![]() In Too DeepA Story by rowanfaet![]() Prompt: Satan in your new therapist![]() Lucifer’s point of view It had been a long time since I had stepped foot past the gates of Heaven. God and I spoke often, contrary to modern belief, we were friends. Friends who agreed that people who did things a certain way deserved a different type of life after death. However, any communicating done between the two of us took place on the top of a cave in Limbo. He once told me he enjoyed watching the pagans wonder aimlessly craving only to meet him, completely unaware that he watches them. He is quite a sinner himself that man. It had been eons since he had invited me beyond the pearly gates. I was weary and cautious as I strolled toward them. As I neared them I could see him leaning against the gates. Smiling as I approached. His long blonde hair tucked behind his ear. Wearing only white pants the loosely flowed in the nonexistent breeze. As I neared him I could feel a familiar glow spread around my being. I hated him for it. He could always force a feeling of joy into the soul. He strolled up to me and pulls me into a tight hug, patting me on the back hard. “Hello, old friend.” He smiled and gestured for me to follow him. I eyed him suspiciously as he seemingly glided toward a small stone building. “I do not understand why you find such appeal in these ancient stone shacks. You could have anything you want. Why not at least make it bigger?” “Simplicity my friend. I know that even you can appreciate the simple things in life.” He was still smiling that damned smile. “We have a very different idea of what is enjoyable old friend.” I had begun to grow annoyed with the smug look he had had on his face ever since I approached. As we entered the small stone building I realized this is what was once my inner chambers. The very ones in which we discussed me having a realm of my own to rule. The place where God himself had asked me to take the people he couldn’t bear to permit into Heaven. I knew the moment I recognized it that something was amiss. “I can see on your face that you have put together where we are. I am certain you remember what I asked of you last you stood amongst these walls. It is here again that I must ask you to do something of the utmost importance.” I felt a cold chill sweep over my skin as he uttered out the remark. I didn’t think it possible to feel cold in Heaven, but alas, I was wrong. “What else could you possibly wish me to do for you? Have I not already done one of the most crucial and significant things?” I steadily grew angry at the very thought that what I had done already was not enough. However, I let out a slow breath through my nose in an attempt to hold my temper and appear calm in the face of my oldest friend. “You know well that I will never be able to repay you for the sacrifices you have made for me. This task is most meaningful to me personally. There was no one better to ask than my dearest friend.” “What is this oh so important task?” I found that my curiosity was strong enough to overpower the flames of anger that had just moments before threatened to escape. “I need you to become a Guardian.” The smug smile returned to his face. I hated that damn smile. I scoffed as he finished relaying his request. “Very funny, what is the real task.” “Tis no joke Lucifer, and do not think it one either. I ask of you to become a guardian for the woman on Earth known as Charlotte O’Maneray.” I felt my lips slightly open as I realized with a shock that he was not joking. “Why? Why her? Why is this human woman so important to the creator of the whole planet?” I had many questions. But this was the most prevalent. “She is no human my friend. I believe that she is Nephilim. The first I have seen in many lifetimes.” “You refer to her as a woman. I assume this means she is full grown. How is it then that you only just now found out of another Nephilim?” “Of this I am unsure. I have never once let my watch of the angels stray. I can, with certainty, say that none of them have slept with a daughter of man. I haven’t a single clue as to where she has come from. But I would like to find out. I ask of you old friend, please watch over her. Do not let any harm come her way until we have found out when and how she came to be.” “No.” “No?” God frowned at me. “No, I will not become her guardian. I will not seduce Nephilim to find the answers you seek.” “I am not asking you to seduce. I have another plan in mind. As I am sure you are aware, the humans have strangers in which they trust their most vital information to. It appears Charlotte has recently been seeking one out. You would take the place of whom she would’ve met with. Please, old friend, I trust no other with this task. I can give you my holy vow that this task will be the last thing I ever ask of thee.” I became paralyzed as his last words passed his lips. Never before had I heard a more generous offer. The task felt petty. But the prize, in the end, was well worth the time. “Okay. I agree. When do I begin.” And with that, the agreement was made. © 2017 rowanfaetAuthor's Note
Added on June 9, 2017 Last Updated on June 9, 2017 |