Destiny's Blade

Destiny's Blade

A Poem by Vidya Bacchus

It speaks for itself I think.




I have thrown myself on destiny's blade,

And dragged you from the battlefield your ransom paid,

I would face the pack and grant no quarter,

Sacrifice myself like a lamb to the slaughter.


But as soon as you were free,

Into her arms you would flee,

And bid me understand, your eyes so kind,

Unaware of all the ways you should be mine.


And I love you more than my heart can contain,

For you to be happy I shall endure this pain,

And when you need another valiant rescue,

I will be the first one there fighting for you.


If the only place I can look at you is from the shadows,

Lest I come into the light and my feelings show,

Then I choose this path though fool I be,

Against these chains that bind me to you I shall never struggle to be free.


© 2014 Vidya Bacchus

Author's Note

Vidya Bacchus
Say something :)

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Unrequited love is a terrible thing. This poem has a lovely flow to it.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Thank you Britt :)
A difficult task this love thing. Beautifully expressed in all its wonderfully awful angst. One thing, your destiny's is right in the title, but written as destinies in the first stanza

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Thank you cat.I will fix .I must tell you that you are very appreciated for that annoying thing that.. read more
Lyn Anderson

10 Years Ago

Good. Cause I can't help myself.
Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Thank god for that :)
You have such a big heart. I don't think I can ever be so magnanimous with someone who ditched me.
a beautiful piece, nonetheless. amazing how easily you can slip into someone elses's shoes.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

You are very welcome kind sir :)

10 Years Ago

Gee! now, I'm embarrassed. we should've been doing our "courting" in private.
Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Hahahaha you are so funny :)
Humans are such fools sometimes, going for those who are bad for us and not seeing the one that could complete us right before our eyes. Fools I tell you, we are fools.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Yes I agree fools all of us.Searching for the happy ever after when it is right in front of our face.. read more
The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

10 Years Ago

You are most welcome.
Love others more than they know is a thankless endeavor. In the end one can hope is for a broken fulfillment. good write.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Thank you Streamline :)
Love is powerful, even when not returned...
Your poem captures this so well.
Beautiful writing my friend

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Thank you Jules :)
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Wow. This is romantic and powerful. I would not mind at all that a woman who loved me this much would save my life. I think if I ever met her I would love her for all eternity.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Aww shucks you are very sweet Red.Thank you and I am sure she is out there :)

10 Years Ago

You are most welcome Vidya. :)
Nothing is more painful than unrequited love and you have captured the essence of it so well.

I love the stanza
"But as soon as you were free,
Into her arms you would flee,
And bid me understand, your eyes so kind,
Unaware of all the ways you should be mine." resonates with so many past experiences, unfortunately..

Truly beautiful piece. well done. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Hello Tan nice to meet you and Thank you so very much for taking time to read this :)
I have thrown myself on destinies blade,
And dragged you from the battlefield your
ransom paid,

A beautiful piece.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Thank you Ssaad :)
Those who endure the pain, gain. And those who come to the rescue are valiant indeed. A wonderful poem...:)...................

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago

Wow. You are welcome...:)..................
Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago


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32 Reviews
Shelved in 7 Libraries
Added on May 19, 2014
Last Updated on May 20, 2014
Tags: blade, battlefield, ransom, valiant


Vidya Bacchus
Vidya Bacchus

point fortin, Trinidad and Tobago

I am usually a very happy person.I love writing ,I try to write what I feel. more..


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