Oh all my mlife i have hated being told that I have to do something. Ask me to and I have no problem… it is as if you were reading my thoughts.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Lol we are on the same page there cowboy.
10 Years Ago
Damn I wasn't finished lol.I hate to be told what to do.It is so simple to ask rather than to demand.. read moreDamn I wasn't finished lol.I hate to be told what to do.It is so simple to ask rather than to demand.Thank you :)
Another great write of yours.
" I am not a damsel in distress,
Who is too naive to recognize danger,
Right now I dare anyone to test this raging harpee,
And you would be wise,
To heed the sparks shooting from my eyes."
You express like hell :)
You call it rebellion, I call it independence. I definitely know what you're talking about ! Nothing annoys me more than being ordered to do something, even at school, I even wrote a poem about it, as we say here in Italy "sfondi una porta aperta"(=You're breaking through an open door).
Loved it
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you so much my sweet friend.Yes being ordered to do something really gets me mad :)
lol, I hate to be so uncouth in my review... but all I can say is Damn right! haha, this is how every woman should respond when ordered around and not given the proper respect! Wonderful how you took your anger and vented it in words, sometimes it is better to beat a blank page than the one in front of us, at least that is what the cops say...lol :) Fantastic emotion...loved this!
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Lol....yes so the cops say.Thank you my sweet friend and you could never be uncouth you are too grea.. read moreLol....yes so the cops say.Thank you my sweet friend and you could never be uncouth you are too great :)
Until the storm has abated,
And the flaming inferno cooled,
And next time to save yourself,
From getting your eyebrows singed,
Ask me to, don't command me to.
This is so beautiful poetry ever. Love its spirit.....
Nothing more vicious than an angry woman. That was great and very angry piece, which is evident in each word. Nicely written. Thanks for sharing with us.
God help the guy who does not heed this warning! I bet he's cowering under the bed, now.
frightening but made me laughh, all the same. I love this. very well expressed.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you Engluva .Your review made me laugh.Yes he cowered for all of five mins is how long my temp.. read moreThank you Engluva .Your review made me laugh.Yes he cowered for all of five mins is how long my temper lasts :)