

A Poem by Vidya Bacchus

Just because .....

                                               Soul Mates

What you mean to me I can't explain,
The giddy ecstasy and sweetest pain,
The push and pull ,the tug of war,
Your drugged kisses leave me craving more.

You are my protector and my addiction,
My seducer and redemption,
You make me laugh until I cry,
You make me howl you make me sigh.

I  call  your name and you appear,
You delight me and dry my tears,
You can drive me stark raving mad,
But it breaks your heart to shards whenever I'm sad.

I gave you my heart and you hold its key,
You looked in my eyes and promised  me,
"I may make you cry but I'll  make you laugh much more,
And I'll never walk away from you and out the door."

"I will love you and hold you until my last breath,
Our story is written ,our course already set,
You'll never walk alone in this big ,bad world
Because you are the other half of me that makes me whole."

© 2014 Vidya Bacchus

Author's Note

Vidya Bacchus
A really lovely song inspired this one.

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Its extremely romantic, cozy and so much more. Thanks for sharing it. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

9 Years Ago

Thank you Priya :)
i really like this love poem, but i especially love the paradoxes in the second stanza...those really stood out to me...being half of a whole this

Posted 9 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

9 Years Ago

Thank you so very much Jacob.I am always glad to see you on my page and love to read your very kind .. read more
A beautiful and hopeful poem. We need our soul mates. Need someone willing to stay with us in the good and bad times. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

9 Years Ago

Thank you Coyote.We do need that other person who balances the scales for us and grounds us.
Coyote Poetry

9 Years Ago

You are welcome and you are right.
A beautiful romantic poem, Vidya. I visit your page often, and wait for your next one. A minor thing -- you should leave the S off of leave in the first stanza -- hey, at least you know I am actually reading!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

9 Years Ago

Aww, thanks babe, always glad to lend an eye to those who appreciate it.
Vidya Bacchus

9 Years Ago

I always appreciate it and you are welcome for helping me lol
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Aww this is such a sweet poem Vidya. Almost wish someone would write the same thing to me.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

9 Years Ago

Thank you Red I am sure they will :)

9 Years Ago

Your most welcome Vidya. -sighs- maybe.
Vidya Bacchus

9 Years Ago

Ha yes maybe :)
Well this is just so stinking beautiful!!! I love this. Love is exactly the way you have described it to be. A beautiful contradiction, filled with burning passion for our other half. xo :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

9 Years Ago

Thank you Maddy patootie that it is :)
This was extremely beautiful Vidya. You express your feelings so wonderfully in this. I liked this a lot oday.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much Will :)
I love the emotional contradictions.
Love is like that, you've captured the good and the bad, and the not so pretty.
Well done.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much Ance .That is what I wanted :)
Allow me a moment to just sigh at this beautifully romantic poem… to find your soulmate is the ultimate treasure and much more valuable then any material possession you can own.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

9 Years Ago

True that Cowboy Dale.Thank you very much for your sweet words :)
The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

9 Years Ago

Was my pleasure.
I can see the love overflowing in this piece, Vidya....

I know songs inspire us, but it's the electricity between two souls which truly captivate.

Wonderfully penned!~xoxo~:)

Posted 9 Years Ago

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36 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on July 8, 2014
Last Updated on July 11, 2014


Vidya Bacchus
Vidya Bacchus

point fortin, Trinidad and Tobago

I am usually a very happy person.I love writing ,I try to write what I feel. more..


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