any kind of death from these a******s. But because of this, I
decided it was time to take the offensive edge. This time, they were the rats
and I was the cat stalking the halls for prey. Gazelle waiting for the lion to
strike them down. I recalled one
particular experiment they performed on me, involving the gene altering
procedure. It had turned my nails black, but somehow they were sharper than
steel from what I understood. Painful experiment, but it had its ups and downs. I searched the doctor’s
pockets and pulled out four twenty-dollar bills and a set of keys. One key that
stood out had a “Ford” label on it. I took it off and stuffed it in the pocket
of the hospital clothes I wore and crept up to the door. Right when I decided I
would peek out, I heard footsteps. They sounded heavy, kind of like a pair of
big boots and a couple hundred pounds behind them. I was off slightly. It was
two pairs of boots. My guess was guards on their patrol. They stopped in front
of the room. I heard them approaching slowly as I crouched and prepared for
them. As soon as their faces
entered the room, I sprung up, wrapping my legs around the neck of one of the
guards, twisting sideways and toppling him on the other guard, dazing them for
a few seconds before they could act. Using one hand, I slashed my nails at the
throat of the guard that fell, causing a spray of arterial blood to shower the ceiling,
as the other guard scrambled to the side and tried to get his radio up. He hit
the comm switch on the radio and all he could get out was “Reaper is…” before I
grabbed him by the throat and squeezed both my hands, crushing his windpipe in
a matter of seconds. The fragment of a sentence was enough though, because soon
after, the alarm sounded throughout the building. F**k, I thought. I wanted to do this with minimal contact. Oh
well, more fun for me. I searched the bodies
of the two guards to find weapons I could use and came up with a pair of Mark
XIX Desert Eagles, each fully loaded with .50AE ammunition rounds, one extra
clip from each body, and four flash grenades. Right then and there I questioned
what facility I was in that would require such powerful guns, but welcomed it
because I needed a way out. I shoved the extra clips into one pocket and two
grenades into another, leaving the other two behind because I didn’t have
enough room to carry them. I went up against the
doorframe and shrunk to a crouch. Waited a total of five seconds and then
looked into the hallway, seeing no one around. I ran down the hallway to the
right and slid to a stop against the wall, the intersecting hallway becoming my
next obstacle. From what I could see,
each hallway was bare and white, like an insane asylum. It was creepy and made
even creepier from the absence of life. I saw absolutely no scientists or
guards at all. So I gambled that all of the guards were at some form of an
exit, blocking it from me so I couldn’t escape. Well, I was right. After
a while of traversing the hallways of the building, I turned a corner and found
the elevator. Five armed guards were standing at the elevator doors, guns at
the ready and aiming directly at me. “Stop or we will fire,
Reaper!” one of the guards yelled as I took cover behind the corner. “You have
no way out. We have more armed guards approaching you from the rear as we
speak.” “Are you sure I have no
way out?” I yelled back. “Positive, now give
yourself up!” It was at that moment
that I heard about ten pairs of boots approaching my position from the
direction I just came in. Smiling, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the
two flash grenades, pulled the pin off of both of them, and threw them. One to
the hallway I came from and the other to the elevator doors. As soon as I heard both
groups cry in surprise, I ran to the elevator and hit the button, roundhouse
kicking the nearest guard to the ground. I then reached to the second closest
guard and slashed his face, striking his eyes and blinding him. I pulled out the Desert
Eagle and then went to finish the job by blasting all five guards through the
torso, aiming to kill but not expecting the huge recoil. As soon as the last
shot fired, the elevator doors opened and let me on. I hit the button to the
lobby as the blood settled and the flash lost its effect on the guards. “We lost him, President
Caine,” the leader of the guard squad said over the comms microphone. “Is there any way to
recover our lost property without bloodshed?” Caine replied. “No sir. He has one of
our handguns and is heading up to the lobby from the basement.” “Let him go, then. We cannot
risk any more of our men. You did a good job, Lieutenant Mordred.” “Yes sir, thank you
sir,” Mordred responded. I had made it up to the
lobby with no resistance from the guards and when I made it to my final stop, I
knew I was free and clear. With no enemies in my path, I ran out of the doors
to the lobby barefoot and threaded my way through the parking lot, using the
remote on the car keys I had stolen from the doctor to find myself a ride out
of that hell with eighty dollars in my pocket. The car turned out to
be a newer model Ford Mustang GT, looking as if it just came out of the
factory. I quickly jumped into the car and started it up, backing out of the
parking space and driving out of the lot as if I had done it a hundred times
before. © 2012 VincentAuthor's Note
Featured Review
3 Reviews Added on October 15, 2012 Last Updated on October 31, 2012 Author