I watched as she pedaled her bike,
The way she looked I sure did like,
Her little a*s on the seat,
I followed her down the street,
She stopped at a cafe for a break,
I told the waitress her bill I'd take,
She gave me a smile and a wink,
My heart just seemed to sink,
Her number was on the bill,
With-call me-I am sure you will,
Then she slowly walked out the door,
I followed needing to see some more,
As the afternoon past on by,
Not to call her I had to try,
Not desperate you know what I mean,
Yet every where I look her face is what I seen,
I called her that very night,
Would dinner and a movie be alright,
That's been 20 years or so,
Now I take her every where that I go,
That woman so touched my life,
For 19 years she's been my wife!
An Uncle Charlie Original