![]() life is what u make it ALONEA Story by venika![]() a beautiful friendship.......![]() “Mom, where is my socks.” he shouted. “Child, it’s on the bed.” she replied with soft voice. “Okk” he said. This ‘child’ name was Abhimanyu
Singh, in short ‘abhi’, a MBA student. Studies he hated the most and mom he
loved the most. She never shout on her but he did sometimes. In his life he had
an angle, till she was not his but she would become. From 8th standard they
were in same class and now in same collage and in same class again. Don’t know
how? “Abhi, let’s go for a movie?” shubham said. Shubham his best
friend and anamika also, his angle. “Okk, did she also going?” he asked shyly. “Oooohhhh, hmmm let me call her” shubham said and laugh loudly. The bell was ringing and his heart was beating very fast. “hello.” s**t a beautiful voice he had ever heard” “Hello, wana go for a movie?” he asked. “No, yr I had to complete my assignment. You enjoy” she said
sadly. “Leave it, abhi will do that” he said looking at Abhimanyu’s
face. He want to kill shubham but he can’t kill do that for her. “Abhi, who’s this?” she asked. “My bestiee, he is good in studies” he said and laughed inside
only. Now it’s too much. “Okk” she said and cut the phone. “Hmm, I am good in studies, stupid liar, I didn’t did my
assignment and you want me to do her.” abhi said loudly. “Ooyyee, you can’t do this for her” he said and abhi got melt. “Okkk but last time. I can do anything for her but not studies
please” abhi said. “Okk, chill yr” he said. They were on our way to the movie suddenly shubham said, “Yr
s**t”. “What happen?” abhi asked. “Yr, I forgot my violet in my room. Do one thing you go and pick
anamika and I will bring my violet.” he said with a smile. Abhi was knew what
was in his mind. He went away to take his violet and to take his love. When he was standing in front of her house, he was just thoughting
how to call her and after putting a stone, not stone actually a mountain on his
heart he horn and she, his angel anamika opened the door and was on the way.
All his senses suddenly had a heightened intensity. The color seemed brighter,
the sounds seemed louder, and the smells seemed more powerful. (When your love
is in front of your eyes, you do not need anyone around you to keep you
company. But when your love is away, you spend all your time thinking of each
other. When you are in true love, nature has its own way of acknowledging it.
Maybe a leaf fluttered or light breeze blows past you. When would nature give
him a sign? Was his emotion was true love? Every beginning however always has a
sequel.) The only lines which he kept mummer in his mind are. WO nazar kaha se lau Jo tumhe bhula de, WO dawa kaha se lau Jo is dard ko mitta de, Milna likha hota hai takdir mai, Par wo takdir kha sa lau jo hum dono ko mila da. Anamika was so beautiful that anybody can fall for her, even a
married one also can. Her straight hair seduce the people to touch , the
smoothness of her hair, her eyes were perfectly curved ,her way of walking
making all other things stop, and most important and sexy thing was her tattoo
on her shoulder that was amazing . “Hello?” she said standing just in front of him. “Sorry, let’s go” he said with nervousness. “Where is shubham, is he not coming” she asked. “He is coming, actually he forgot his violet so he went to bring
that and his girlfriend also...” he said. “Ohh, that very important” she said and smiled. After a beautiful ride with a beautiful girl sitting behind they
reached the mall. They were in the mall when shubham and his beautiful and true
love sneha was came with him. (Guys, love is a strange feeling. It gives you strength and hope
that nothing can go wrong. And when you stop believing in love because of
broken heart, it’s often hard to start over.) Sneha and anamika starts gossiping, shubham and Abhimanyu went
to take tickets for movie, ‘ashiqui 2’. “Bhai, what was the feeling when she was sitting on the back
seat of your bike.” “Yr, best feeling thi” he said
and went on the ticket window. They brought four tickets, two together and two together. It was
their plan to do that? “Anamika you have to sit with Abhimanyu, is it okk without?”
shubham asked her. “Mmm, yeah its fine” she said and Abhimanyu smiled inside. They went inside the theater and Abhimanyu kept looking at her. (Friends, time decides
whom you meet in life, your heart decides whom you want in your life, but your
behavior decides who will stay in your life that what I want to say to him……) Finally the movie started and still Abhimanyu kept looking to
her... “Hey, why are you staring me, am I looking funny or something
else?” she asked and smiled. “No, you are looking superb. Can I tell you something?” he said. She nobbed and he said “you know what, I want to be your friends
from the first day I saw you. Will you be my friend?” She kept silent then said “okk, it will my pleasure to be a
friend of smart and intelligent boy” she said and looked toward him. The world stopped for him when she looked into his eyes. (The best feeling which you
get in your life is when your love someone and she looked into your eyes.) Next day they both meet each other in canteen and become good
friends after some days not only they both but shubham also was one of their
best buddy. They used to tease him on commenting beautiful girls and smart
boys, they make lots of fun together. One solid group was in the making. Though
it had been only a couple of days since they met, their friendship seems old.
They were very comfortable in each other’s company. (Most friendships only last for a particular phrase of our lives.
For a friendship to last forever, there has to be bonding in group. There must
be connection that surpasses time and space constraints. And they have all
these things in a group.) One day shubham and anamika was teasing Abhimanyu talking about
his studied that he studies a lot and can you please do all the assignment of
our class. “That’s enough guys, anamika I want to tell you something?”
Abhimanyu said. “Yeah, speak up” she said with anxiety. “I am not good in studies even I never did my assignments also,
shubham lied to you that’s set” he said and by down his head. “Hmmm, that okk ... Even
we also do not study.” She said and start laughing and then every buddy start
laughing. “Yr I have to go sneha is calling me, bye” shubham said. “Hmm okkk, and handle with care “Abhimanyu said and both laughed
loudly. He left and they both continued judging students on their
dressing sense. After one week, Abhimanyu had his birthday and day before his
birthday he messaged anamika ‘when I first interacted with you, you
were sweet and genius. Its felts like a string connected to your heart. There
is something strong taking place between us and instead of letting it pass, we
should act upon it. Now sleep tight and get ready as tomorrow will be special
for you. Rabb kara tu sada hasti rahe, Koi dukh tere nere ve na aaye, Hor ki dua mange rab toh, Tenu saddi vi umar la jaye!! The one Who wished him first was his mom than anamika. In morning, he got up and went to his mom and said “mom, can I
hug you” “You are asking for it, my child?” she said and hugged him “Mom, I am missing dad.” He said and the tears roll down his
cheeks. “He is always with you, in every moment of live. You should not
cry for him, he was the one who made you smile and you are crying, stupid today
is your birthday keep smiling okk” she said and kissed him on his forehead.
Abhimanyu lost his dad in an accident. (Friends, mom is the best person in our lives, we should respect
her.) He get ready and went to the collage, that day was special for
him because he was going to propose anamika. He went in the canteen and say to
the boy who serve coffee to everyone that when anamika come he had to give him
the rose and the note which Abhimanyu gave him. Finally after 10 mints anamika came in search for abhi to take
treat from him. When suddenly that boy came and gave him the rose and the note,
she opened the note and read, ‘You might be annoyed at me after getting this note but,
the truth is I really like you. Maybe it’s a love….. I don’t know yet. But what
I do know is that I missed you a lot whenever I am alone. I have really started
caring for you…. my love, my baby, my sweetheart. There is something about you
which make me think about you every second….. I’ve always felt my life is a
puzzle, but there was a piece missing. That missing piece is you. You complete
me. I never though love will happen so soon to me. Your presence sends shivers
down my spine. Being with you has made me realize that you are the one for me.
Someone for whom I can give my life. I want to give you all the happiness you
want. And today I want this relationship to be official in front of everybody
so if you feel something about me please meet me in the hall……. She was shocked for some time and then smiled. After think for seconds
she went towards hall. Everybody was waiting for her to come, the way she
entered everybody looked towards her, and then he found Abhimanyu standing on
the stage with a bouquet in his hand. She went near him and looked into his
eyes and smiled. He bend down on his knees, giving her a bouquet, then he said
“I don’t know where to start with you. The first time I saw your innocent face,
I started dreaming about our future together. You took all my pain, suffering,
and hurt away. I don’t know how to explain it to you. I see a future with you.
I want you to be my wife and mother to our kids. I can spend my entire life
telling you how much I love you. I thank god each day for introducing me to
such an amazing girl. You are the girl with whom I can go to my mom and proudly
say, ‘this is my choice’. You have everything I look in my dream girl and no
one can break our bond ever. All I know at this point is that if this is right, it wouldn’t
go away so easily. Our bond will keep getting strong. Both of us are carrying
baggage from our past. But we don’t have it to cause problem in our present. We
will work through it. Trust me, my love, I will always stand by your side in
your bad time. I want to be yours forever. Let’s live our lives the way we
deserve to live it. Anamika I love you. I need you. I am all yours. Can you be mine? Tere bina tutkar
bikhar jayenge, Tum mil gaye to gulshan ki tarah khil jayenge. Tum na mile to jita
ji mar jayenge, Tumhe pa liya to
marker bhi jee jayenge…… After hearing so wonderful words from his mouth she smiled and
said, “I love you 2”. He said “what have you said right now can you please repeat it”. “I love you 2” she shouted and smiled. Abhimanyu hugged her
tightly and everybody starts clapping. For that one moment he was waiting from
10 years and finally it happened. They both went to the class together and on the way abhi kept
looking on her “baby, don’t stare me like that” she said very sweetly. “You are mine okk, I only have this opportunity to look at you. So
please let me complete my wish.” He said and smiled. Weeks passed away, and day by day abhi started loving her more
and more. He treated her like a princess of his life. New semester started after the result and this time a new boy
added in their group parth Sharma. He was good looking but with an attitude.
Every girl wants to be his only. But every boy has a girl in their life with
whom they want to spend their live. That’s same was with parth, he had a
girlfriend ‘Anjali’ whom he loved like a mad. They all become good friends or
may be best friends. But there was only problem, even after having a love in
his life, don’t know why he felt attraction towards anamika. But he never said
that. They enjoyed their life, anamika and Abhimanyu, shubham and
sneha, parth and Anjali, they don’t care about world just care about their
partners. One day Abhimanyu asked anamika to go for a late night movie with
him, and she agreed with that. Anamika sent a WhatsApp message to Abhimanyu the next night when
they planned to go a movie, “I will meet you at Rajiv chowk. I am coming
directly from the library”. Abhimanyu replied soon after, ‘I am near AIIMS. Should I come to
pick you up? I don’t mind spending a few liters of petrol just to make sure you
come safely. After all, baby your safety is a prime concern to me” “No need. I’ll be there in some time. Till then, you can flirt
with someone else,” she replied with a winking smiley. After a short conversation Abhimanyu meet her at Rajiv chowk and
they went for a movie. In the theatre Abhimanyu didn’t saw the movie just holding
hand he was so happy that for whole time he kept smiling. After a movie he left
her to her apartment and went home. When
he opened a door he found her mother sitting on the table waiting for him, he
said putting key on the table, “mom, why are you waiting for me till now, you
should sleep” “How do I? When my child didn’t eat anything” her mom said and
smiled. “Mom……” he said and kissed her on her cheeks. “Abhi, can I ask you something” she asked. “Hmm… please” he said with mouth full of roti. “Who is she?” she asked with a smile. “Who?” abhi shyly replied. “Do not be innocent abhi, I know everything. And now you don’t
want me to know about her. Child I also want to know your choice.” She said and
laughed loudly. “Mom……” he said with smile. “Please…” she said. “Her name is anamika, and mom I love her a lot. She is my life,
I can’t live without her.” He said and looked into her mom’s eyes. “Really! Great so when will you bring her in this house and when
will her last name will be same as yours...” she said teasing him. “Mom….. Not now” he said shyly. “Okk, so eat all the roti’s and then go to sleep don’t think
about her so much otherwise everybody will thought that you are mad. Good
night.” “Okk…” he said. Next day, in the morning, the bell ring at anamika’s apartment,
she was shock thoughting about who will be there so early in the morning. When
she opened the door and there was nobody but a bouquet of rose and a big card
on it. She picked that and opened the card and read: ‘I don’t know how you will react to this little note of
love. You may feel surprised, flattered, or be indifferent. But rest assured,
this is my first love letter to any girl. I am not good at words but I will
still try to convey my feelings to you. I am so struck by your innocent,
child-like face. Yesterday when I was sitting holding you hand I was feeling
like I was complete that moment. This is a small poem for you. Though it hasn’t
written by me, it reflects my love toward you. To my love When nothing makes sense and every thought is blurred, Love will find its way!! When you look into my eyes, you view my soul. It is everything I am and because of it, I will always love you!! If there was a word to describe my love, Surely it would only be spoken by god!! All I have to offer you is me and my love, Though both are simple, I promise they are true. Life is truly a mystery, A puzzle waiting to be solved! Although one might be able to solve it alone, The answer will be found easier with another!! I want to discover life with you anamika, And experience all of life’s mysteries together in your
embrace!! I love you, dil se! By your abhi She got tears in her eyes after reading the card and went
inside. She send him a message ‘that was a best gift and feeling which I felt
in my life. Abhi thanks so much for this’ Abhi replied ‘really, our relation is so formal that for
expressing my love you have to say thank you.’ One week later, when anamika went to collage everybody was
talking Abhimanyu that he was cheating her and he was in a relationship with
someone else. She got angry but somewhere she was happy also that she would get
free from all this. She went toward him and said “abhi, what everybody is saying?” “What?” he asked “That you are cheating me and you are not serious about me?” she
said with a sad face. “Oohh, are you mad. You don’t trust me, I love you and they all
are just spreading rumors about me that’s set.” he said. “Stop your drama okk I don’t believe you” she said. “So, what do I do to make you believe that I love you, how do I
prove it.” He asked. “Bring me your mother’s heart, and if you will than I will be in
relation with you” she said. “Sorry, what do you mean?” he asked surprisingly. “Your mother’s heart.” She again said. “Are you joking? You want me to kill my mom and bring her heart
to you” he said with shock. “Yes” she replied casually. He never thought that she would behave like that but that was
true. He went home, and saw her mother cutting vegetables. He went near her and said “mom, I want something from you?” he
said with sad face. “Yes, tell me what you want” she said. “Mom, I want your heart. Mom, please. Actually in our collage
don’t know how everybody spread rumors that I am cheating anamika and she is
not believing in me. When I asked her how I prove than, she said she want your
heart. Mom, I am sorry but if you say no, I promise I will not force you. You,
is the only one person left in my life.”
He said with tears in his eyes. Her mom kept silent for a second than smiled and said “fine, I
am ready to give, my child. I have spent my life, I got so caring son, and no I
don’t need anything. And you have just started your life. I am ready son but
before that you have to hug me” his mom said so casually like he was asking for
tomato. He cried and hugged her.
At night he killed her mom but he couldn’t dare to bring her heart out.
Next day in collage he said to anamika that he killed her mom now she could
bring her heart out. She was shock after hearing him that he killed her mom for
her but after that also she didn’t talk to him and said that “but you are no
more my type.” (How many chances do you give someone to prove they are not what
you thought they were all along? Everyone in live going to hurt you but you
just have to figure out which people are worth the pain. Love isn’t easy, there
will be hard times, and there will be great times. The key to success full
relationship is to find your way through hard time and cherish the great time.
It’s the law of nature, we hurt those who love us and love those who hurt us.) He was broken somewhere his desire to live was no more. The guilt
of killing his mom made him weak every day. Daily in the evening he used to
stand in front of anamika’s building where she lived and thought that ‘what
I have to do to get noticed by you? Change my hair, change my clothes, chance
the way I walk, and change the way I talk? It’s been a while since we have
meet… your one look makes me go weak on knees. Its take me to a place that I
can’t even describe. Is it wrong if I want more of you? I knew the day I saw
you that we were meant to be together. It’s our destiny…. Then why is it taking
so much time for us to come together? What should I do to make you realize how
much I love you? How desperately I wish you come to your apartment’s terrace
right now and give me a flying kiss. I killed my mom for you still you are not
aware of my feelings. Why? What do I have to do to get noticed by you? Shubham many times came to abhi’s house, try to explain him and
force him to come to collage but he never answer his questions, just said him
to talk to anamika about him, convince her to be his partner. (Friendship is one factor that makes our life worthwhile. When
you have a friend to confide in, suffering seems more bearable, and pleasures
become more intense. Everything is better if you have friend to share your
feeling with. When friendship breaks, there is a degree of pain and sorrow that
we all go through because you feel a void in your life.) One day Abhimanyu send her a message, ‘You
are the one who took my heart away. But never had I thought you would shred it
to pieces. You could have just ripped it in a half so that it would be easier
to put it back together. But you tore it. Piece by piece. And now, only you can
fix it .no one else! You told me that no one could ever replace me. You lied!
You hold me that I was your one and only. You lied! You told me that you would
love me forever and never let me go. You lied! You told me that you would
forgive and forget about everything I did wrong. You lied! You told me that you
will erase the memories about my faults. You lies! You told me that you will
never leave me. You lied! You told me you would never lie to me. YOU LIED! All
you did was lie and cheat. Just get out of my sight, get over my mind. Get out
of this world. This feeling in my chest is no longer just a felling. You held
my hand when you need me and threw me away after using me. Now when I want you,
you slapped my love. I will kill you. You won’t live happily ever. This is just
a start. Mai teri band bajaunga. F**k off. Anamika didn’t pay attention to his threat messages. She had
decided she was not going to let his anger affect her. She wanted to lead her
life of normalcy again. She even changed her mobile number and decided to block
him on WhatsApp. But he caught hold of her number from somewhere and started
calling her up again. In every message and phone call he just warned her that
if she did not become his, he would make her regret one day and even harm her.
Anamika was a brave girl and handled it on her own without letting anyone know
except shubham as he was the only true friend she could trust. One day they all were sitting in the canteen, (shubham, sneha,
parth, Anjali, anamika) suddenly shubham got a call from Abhimanyu and he
putted his phone on speaker. “Shubham, where is anamika?” he asked as he didn’t know that his
call was on speaker. “Bhai, don’t know, I think in library” shubham lied to get to
know what he would say. “Bhai, go and please see is she alright or not” he said with sad
tone. “Why?” shubham asked. “I am feeling something wrong inside me. So please go and check”
he said and cut the phone. Everybody was shock for some time after getting knew after his
concern for anamika. Next day in the morning, sneha went to anamika’s apartment, she
knocked the door but nobody answer, as she was knew that anamika was inside but
not opening the door. After 15 minutes Sneha got tensioned. As anamika always
put her duplicate key under the door mate, very quickly sneha found it and open
the door. After an hour, Sneha called shubham and said “come quickly to Annand
hospital, I’m waiting.” “What happen?” shubham said with shock. “You just come fast.” sneha said. After half an hour later, “what happen to her? Why is she here?
And why are you crying? ” shubham asked with anxiety mind. Suddenly, parth also came there and asked in a low tone, “is she
alright?” “Not really. I just had a word with the doctor and according to
them, she has physical injuries on her body and is not in a stable state and
hence we have to wait for her to wake up as only she can tell us what exactly
happened.” Sneha said with tears in her eyes. “What do you mean by physical injuries? What do the reports
says? Shubham stammered. “It means someone tried to get physical with her without her
consent. Now whether the intention was to kill her or rape her, I don’t know
yet. But yes, he definitely tried to get physical with her. I think this
incident happened at night. When at morning I went to her apartment, I found
her not unconscious but was also bleeding badly.” Shubham was heartbroken listening to all this and couldn’t hold
his tears. Sneha console him but it was of no use. Parth stood there with an
expressionless face. Shubham thought this all was done by Abhimanyu but he
preferred to keep silent and wait for anamika to regain consciousness. All
three of them went into waiting room as they were not allowed to meet before
the police inquiry. “Doctor, called the police also because it is a police case.”
Sneha said and suddenly parth face got yellow. Shubham was extremely upset with the incident. A girl who was
someone’s child, a girl who was someone’s sister, a girl who was someone’s in
her own eyes now been injured beyond repair. (Everyone says love hurts but
that’s not true. Loneliness hurt. Rejection hurts. Loss hurts. Love is the one
thing that makes everything better again) and parth hoped they would still love
him even after what he was about to tell them. “Shubham I know you won’t believe what I am going to confess
right now but it’s true. Please don’t misunderstand me. I know I have done a
mistake and I am guilty as charged. I even ready to suffer for my mistake as I
know it’s unforgivable. Maybe I will lose you all and will have to spend my
entire life alone but I can’t live with this guilt. I thought I will not tell
this to anyone as no one will come to know about it, but seeing anamika here
like this has shattered me. It’s all because of me. Things could have been
different last night but I screwed it all up and I still don’t know why. I kept
asking myself that why I took that step but I had no answer and I still don’t
have an answer now. I know you won’t accept it easily but that’s the sad truth.
If anamika is lying here today in this condition, then it’s all because of me.
Only I am responsible for it and no one else. I don’t know what happened to me
but…. It’s not that it happened all of sudden. Remember I had told you…” Shubham interrupted parth, “parth, what’s wrong? Calm yourself
down first. What is your point exactly? We all are responsible for today’s
scenario. You can speak your heart out” Parth continued, “Everybody goes through something’s in life
that changes them in a way that they can never go back to being the person they
were before. Last night changed me in a similar way. Now I cannot go back to
being the person I once was. As I told you, it was not all of sudden. Remember
I told you that there is that oomph factor in anamika which attracted me to her
even though I hated her carefree attitude to the core? When I first met her in
the collage, I felt like she had that wow factor in her which impressed me a
great deal. Though I was committed to Anjali, I couldn’t help myself from
staring at her sexy figure and that’s human tendency. Men’s are made like that.
I thought that she was flirting with me because she would try to I do not know.
Her relationship with Abhimanyu made me feel like she was a girl who you could
take to parties just to show off to your friends. It was completely my
perception and it was developed on the basis of her casual attitude towards
late night parties and drinks. I never knew her before so I was not aware of
how she was as a person. When I got acquainted with her, I realized that
thought she exposed little bit much, she was a nice person at heart. Day by day, my infatuation increased and I
even tried telling her about it but I never got a chance. Plus, I thought of Anjali,
our five year old relationship, and how much she had supported me. I couldn’t
do this to her. Do you ever regret making a decision? I regret the day I
allowed her to cry putting her head on my shoulder.” “But there comes a time in life when we realize that we cannot
force love, respect, or friendship. If it’s not from heart, then it is false
and meaningless!! Last night I was drunk, when I went to her house, she wouldn’t
get to know that but I was drunk. When she opened the door she was little sad,
and suddenly like a child she hugged me and start crying, when I asked her she
said she is feeling alone. “Are you alright?” parth
asked. Parth went and sat next to her. She was surprised by the amount
of concern he was showing. “Yes, I so confused about where my life going. I still wonder if
I am capable of loving anyone. Anyway, what’s wrong with you? You look drunk,”
anamika added. “Can I tell you something? There is something about you which
attracts me to you. You are one of those girl who look nice when they are
drunk. I wanted to express my feelings since a long time but I never got a
chance.” Parth explained. Anamika was feeling odd at a sudden change in his behavior. She
knew well that parth loved Anjali from the core of his heart. She told him to watch
what he was saying as he was drunk. She further added that whatever he was
doing was wrong. But parth was in no mood to listen to her. He tried to catch
hold of her forcefully. He held her by hand her waist and planted a kiss on her
mouth. Anamika tried to push him back way but he was too big for her to handle. “This body makes me crazy. I want to ram you right here on the
sofa. I want to see my fantasy turn into reality. Oh b***h, let me taste you
tonight. Let me feel your body” Parth forcefully pushed her to the sofa and jumped over on top
of her. She tried to resist with all her might but he was too strong for her.
He tried to kiss her neck and mouth. She tried to scream but he s**t her mouth
by placing his hand on top of it. After sometime, she surrender to his wishes.
She lied there like a dead body while parth devoured her as is she was a piece
of meat. Tears trickled down her face. Anamika felt like she was losing a
friend forever. The feeling was worse. The more parth tried to force himself
physical on her, the farther he went mentally. By the time he went up and left,
she had turned inanimate. He had lost it completely by then. He not only tore
her clothes, but her heart also. She struggled to release
herself from his grip than suddenly parth came close to her ear and whispered
“b***h, I wish you are not alive.” She thought the same. She does not want to
survive. He hardened his grip on her hand and covered her mouth. She finally
gave up and closed her eyes wishing the time to pass quickly so that when she
opened her eyes next time , she don’t see him standing there. She couldn’t
believe it was happening to her. She stopped screaming after some time as she
realizes that it’s over. But the pain was going to last forever. Parth left her
there to die. She laid there with tore clothes, nail stretched on her body and
the blood all around her. (The one whom you trust the most are the one who
shouldn’t be trusted. With each lie nature of relationship chances.) But what
happen last time was not a lie. Yet the relationship had changed. (Sometime
greatest lesson learned is taught by those whom you label by the name ‘friend’.) Suddenly the inspector came and said “the doctors have given as
the final reports. They said that she was physically assaulted. You need to
treat her with love and pampering her without giving her stress. She is kept
under the observation of 24 hours. do you have any clue who would be their last
night.” A wave of silent filled the air. They knew what had happen last
night but couldn’t say anything in front of cops. They simple shock their heads
to say ‘no’. (A lost or broken friendship hurts, but what hurts more is the
realization that they weren’t a true friends to begin with). She survived but
no hope left from her life. She felt it would have been better she died that
day. At least she wouldn’t have to live the nightmare of her life had become
now. She opened her eyes and found everyone standing in front of her.
She tried to smile looking at shubham and sneha. She had high fever and her
body shivered. When she saw parth standing behind them, she immediately looked
in other way disgust... “What happen last night” the senior inspector asked. “Nothing inspector. All I can remember is that I was drunk and
that someone held my hand and tried to force himself on me. After that I don’t
remember anything?” whispered anamika on low voice. (Sometimes what you expect
from a friend you get it from a stranger and what you expect from stranger you
get it from friend.) Her answer not only shocked parth but everyone standing there
who knew about her incident. No one had any clue what anamika said and why she
tried to save parth even though he had assaulted her so badly. Before the cops
should ask her any question, the doctor arrived there and asked them to leave
so that she can rest. They asked shubham if they would take her good care than
they could send her home. Shubham agreed and took anamika to new apartment. Shubham
thanked doctor for the help and went away. Everyone was in state of shocked and shubham was heartbroken.
What hurt him more is that he lost his both friends. Parth guilt was destroying him every minute and he didn’t talk
to anyone after returning from hospital. Anamika’s face haunted him in his
dream whenever he tried to sleep. When Anjali came to know about it, she was
furious, dejected and heartbroken. She send parth a message: ‘I thought our relationship would last forever. But now
it’s time to walk away. You lied, cheat and broke all the promises. I deserve
better than that. What was my fault? One day you are going to wake up and realize
how much I loved you. But I will not be by your side. One day you will realize
how much I have done for you and how much you have taken me for granted. I am
leaving you not because you I stopped loving you but because I do not like to
have a husband like you, a father like you in whose arm’s a girl can’t be same.
Sorry you are not for me. Bye forever parth. I wish you good luck!’ Sitting in the police station, parth re-reading the message Anjali
send him last night. He didn’t have the strength to look into her eyes. The
moment he confessed her crime in front of cop, he had handcuffed and put behind
bars. Anamika lost her confidence that night but parth lost her life. But parth
still can’t figure out why she lied to cop and didn’t taken his name. He could have
lied to everyone but his soul arrested him. (Love is just a word, till you show
it. Guilt and sin is just a word, till you commit it.) Parth could save himself
but his guilt had arrested him. (Sometime you have to take a step back and realize
what’s important in your life. What you can live with but more importantly what
you can’t live without.) (We are made up of different personas and to show a real self to
the world is always difficult. To accept reality is a challenge. But life bring
you to a stage where you need to accept the hardest of truth and move on for
those who still love you and want you in their life.) Anamika had lost her
confidence and needed a strong support system. Her family, shubham, sneha stand
by her side and gave her all the help and support. Parth abused her. Now even
the touch of his father or doctor sent her screaming. Days passed by but her
condition didn’t improve. In the meantime Abhimanyu came to know about the
episode. He started paying visit to her new apartment every day. Everyone could
now realized how much he loved her. But every night she screamed in pain as she
recounted the death full night. She wanted the world to see and understand her
pain. She wanted to be held tight, so tight that her fear fade away. She wanted
to be kissed her by someone who loved her and who could wipe her tears away.
She wanted to tell that no one shamed on her. (When a leaf fall from a tree who should be blamed! The wind
that blows it away? The tree that let it fall? Or the leaf itself that grows
tired of holding on?) Abhimanyu take care of her like she is her only hope to live. He
forgot what she did with him. He just want her to recover fast. He want to make
her independent as she was earlier. One
day shubham visit anamika and asked her “In the hospital when inspector asked
you about it, why did you lie? Everybody knows that parth was behind all this? Anamika remained silent for seconds and looked toward Abhimanyu,
her tears roll down her cheek when Abhimanyu wiped off by his hand. He gaze
towards shubham and said “because I loved him. I never told him because he was
in serious relationship with Anjali. Heck, he didn’t even see me as a friend,
so could I have told him? When he forced me to get imitate with him, I tried to
stop him but, I mean nothing to him, and neither had I told him about that. In
those 30 minutes he treated me as a toy with which you can play when you want
and throw after your need is over. What hurt me the most was that the attacker
was not the stranger, but I guy whom I loved. I realized I am not his type” Abhimanyu kept her finger on her lips and said “that set okk,
guys let’s stop thoughting about that incident now, and now he nothing for us
but I am, so please just throw away all bad thoughts and re start your life.” Someone ones said that death is not the greatest loss in life.
The greatest loss is what died inside us while we are alive. If anamika would
have chosen to give up, she would have killed so may peoples around her who
truly loved her and wanted her to do well in her life after all this. She
decided to be the owner of her own destiny and not the victim of her
circumstance. She had decided to live for those who wanted her to fight against
all the odds. She made sure that even the saddest story can have the happy
endings…..! Making millions of friends is not an achievement; a real
achievement is not make one friends who stand by you through thick and thin!
Anamika had such friends in her life. They had stood by her like a family
during her darkest days. While man had discovered so many amazing things to
cure dieses and illness, no one has been able to find the cure for mental pain
and trauma given by someone. Only time can heal such wounds!! Anamika had
fought with dead and now she had reason to live. Being single doesn’t mean you are lonely and being in
relationship doesn’t means you’re happy. Was parth lonely after being in a relationship?
It is just a mystery to everyone. Never take anyone or anything for granted
because it only takes second for a life to alter forever. Parth lost everything
in his life. Love, fame, dignity and even his friends also. Parth had met two girls’
Anjali and anamika and he had managed to betray both!! Why we should try
holding past when future can be much better... The best story is not of Romeo
and Juliet who died young but our grandma and grandpa who grew old together.
Similarly, Abhimanyu and anamika wouldn’t let a day telling that how much they
loved each other and the only argument was that who loved the more. But the
truth is they loved each other equally!! Abhimanyu made her smiled like she did
earlier. Sometimes all the doors may be closed but they aren’t always locked.
She lived! She loved! She helped! She got hurt! She feared! But to say she
smiled…. When your passion and purpose is greater than your fear, you find to
overcome them. In every girl’s life she need a boy to live with and a boys also
needed a girl to live with. Sometimes you need pain and heartache to see what matters most. No
one can understand your pain until they are put in your position. We should
stop reading old chapter. Happy ending do exist…. It all depends on where you
end the story. Friends, In all my story I never only concentrate on
love, friendship but the only thing I want you all to focus on your life. We
all make mistakes, and also learn something from them but there is no use of
making mistakes if you earlier take precaution. My stories are alarm for you
all that please open your eyes many times in the face of gold we find stones.
So be awake and enjoy your life as you can. Your venika….. © 2015 venikaAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on December 27, 2015 Last Updated on December 27, 2015 |