A slight moan manages to escape from your magnificent lips
I smile, I like that a lot more than I know I should
Desperate to hear more
I try all I can
And can’t help but smirk
When it emerges again
Thirsty, my mouth instantly dries
And a craving for you, and this insatiable thirst
To be cured
Endlessly approaching tired panting
Heavy breathing
Feelings soaring
Mind screaming
Love me, I love you, love me too
Am I so easily tinkered with?
Thoughts drift by as I wonder what I’m doing
Do I even know?
No I don’t, and this is something I need to get used to
My eyes glaze over
I smile
Yet again
And realize
I’m smiling
And singing
And laughing
Dancing, being goofy
The biggest dork I can be
I act like a child, almost purposely
And you still claim
I’m pretty okay
Which surprises and perplexes me
But at this point, it doesn’t matter
As long as your body
Doesn’t leave my side
And as long as you
Know what to do