AbductionA Story by Claire Darrow![]() 3 scenes![]() Scene 1: Annie
woke up in a panic, but she couldn’t remember what woke her. She was dreaming
about something " something strange. She
checked her phone. It was 2:34 am. Annie felt wide awake. Recently, she found
herself waking up around the same time every night. It must have been going on
for over a week now. Her husband was snoring softly beside her. Annie lay in
bed staring at the ceiling for what seemed like hours. Every position she tried
to sleep in was uncomfortable. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she was
being watched. She checked her phone again. It was only 3:33 am. Something
brought Annie’s attention to the window. Without thinking she got up and
checked to see what it was. A strange bird sat on her windowsill, facing away
from her. It twisted its head all the way around to face her. She thought she
heard herself scream. The owl stared back
at Annie. It had white feathers and large black eyes. Annie banged on the window in an attempt to
shoo the owl. But It wouldn’t fly away. The owl cocked its head to the side as
it watched her. “James,
wake up. There’s an owl outside.” she said. James rubbed his eyes. “What’s going
on?” he asked. “There’s
a white owl outside. It won’t go away.” “That’s
impossible. Snowy owls don’t live here.” “James,
please come look.” James
got out of bed and followed Annie to the window. But he owl was gone. “I
swear there was an owl there.” “It
was just a bad dream baby. Go back to bed.” It
wasn’t long before James was snoring again. Annie tried to fall sleep but when
she closed her eyes all she saw was that white owl staring back at her. She
wondered if it was really all just a dream. It felt so surreal. But the owl
seemed familiar to Annie, like she had encountered it once before. At least she
thought it was an owl . . . Annie sat up in
bed suddenly. She noticed the bedroom door was wide open. She thought she
remembered closing it. Annie checked her phone but the battery was dead. She
got out of bed to close the door. She noticed a strange light coming from the
end of the hallway. Annie follow the light out the door and down the hall. Scene 2: Annie
opened the front door. A fresh layer of snow cloaked the entire neighborhood in
white. Three white owls were waiting for her on the porch. One by one, they spread their wings and flew
slowly away from the house. Annie followed them into the night. The
owls flew down the street, and abruptly turned to the right. Annie hurried her
pace, afraid of losing sight of them. As she turned the corner, she instantly met
the gaze of two owls. Both sitting on the same mailbox, the owls cocked their
heads to the side. Annie felt her heart thump. “Go away!” She
screamed. She waved her arms
and started moving towards them. They took flight once more, and landed farther
down the street. As soon as Annie
caught up to the owls, they took flight again. They were playing some sort of
game with her. They wanted Annie to follow them. Once
again Annie caught up to the owls. She looked back down at the ground. Under
her feet, the snow started to turn pink, and eventually red. Annie wondered how
she forgot to put on shoes. She crouched down in the snow and clutched her bare
feet. Her body began to shiver and go numb. She didn’t even notice all the owls.
When Annie finally
looked up she found herself surrounded by dozens of snowy white owls. They all
watched her intently. Annie was filled with terror. Suddenly, their eyes shot
up towards the sky. Annie’s gaze followed. But he couldn’t see what they saw. After
looking upwards for several minutes, she felt herself becoming agitated. “Leave me alone”
she screamed at the owls. “What do you want from me?” Their
eyes snapped back to Annie, but only for a second. Their eyes soon returned to gazing
at the empty night sky. Annie
was about to go back home when she noticed flashing blue and purple lights
reflected off the snow. Annie looked up. A ring of lights hovered in the sky
above her, rotating clockwise. From the center of the ring, a circle of blue
light shot down, covering her like a spotlight. One by one the owls took
flight. They circled overhead making terrible screeching noises. Annie was
frozen. Her heart seemed to have stopped beating. The last thing she remembered
was being lifted up towards the sky. Scene 3: Annie woke up the
next morning feeling very strange. She had no idea where she was or how she got
there. Everything from the previous night was fuzzy, almost like a dream. There
was a high-pitched ringing noise in her ears. She thought she remembered
hearing voices but they all came from inside her own head. The voices had told
her to stay still and she obeyed their commands without question. She didn’t
speak their language but she understood what they were saying. Annie did
exactly what the voices told her to do. Annie struggled to
remember her dream. She wanted to tell James exactly what happened. She
remembered running away but she couldn’t remember what they wanted from her. Her
memory was a blur of flashing lights and static. It was almost like some of her
memories were missing from her brain. Annie sat up in bed and noticed a sharp pain
in her neck. With her pointer finger, she felt a small incision at the base of
her skull. Annie started to panic. Maybe it wasn’t all just a dream. “James, wake up” she said. But James didn’t
move. She looked down at her husband. His eyes were wide open and staring
straight at her. Annie thought she heard herself scream. She convinced herself
she was still dreaming. “Wake up, James” she shouted over and over
again. The owl watched
Annie from the other side of the room. © 2016 Claire Darrow |