A Poem by Velvet Angel
I regret too much. Many things I've done and said, but Also things that were never said. 
Regret fills my every corner
The empty hole that once was
My body
My soul
My mind
Filled with regret for
All the things I never said
And all the things I never did
When I had the chance
To be with you
© 2016 Velvet Angel
Author's Note
Another little poem for y'all.
I could connect to the feeling that your poem conveyed. I've definitely been there, contemplating all of the what ifs, typically at night when I'm trying to get to sleep. It becomes more of a profound and haunting feeling when it comes to regretting missed opportunities with love. Maybe this person could have loved you, maybe you could have loved them, etc. and you will never know because you never tried. Terrible, but sometimes I think about it as a lesson to just put myself out there and risk the rejection instead of bottling it up and then yelling at myself later.
As far as critiques go: in the sixth line, I think you could take out the word "is" and have it still make sense. If you read it as a sentence without the line breaks, I think you'll be able to hear how that word kind of jumbles the phrase up. Small opinion, but it stuck out to me.
Overall, though, nice little poem you've got going on here. I look forward to reading more from you. :)
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Thanks for reviewing!
Yeah, I experience that too and while thinking about all the Missy opp.. read moreThanks for reviewing!
Yeah, I experience that too and while thinking about all the Missy opportunities I got inspired to just make these thoughts into a poem.
Concerning your criticism: you're totally right! I'll leave it out next time and keep an eye open for mistakes like these in the future.
Thank you!
Velvet AngelGermany
Young and ambitious writer.
I try, and just every now and then, something happens to create itself inside my mind and it needs to be written down.
I hope you have fun/generally enjoy reading my st.. more..