Happy Birthday Jesus
December 6, 2006 / 2:39 pm
A room full of people.
One of the men yells
Shut the door!
I do begrudgingly,
Not eager to leave
The solitude of
The snow outside.
My hands are full
Of clumsily wrapped
Gifts and I struggle
Out of my shoes.
I feel like a five
Year old again,
Never quite knowing
What to do with
Myself, what to
Say. The tree glitters
With its false cheer
And I want to be
Sick all over it,
Show it for what it
Really is: A false idol.
Instead I slam the gifts
Down in front like
I'm lying a virgin on an
Altar to be sacrificed.
Ham graces the table
And I grimace. There's
Nothing more disgusting
Than a dead pig for all
To see. My uncle asks
Why I'm alone again this
Year and I take a moment
To bite my tongue. I
Smile and laugh and say
Nothing, move on to
Sit at the kid's table.
Reading from the Bible
Will follow dinner and
Then presents will be
Consumed by greed.
I'll step once more
Into the snow and
Silently thank God
That his son only
Has one birthday.