![]() Whisper's of DeathA Story by Jonathan Misael Alvarado![]() what happens when you love over come death?![]() Every night, since Maryline died, I can hear whispers in the night. Maryline, my beloved wife, meant everything to me and still does. Erin, Kasandra, and Micheal put the blame on me. Saying "I pushed her to an early grave" that I "never loved their mother". The kids are right, thinking up nonsense and believing the lie they created. Erin, the oldest, caused this whole mess in her morning process. Turning my own flesh and blood against me. Pity, she was my favorite after all and so intelligent. I walk through-out my empty house, turning off every light as i ready my self for a night's slumber. Walking up the stair's, they mimicked my foot steps. Creaking every chance they got, and moaning as the old house bent with the wind. i walk through the top floor, making my normal rounds before bed. Checking everyone of kid's rooms, telling them goodnight like i used to when they were kids. As i make my way to the bed room, like clock work, i feel dread, i feel alone, and i feel abstract from the house that shelters me and protects me from the elements. I sigh deeply as i finally reach my last stop of the night. The master bed room, where we would argued, as well as where we made love, and where she realized how much she truly hated me. As if i never heard those words; "Your so careless with you words Oriantio, all you do is drag me down with you". i repeat the her last words to myself, " All you do is drag down with you". "I never meant to" i tell the air, " I just wanted to fix everything that day!" Then i continue to play the scenario, "All you do is drag me down with you" she screamed as i sat at the foot of the bed,as i process her words i grow angry. I become violent, and i verbally abuse my wife. "Your a Worthless wife, and a failure of a mother! I made this possible for us, all you did was leach off me" She's shocked at my counter argument, i didn't have to say that. She fight's her outrage, and storms out the room. I turn away, and act as if everything is perfect. as i began to lay down my head, a noise made me spring to life. A loud thump echoed thru the two story house, waking the children who were undisturbed by the bickering between the two of us. As i walk in to the stair way, the kids are rubbing their eyes, dazed by the sandman's dreams. I ordered them to there rooms, and they do just that wobbling back to there beds. I feel obligated to keep them safe, till i can investigated the mysterious sound. "Maryline?" I say as i walk down stairs, "Maryline, what was that?" turning the corner as continue to walk to the source, then i saw her. Lying in the kitchen, blood dripping from her heads. I run to my wife, and try to make sense of the situation. My eye's grow foggy, as i lift my wife's body. "Maryline, please tell me your alright" Picking her her up, i brush the hair from her face reviling her glow as she bleed on the kitchen floor. I come back to the present, laying in my bed reminiscing on our last conversation. I slowly lose consciousness, and like clock word, the whisper. Yet it is never clear and i am never really clear on the message. I brush it off as the wind, and fall out of the repeating nightmare. i wake to the sound of my neighbor mowing his lawn, the motor annoys me making me hate the man even more. Every night, i hear whispers. Sound's i can explain and my fear makes me ignore the sign's that so blankly stare me in the face. I have unresolved thing's between me and my departed wife, yet nothing to my knowledge on how to mend the gap that slowly eats away at my soul. Maybe this isn't what she wanted, maybe i'm just imagining it, so i don't feel so recluse. i find peace in my logic. the day when by and the spender's of the day are dwindling into night. As if instinct screamed to me, i feel dread. The sun hasn't even disappeared and my guilt decides to come early today. Yet something is different, something has changed and i can't recognize it. Walking out side, the sight of the sun falling fills me with anxiety, and i panic as the darkness slowly grows into Night. I fear everything as if to be treated by the inanimate objects that fill my home. I walk slowly to the kitchen, watching the floor for any holes that would make me fall into oblivion. I safely reach the arch to the kitchen, as i flick on the light's i see a shadow on the floor. Out lining my wife's corpse, i close my eyes and shake my head. I open them to the kitchen, empty as always. i take a few steps in, making sure to look in every dark corner. I sense no "real" danger, just my mind tricking me into insanity. Opening the frig i laugh at the idea of my own mind turning against me. "Aha, yeah. Like if i'm not already hated enough, ahaha" the thought of me turn against me makes me laugh hysterically, and suddenly dust blows in from the corner of my eye, followed by a rolling ball of paper, Only to stop the base of my feet, i bend over to see what just manifested from nothing. I raddle the paper around to dust off the dirty that followed it, as i open it dust flys in to my eyes. When i can see again, my eyes squint to test the damages done. The word's fade in as my eyes stop watering. I am confused, why haven't i seen this? Maryline's autopsy report, i must have misplaced it in the chaos. Maryline Debra Stillings 12/30/89 The body seemed to have been put under extreme pressure, we found her brain had just refused to function stopping her major organs causing her to faint. The blood forced tramma from the fall opened a cash of 5' across, exposing brain tissue. We found traced of sodium in her hands, hair, and face , as if she was crying. In her left hand we found a note from her daughter. We theorize that the note asked of her father's verbal abuse. We were able to salvage one sentence; Momy y do you cry alone? She must been overwhelmed by the current situation when her heart stopped, thus making her collapse into the granite cabinet. Head first. Cause of death: Depression, stress levels. Time of death:10;09 As i read the tattered page, i feel guilt and give a empty stare to the shadows looming over her final place she was in this house. That night, i cry myself to sleep, only to be awaken, but this time it wasn't the wind's whisper. It was death's scream, and it bounced off every wall in that house. Leaving me horrified, and for the first time i felt unwelcome in my own house. I breathe deeply, and exhale slowly. As i do my breathe becomes visible, the walls creak, the trees break in the wind. Somethings angry, i can feel it. Somethings here, and it's making me quiver in my house. I am out raged, "Leave me alone!" i scream to the wind. Suddenly the windows blow open, a gust of cold air fills the room blowing in debris. I cover my face, and walk out the room. As i walk out the room some one grabs my arm, i turn swiftly to the sight of nothing. "Maryline" I mutter under my breathe, walking cautiously looking behind with every noise that house made. "It's that you, love?" now I've lost it, talking to ghost? i swallow my fear, and begin to walk aimlessly around the house that shelters me, for now anyways. "Maryline, please be reasonable" i plead to the walls, "I always tried to make sure you where hap...ouch!" I get cut off by the blood in my mouth, my body refused to lie to it'self. i run to the bath room, as soon as i turned on the light, there she was dressed in black and covered in dust, Death. "wha-at?" i don't understand, and i don't think i want to. "You have been collecting dust", says the figure hovering off the ground, "time didn't stop just for you. She covered you in her presences as to say: Just cause you gave up, doesn't mean i didn't continued to turn" . A giggle comes from the same direction then, Death moves from the bathroom, gliding into the hallways, and in to my bed room. I look out of the bathroom, hoping i am just delirious from being alone for so long. i take baby steps to the room, waiting for evil to pop from the blind spot in my eye. I am breathing heavy, my paranoia ravages my body and i shake in fear. I look in to the master bed room, and there she stood the reaper, cloaked in black standing in front of the window. I breathe deeply which made my lip quiver, making the noise of child holding in the tears. "So you choose to except that you see me?" said the cloaked figure, never looking my way. "Why are you here?", i plead with my imagination "Why are you taunting me!?" i beg for answers, and i feel tears run down my face. "Hm?" said the figure, turning to my direction and when her eye's meet mind, her's are glowing red. The room becomes colder, and the figure snapped in rage. Her voice changes from some what human to a distorted sound of anger. "You'll never be free of your own lie!" screamed the figure, "You never did accept your own failure, and to this day you continue the lie that you call happiness!" When her words stop, i want to laugh but i didn't want to in rage the apparition. "Explain you self figure," I demand trying not to show fear, " you say I'll never be free yet i find joy in being a hermit" I try keeping a stern face, yet the figure isn't impressed. "Why do you think i decided to show my self to you, human?" her hands come together, and she begins to tap her fingers. "Your not real!" i conclude, and i want this nightmare to stop, "Your not welcome here, you have to leave." The figure throws her head back, and her distorted laugh make my stomach turn. "You have no authority over me, human." she begins to hover closer to me, "you have no power over a divine being such as myself" Hovering around me, she seems to be examining me, studding my body language and looking me up and down. Her stared is cold, and i feel her breath on my skin giving me goosebumps. "Now," she said, turning to the hallway, "You'll have to come with me, and don't bring anything" she teased " you won't need it where your going" Her choice of words make me worried, where am I going? "Come!" ordered the figure waving me to my room. i walked slowly to the entity, wishing my sanity would come back. Yet, i am compelled to do accept my situation as a force of nature, And then for the last time i feel fear, as my soul leaves my body. © 2015 Jonathan Misael Alvarado |
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