March 21, 2008 / 2:22 pm
Live via satellite
Me through the line...
Yes, I've been gone.
Lost to my words and
Alone without connection
To internet pretension.
Floating despite the gravity
It's such a travesty that I
Jump jump jump from one
Bump bump bump to the
Next with no thought to the
Draught of my mind and the
Ties that bind and the tears
That will be cried no matter
What I tried yesterday or the
Way I swayed to the tip tip tap
Of the rap rap rap you pass as
Poetry or the waves that rolled
Over me and with all the words
I think and all the thoughts I bank
I will always be lifeless and tired,
Admired, conspired to find the well,
That photovoltaic cell that converts
My thoughts to viable plots with no
Luck, just f**k f**k f**k it. All I
Would do was muck it up with sledge,
I'm no longer cutting edge.