Cosmic Surrealism

Cosmic Surrealism

A Poem by Salem Fitzgerald

Someone who can't accept reality writes as if she's in control of the stars. Everything is "perfect." This is cosmic surrealism.


and if all the stars could shift their shine

a trillion on me just this one time

then I could make the wish of all wishes

what's meant to be and what is not 

are always aligned at the perfect spot

but I could feel it change when the gravity shifted

effort appeared, apathy withdrew

and someone writing a song for you

became enough to validate my existence

and on this one night, everything still

my wish granted, your perspective new

we rewrote the fate that didn't please us

© 2013 Salem Fitzgerald

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This reads just perfectly, so smooth, and smart. perfect.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is a gorgeous dream! All writers wish this, for our realities (or surrealities) to come to life and be made real-life--I know I do, every moment of every day. I especially like the part of "we rewrote the fate that didn't please us" Gives turning back the hands of time a whole different outlook.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is perfect, I love surrealism. Sometimes this life is surreal.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on March 27, 2012
Last Updated on February 19, 2013
Tags: poetry, stars, cosmic, love


Salem Fitzgerald
Salem Fitzgerald

Small Town, WI

I walk through life imagining events that have yet to happen. I yearn for adventure and passion. I'm let down so often by everyone I meet so I spend a lot of time alone. I'm a writer, a philosopher, a.. more..
