Nice write, and very well written imagery. It's very true, on how some Christians have been like that through the ages, but hopefully most have changed. I suppose I am Christian, but my beliefs are a little different than others. Everyone is the same, I don't care what the bible or anyone says anymore. I don't think you would go to hell for not believing in God or not praying enough. The past is littered with wars and deaths dedicated for religion, but what kind of God would want that? You really are a fantastic writer, your pieces really make me think about life. Beautiful job, keep writing.
The Christian Church has so many skeletons in the closet they had to build crypts underneath Rome to house all the bones! But a happy slave is better off than an anarchist constantly under attack. Of course, Satan might not agree. According to Milton, Satan feels it is better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven. And he acts as if it is because he is defending freedom...freedom to do this or that...whatever one wishes. But the truth is...we all serve someone. We must. Nice write.
Only within the darkness of your soul can you find the light that lies beyond.
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