![]() Knights and BatteriesA Poem by Hannah Kolar![]() What is the one thing a knight and a battery have in common?![]() The valiant of the Round table So Eloquently addressed by the King Himself Armor of Righteous Steel He Can Do No Wrong Superiorly; the Narcissistic of the damned He leads them with a bold faced Lie strung though His heart Breathing news of a Curse Invented by the Superior Mind The pessimistic inquisition of Such A Scholar He; the advanced, beyond The only source of Consolation He Has Acquired Electrons shoot through the Wire Heating and Destroying and Rebuilding Clinging to Such Star Crossed Affection The tingle of Protons; disabling the Alarm Refuse Defeat Resume The game It is a fight; the Object of motivation lost in the Cinders; bitterly the Saccharine words burn up in Such Self fuelled Warfare He is the knight I am the battery; wasting Away; Drained of all Ardor; the Machine slows to a Rusty Nullification He sears I spark Charge © 2012 Hannah KolarAuthor's Note
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