well i really dont know where to start. i guess the place would be my first memories. but before i do: this really isnt going to be like an actuall book. im just telling my story. and i dont even think im going to tell it all.... just the highlights is what im planning. also i probably am not going to add all that often. only when im bored or in the mood or something. i havent done this before so if it sucks or you dont like it too bad. and when im writing i probably arent going to use actuall names. kinda give these people some privacy or something. well thats pretty much it. im probably not going to start writing today. i really feel like crap right now. i cant say when i will either. so i guess thats it then. when i do post hope you enjoy my story i guess. honestly i really dont care if you do or dont i just feel i need to say some of these things.