Crowns Of Jewels From Heaven
In the words of the son rest your burdens
on me and I will give you rest.
On a spring day when life is flourishing
honeysuckle climbing deep into the
branches as a soft breeze blows the sweet
fragrant my way those are crowns of jewels
from heaven given to me .
On a cloudy day when the rain clouds
never roll away, until in the western sky I
stair upon the sunset to behold Gods master
piece, I grasp with amazement as he removes
my depression with his handiwork at the
twinkling of the eye.
These gifts perk up my soul to find the good
in everyday.
I beheld his crowns of jewels from Heaven.
Those crowns of jewels I'll cast before his
thrown on the sea of glass.
God thank you ,those crowns of jewels they
always reminded me you where near .
By your touch I knew there wasn't nothing to
Your crowns of jewels from Heaven helped
me though each day.
By: Rodney Ray Hatchell