![]() Chapter 3: Spring CityA Chapter by unspokenpain![]() The beginning of the quest "to pass the time"![]() Not two long after the nearest sun had began to settle over Khakor forest, a book was being stuffed into Gian’s bag. The supplies had been packed up and everything looked as it did before the two brothers had made camp. Silent good mornings had already been spoken between both and their venture had started for the day. It was perfect weather. The sun was showing its morning beauty and glowing strong but showing reserve. A warmth was in the air and a breeze was blowing just strong enough to give a cool spring hug. No matter the destination or the urgency for time there might be, today was not going to be wasted. The Khakor Forest was showing its springtime beauty. The warmth was radiating off of Yij’s smile. “I can’t say we’ve seen such a lovely hug of weather like this in a while have we Gin.” He had begun grabbing at some of the Khaki berries hanging at arms reach. “Not since Y’iang village it seems like.” Gian responded. “We can enjoy it more sparingly once we reach K’riin.” “We will enjoy it, that I promise.” Yig was talking through a smile bigger and warmer than usual. The brothers let the rest of the next few hours go by in silence as they walked. Yij was enjoying a handful a khaki berries most of the way and Gian had used this time to count a rough cost of all the supplies they would need to restock on. It took til noon for the two brothers to reach their destination. Hugging the edge of Khakor forest was the gigantic elven city K’riin. The brothers had traveled many miles and seen many elvish cities, but none quite like this one. None as beautiful, none as unwanting. The two walked into the nearest shop as soon they entered, asked for where they could buy a map of the city, and went on their way. The city roads curved, circled, zigzagged, and had many dead ends but still, it was gorgeous. The beautiful weather could be felt even in the crowded city. The wind was blowing through the busy paths and wind chimes played a beautiful song among the chatter of horses trotting and merchants selling. There was plenty to do once arriving in K’riin. The brothers could go to one of the many taverns, drink and flirt while listening to the wondrous lute. Maybe both could split and find their own self pleasures. Gian may stop at the nearest shop selling books and browse til his heart's content. Then he’d find the biggest tree with the greenest leaves and lay in the shade and read his newest purchase. Yij would most definitely find the best of smiths, as he has a nose for finding them. He’ll laugh and chat with the bearded and smoldered smith like old friends. The brute of a man who most likely would have a name like “Brutus” would smile and give the boy a great deal on his best work if not free. Never knowing the young man was just hustling with profession. Then after it started getting late, the brothers would find each other and grab a bite at a local diner. They would laugh and smile while discerning what dish would be the worst just to order it for the other. If the waitress was pretty, Yij would give a smile so bright followed by a confession of love for her that she’d be red as a rose. After that the night could go too many ways to predict but each would make a great story every day after. Though they could go to one of the many taverns sprawled throughout the city or split and find their own pleasures, this was not the case. Gian did not go browsing books nor look for the biggest tree. Yij never sniffed out a smith nor smile at any waitress. There may have been plenty to do in the city of K’riin, but the two were here for only one. One the city knew nothing about but still loved so much. Instead of entering one of the many fine taverns throughout the city, the brothers found themselves in a water hole of an alley. Littered with trash and mucky air so thick it seemed almost visible. The two walked around the pointed glares of men of many sizes and walked into a building with a sign almost falling and hardly legible. Looking from the outside, any third party would assume the boys had been lost. No matter how you looked at it, they didn’t belong. As they entered the shady looking tavern, the difference between the brothers and the crowd surrounding them was black and white. Sitting in many different places were crooked smiles that gave more fear than joy. The few that weren't wearing armor had rags for clothes. All were armed in some sort of fashion, but none like Yij and Gian. Everyone here were people few would dare give sideways smile to. They were dirty and smelled something foul. The few who washed regularly and wore new robes were most definitely the dirtiest of the bunch. The brothers stood out like sore thumbs. Both had very light armor that really only covered the vital areas. Leather was the focus of their wear. shoulder and knee pads was the thickest of it all while a few straps for carrying small tinkerings and other important tools you would need in flash was the rest. Besides that the two had normal clean clothes underneath. Unlike the blades surrounding them, the brothers each carried a full sized sword on their backs. Yij was the taller and younger brother. A clean and shaven face with no visible scars and teeth as white as a lie yet eyes as honest and clear as a summer's sky. His hair was a little wild but groomed. Gian was the oldest of the two and a hair smaller than his younger sibling. Well groomed and eyes like a fox, he exhumed knowledge and wisdom despite his young age. However what stood out even more than their wear and young look was their hair. White. No matter how you looked at it, they didn’t belong. Neither here or anywhere in the city of K’riin. “What can I get fer ya lads.” The barkeep spoke. “Your finest tale. And some Khaki for the both of us if you’d be so kind.” Yij greeted. “Aye, but er aint cheap. Be it news yer lookin fer.” The barkeep replied. “Be it news, myth, or rumor. As long as it’s been passed around a few.” Gian answered. A stalk and a half of bronze coins was set upon the table. The gruff man behind the bar looked at the coins. Smiled. Then swept up the change with his huge brawly hands. “Few hunters have gun’ missin’.” The barkeep started pouring them drinks. “Is that rare?” Gian asked. The two had settled in their chairs and humbly accepted their drinks. Yij was gazing at the crowd of drunks and crooks scattered across the tavern. He resembled a child with wandering eyes. Not really looking for anybody, but searching for something. “Aint even worth scratching yer ear fer.” The barkeep met Gian’s questioned glare. “Listen lad. If ya lookin fer work, there’s plenty of it here. Always a crook needin’ ter be troubled, always a missin’ hunter or merchant ter be found, always a rotten fellow in the city to find…” “And not more than a pent for any of it.” Gian interrupted. “Aye.” The giant of a bartender turned quiet. As if seeing the boys for the first time, the man behind the bar began to scan the two and what they wore. Waiting to speak, he kept quiet until the white haired brothers gave a signal to talk. Not saying anything, the giant took this as a request. “Silver or gold?” Sighed the barkeep. “Gold. Non-political.” Yij finally tuned in. “O’ course not!” Laughed the gruff bartender. “Could tell by lookin’ at the two of ya that ain't rustlin yer swords. The names Penthen, but jus’ call me Pen.” Pen barked. “Gian. And this is my brother Yij.” Yij gave a soft and eager smile as his older brother spoke. “Does this mean you have something?” “Not at all lad.” Pen snorted. The burly bartender began shining the table and talking over the older brother's shoulder. He was kindly speaking to an older gentlemen a few tables away who was keen to yelling obscene remarks more than ordering anything. The barkeep asked if the two would like anything else and when both said they were fine, Pen went to tending his tavern. “Come back just befer the lamps er’ lit. Maybe then you’ll find sometin’.” The brothers nodded and stood up, then left the tavern. It was a still only mid-day so Gian and Yij had plenty of time before the city lamps were alive and burning. It only took a few minutes for busy city streets to be heard again by the brothers. After what seemed like an hour of walking through the zigzags of the alleyway, the two boys shook hands and agreed to meet up at the tavern before evening strikes. Normally the brothers would spend their free time gathering supplies and entertaining themselves with whatever the town offered as a pass time. Whether it was reading, chasing women or something in between, the city of K’riin had it all. Yet today, Yij and Gian did none of these things. Although split, the two were doing the same. Wandering. You couldn’t blame the brothers for just walking for hours, taking in everything around them. No one person could be blamed for the feeling swarming them. It was the beginning of blossoming love. Yes. The Love that grazed the skin of everybody in or near the Khakor forest. After all, the weather was showing its springtime beauty. ____ As the nearest sun’s light began to fade, the city lamps began to glow. And just like agreed, both Yij and Gian entered Bronze Hill tavern. Sitting at the nearest empty table they could find, the waiting began. Gian knew what Pen meant when he said to come back later. Although the barkeep had nothing for them, somebody would be coming through the door who would. And this terrified him. There were a few reasons why any sane person would choose to come here and ask for help rather than posting it on the city guilds job board. All pointing to them being up to no good. Starting to doubt his friends advice on coming here instead of any of the other taverns sprawled throughout K’riin, Gian began to worry. Still he stayed. After three hours of sitting patiently and watching crooks and the ragged alike entering and leaving, Gian noticed Pen waving him to the counter. Yij had already found something else to do. After 15 minutes of waiting patiently he began to walk around and had found a group of older gentlemen sitting in the back swapping war stories. Finding their talk more interesting than doing nothing, Yij joined in. Skip to now and he was laughing and buying drinks for the retired soldiers. Deciding not to disturb his younger brother’s fun, Gian went to see what Pen wanted. “Aye, talk to this lad. He’d be willin to find ‘er girl fer ya.” The gruff barkeep was speaking louder than he should have as presented by the spooked, cowled face of the man sitting in front of him. “N-no it’s q-quite alright. I should really be going.” The shadow covered figure replied. Gian had met his gaze just before the hooded man turned away and spoke. He was definitely not expecting Penthen to bring someone else into this, or at least someone like the white haired young man before him. “Don’t werry K’heim. The boy ain’t frem around ere’. Him and his brother er’ probably yer best way ta keep it quiet.” A lamp may have been lit at that moment; as the shadowed man no longer seemed so hidden under the cowl. As his face became more clear, the distinguishing and very prominent features of an elf became apparent. As common as they were in a city of elfs, few were ever present in Bronze Hill. At least that’s what Pen told Gian later in the night. “Ah, I see.” Said the stranger now with a more stern tone. “Adventurer I assume? No need to answer that. Now that I look clearly, you are most definitely just a passing adventurer.” The man had went from a under tailed dog to an upright trough within seconds. The tone in his voice was rude and smug. “Gian, and you are?” The eldest brother did a slight bow, showing as much respect as he could muster. “Call me by my work, K’heim.” Replied the cowled man. “As much as I would love to give this to a passerby, I doubt you could find who I’m looking for. Tell me boy, have you ever been to this city? Know anybody that knows these streets and the people walking them?” “Afraid not sir. Still, who are you looking for?” “A lady of mine has gone missing. If you want the rest of it, sorry. I’m afraid you’ll have to go without.” The K’heim had begun to speak to Pen. “I must leave, excuse me.” The cowled K’heim stood up, and preceded to leave before speaking once more. “You have the details, get someone on the job and find her.” Once the man had left, a wind of relief escaped with Pens breathe. “So what do ya think. Does it water yer tongue?” “Seems like i’m not what he was looking for.” Gian replied. “Aye, but he has what yer looking fer.” Penthen had put a tiny animal skin bag on the table that was the size of a fist. “All silver. With a gold piece thrown in.” Gian stayed silent for a second. Not really in shock or awe, but in deep thought. It was a mystery what was going through his head at that moment, but it wasn’t the money; that’s for sure. “Tell me everything about this girl.”© 2016 unspokenpainFeatured Review
5 Reviews Added on September 26, 2016 Last Updated on October 26, 2016 Author![]() unspokenpainCAAboutPoetry speaks when my words can't. Watch me dance with words. Watch me create a world. I will undress who you are. Realize the masochist inside of you as my dominating words grasp that which lets you .. more..Writing
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