Race, Poverty and Crime

Race, Poverty and Crime

A Story by Tiffany S

Confronting political correctness.



Ah, yes. Race. I’m going there, to the topic that no man dares since the rise of political correctness.

Right now, I’d like to talk about the correlation between race and poverty in America, an issue that has been made out to be far more controversial than it should. If anyone dares suggest to the face of the liberal elite that the most impoverished and crime filled neighborhoods tend to often be majority black, they will most certainly be called a “racist”, “bigot,” or my personal favorite, a “white supremacist.”

Despite the obvious fact that Democrats were the ones perpetuating racism years ago with the formation of the KKK and promotion of slavery and Jim Crow laws, they act as though they’ve always been champions of “racial equality” to this day. 

They not only ignore the fact that eight of the ten most dangerous neighborhoods in the country are over 50% black, but they also widely promote the building of housing projects, which have become synonymous with high poverty and crime rates of any given area. Why is this? Well, think of it this way: if one is given something for free (regardless of race), they don’t tend to hold it to the same esteem as something they paid for with their own money; that they had to take time out of their days to work for themselves. Therefore, it doesn’t matter as much to them. They don’t understand just how lucky they are and often aren’t as thankful as they could be, given that they don’t understand just how much work it would’ve taken them to pay for it.

I’m by no means trying to imply what I can bet most liberals would say in response to this post: “You’re a racist who thinks that only black people commit crimes and live in poverty!” That’s not what I’m trying to say at all, actually. I’m merely pointing toward the truth that liberals try to hide in their endless pursuit of pandering to the black community: majority black neighborhoods tend to have higher crime and poverty rates. Many people wonder why, to which the answer is that 72% of black children are raised in single parent households.

In most cases, they are raised by single mothers, which has a tremendous psychological effect on them growing up. Statistically, children growing up without a father are more likely to commit suicide, abuse drugs or alcohol, become teenage parents, in criminal behavior, perform poorly in school, get suspended or expelled from school, fail to attend college, and are more susceptible to many more issues that can be read about here.

Thus, this is clearly a cultural issue and not a racial one. It isn’t racist to say that majority black neighborhoods tend to be more impoverished and crime ridden than others, because it’s true. You can call a fact racist, but that won’t in any way discredit it. The denial and ignorance of liberals of this very real issue has only allowed it to become a greater problem.

Something needs to be done about poverty in America, as federal housing and the creation of welfare states clearly isn’t the answer. As a Christian, I wholeheartedly believe that we can at least start with prayer. But I’d like to hear about your perspectives as well. What do you think, my dear followers? What can we do as individuals to combat the issue of poverty to the best of our abilities?

© 2014 Tiffany S

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Added on March 2, 2014
Last Updated on March 2, 2014
Tags: politics, civil rights, racism, conservatism


Tiffany S
Tiffany S

Chicago , IL

Hi there stranger! The name's Tiffany, and I'm an eighteen year old ESFJ born and raised in Chicago. I wrote my first short story at eight years old, and have fallen in love with writing ever since. I.. more..
