Ghost Story

Ghost Story

A Story by Solitude

This is a short account of an actual incident.



Do you believe in ghosts?  I've always tried to keep an open mind on such things, but let me tell you a true story and you can see what you think.  Claire, my neighbour, wanted to show off her new kitchen extension on her 200 year old cottage, so she invited me and my 15 month old toddler, Luke, over on a play date with her 3 year old son, Thomas.


The kitchen had been transformed and took up a good chunk of what had once been a very long garden at the back of her cottage.  She remarked that since the work had been done, Thomas had not had a night's sleep, and she couldn't understand why.  After we'd had our cup of tea and a biscuit, Claire noticed that Luke was sitting sobbing by himself behind the settee, which was at the foot of the stairs.  I tried to comfort him, but he wouldn't be consoled, and in fact appeared to be glued to the spot, so reluctantly (I didn't get out much!) I had to cut short our visit and I carried him home.


As we were crossing the road back to our house, I tried to get him to tell me what was wrong.  "Not like it, mummy", he said.

"What didn't you like, sweetheart?"

 "Not like that lady watching me from the top of the stairs".


I felt a shiver run down my spine.  It seemed we weren't the only ones in Claire's house.  We'd probably also solved the mystery of why Thomas had suddenly stopped sleeping through the night.  Perhaps the new extension had disturbed the spirit of some poor soul, who knew?  We moved not long afterwards and he's now a big, strapping 17 year old rugby player with no memory of the day he saw a ghost.  I haven't forgotten so easily though!


© 2011 Solitude

Author's Note

Do you think this would be suitable for a "Readers Letters" page of a women's magazine? It did actually happen!

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This is fine, you tell it really well. I believe in ghosts, I've seen one so I understand how scary it can be. Not all ghosts are bad though.. interesting true story. Being an old cottage your friend must have disturb a soul who lived in the cottage before. And for reason young kids can see ghosts or sprits, a sixth sense that they grow out off...

Posted 13 Years Ago

I'm not too sure about the dialogue, but the story is just as it happened!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 7, 2011
Last Updated on April 7, 2011



La Rochelle, South West, France

More of an aspiring than an established writer, I enjoy the process of writing so much that I almost feel sad when I finish a piece I've been working on – the best cure, of course, is to start a.. more..

The Outsider The Outsider

A Story by Solitude