there is a turquoise elephant standing on my porch
knocking on the glass door
looking through the window
past his reflection
for a nicer view.
he says his name is orville
and he's looking for a meal
and a place to stay
bumbling up the stairs
and into the kitchen
he tells me he's an orphan
as we split an ice cream sundae
his story makes
strawberry tears stain
my white bowl
and he knows it's not the only reason
i'm tinting my cheeks
i tell him what's wrong
looking down all the while
i tell him
how when the sunset fades
so do i
and i don't feel real
and i don't feel like me
and i don't feel at all
i tell him how i can't sleep
because i can see the stars through my curtains
and i can see the star-whales
being hunted by ugly spears
i tell him how i panic
whenever a deadline is looming
because fireflies can't stay outside
all night.
i tell him how the dust bunnies watch me
and bite at my toes
because i'm not wearing socks
he hands me a handkercheif
and i wipe my eyes
and the strawberry stain is gone
at least just for now.
but orville tells me
there is hope when i'm hopeless
and there is beauty outside
and i just have to find it
in balloons, in bubble baths
in cookies and melodies
in raindrops, in streetlights
in me.
and i just have to find it.