Chapter Four

Chapter Four

A Chapter by Uc Amalu Jr

“What a clown” Paul shook his head

“That guy is madly gassed” Shay stated “Didn’t get a word he was chatting about” She gave Paul his phone back

“Fair warning...what’s he warning us about?” Courtney asked

“...Who knows...?” DeMarion replied “What’s that thing warningus about, though?”

“Anyway, allow it let’s just go” Paul advised, as the group proceeded

“HEY, HEY” One of the drunken men barked. Shay turned around


“Who called us of you stinking kids called us clowns” Another drunken man barked

“Oh, allow it man. Do we look like we need to deal with you” Shay spat “Then again, if you’re getting bare emotional about being called a clown, you probably are clowns”

“You stupid kids will learn a lesson...tonight” The first drunken man barked

“What...what does that mean?” Wale asked with a curious tone.

Two of the drunken men broke the base of their alcohol bottles, producing a sharp weapon


The men charged at the group

“RUN” Paul barked as the group bolted fast. As they ran, the drunken men seemed sober, as they were in hot pursuit of the young group. Paul hid behind a very large recycling bin. As the men ran towards the group, Paul tipped the recycling bin just in time, causing the drunken men to slip and fall on the bottles. Paul ran back to the group.

The group was coughing, as they were running for their lives.

“Yo, Paul what happened?” Wale coughed

“Those clowns slipped on some recycle stuff” Paul declared “I told you mans is a Don”

“More like clown” Shay spat

“Yo, jam your hype Shay...” Paul barked

“Let’s just GO NOW...It’s freezing cold” DeMarion suggested. The group proceeded on.

Courtney was in deep thought; she could not get that phrase out of her head

“Fair warning…fair warning”

“What’s up, babes?” Shay asked, as she put a minted chewing gum in her mouth


“How can you talk to yourself when there are six of us here �" and you tell me nothing is wrong?”

“I just can’t help but feel that �" that thing that was talking on the screen is dead serious”

“If he’s serious �" then I will be the first British Filipino Queen of England” Shay laughed

“Don’t gas me up” Courtney spat “I’m serious, that guy is not playing”

“Whatever…these heels are murking my feet” Shay took her shoes off

“Rah, Shay, your feet be stinking” Paul laughed

“Waste man, I spray my feet with perfume, if anything it’s your top lip you’re smelling”

“Look, you may be pretty, but I will pull out a track of your extensions if you don’t jam” Paul smiled

“I’d love to see you try”

The group passed by a hi-tech shop that sells electrical appliances. Courtney noticed a crane that suspended a long steelgirder at a tremendous height

“My baby Mum is pissing me off, still” DeMarion declared

“Well, she’s got you for 18 years init, might as well get used to it” Paul declared

“Shut up, don’t you think I know that” DeMarion barked “My daughter’s an angel, still. Don’t watch that”

“Wait a second…isn’t that Ghanaian chick, Kaya, your baby Mum”

“Everyone knows that” DeMarion stated “I don’t even speak to her on a regular; she can make me jump off London Bridge! Shecompletely pisses me off, but I try and get along for my daughter’s sake”

Paul nodded

“My days, it’s too cold out here, I just want to go home” Lil stated

“Go then…no one is stopping you” Shay barked “With your negative self…kick rocks then”

“Shay, jam man” Wale stated

“You JAM” Shay barked

“Wale…it’s cool…” Lil murmured quietly

“Nah, you think you’re the best girl on planet earth. Not everyone is like you…”



Suddenly, the crane began to operate. Courtney’s eyes ballooned. The steel girder swung backwards; then began to speed down towards the group.
“RUN” Courtney barked

The group dropped to the floor as the steel girder crashed into the electric store; causing a mild earthquake. Shay screamed. The steel girder swayed back and forth, destroying the store. The group ran as the girder demolished the store

The store was in ruins, with all the computers and other electrical appliances virtually destroyed and unusable. The group were on the opposite pavement.

“Are you ok?” Wale asked

“I’m good, thank you” Courtney smiled

“What the hell…Why…How…Who…” Paul was baffled

“My days…I could have died!” Shay screamed “I COULD HAVE DIED…”

“Lord, have mercy… My days…” DeMarion declared, as he took a deep breath

“Well…it’s over for that store…” Lil declared “Hold...on…”

The group looked in to the crane. A middle aged Portuguese man fell from the crane. The group of young people scowled as they marched towards the construction site


The Portuguese man’s eyes were closed. He was barefoot, in pyjamas. He seemed to be in a trance


The man’s eyes were still shut, and he gave no response

“OI” Shay, DeMarion and Paul barked. Paul threw a stone at the man’s face. The man’s head tiled backwards due to the force thestone was thrown in; before he regained consciousness.

“What the…What am I doing here?”

“You tell us, you CLOWN” Shay barked “LOOK AT THE SHOP OVER THERE”

The man looked to the scene of the wreckage, and his jaw dropped


“You did it, FAM” Shay barked “YOU COULD HAVE KILLED US”

“I think he was sleepwalking” Courtney declared to Lil and Wale. Shay was still barking at the man, who wasn’t focused onher. He was panicking at the wreck he caused

“Serious?” Wale asked

“Yeah…I mean he was completely out of his mind” Lil agreed

“So, do you believe me?” Courtney asked

“What…that supernatural stuff?” Wale asked in a disagreeable manner “I’m not too sure…haven’t plenty of people sleepwalked?”

“Not that I know of…no…” Courtney declared

“I’ve slept walked…It’s no laughing matter” Lil declared “Trust, it’s a serious problem”

“It’s supernatural” Courtney stated “Pure supernaturalism”

“Courtney darling, please” Wale declared “its sheer coincidence”

“If you say so ADEWALE” Courtney grinned

“WALE man, WALE” Wale began, but he couldn’t help but smile “You sound cute trying to say my name, still”

“Oh, stop” Courtney smiled playfully. Wale grinned

Shay was still barking at the man

“Oh my days…that chick is LOUD” Wale declared

“It’s even worse in college” Courtney declared “Trust”

“YO SHAY, JAM MAN” Courtney barked

Shay turned around to face Courtney

“SHUT YOUR MOUTH…ABOUT JAM…If I had died, then what?”

“The world would be a much quieter place” Paul joked. Shay turned to Paul and punched him in the arm

“Gee…you got some punch” Paul rubbed his arm

“Trust” Shay grinned playfully. Paul smiled as he shook his head

“Well…apart from damaging my hearing…” The man began “I am sincerely sorry for this…I didn’t mean to do all this…I…”

“Sure you didn’t” Shay scowled

“SHUT UP, SHAY” Courtney barked. Shay sharply turned to face Courtney


“I have a severe case of sleepwalking…I’m not responsible for my actions” The man declared “Please…I can only ask for forgiveness…”

“Sure man, no worries” Wale declared. Shay turned to Wale


“Thank you all” The man declared “You guys should head home �" it’s late”

“What do we look like…are we 12 years old, like?” Shay declared

“Shay, let’s go” DeMarion declared


“NOW” DeMarion clutched onto Shay’s arm and pulled on her and led her away. Lil followed.

“Take care, man…” Wale told the man.
“Thank you, young man”

DeMarion and Wale began to talk as they walked

“Sir, are you sure you’re alright?” Courtney asked

“I’m fine, cupcake” The man smiled “I know I’ve got a major case just waiting for me in the courtroom”

“That’s unlucky” Courtney declared “Take care, sir”

“And you, my dear” The man smiled.

The group came to a halt

“Well…this was an interesting night” Wale declared

“Trust…this was alright” Paul agreed

“Cool, can we swap digits, you girls are cool” DeMarion stated

“Sure” Courtney smiled, as they all swapped numbers

“Take care, you guys” Shay smiled as she strutted into the distance

“You too; bye people!” Paul grinned as he strode into the distance

DeMarion’s phone began to ring. It was Kaya

“My baby Mum’s bugging me again, later peeps!” DeMarion waved, as he took the call and walked

“Bye everyone…” Lil said in a cautious tone, as she walked into the distance

Courtney and Wale turned to each other

“You know the best thing about this night?” Wale asked

“…Hmm…Seeing me box Reece in his face?” Courtney smiled

“Nah…meeting you” Wale grinned

“That’s sweet. Same here, meeting you was a definite highlight”Courtney smiled. They stared into each other’s eyes for a few moments. Courtney snapped out of it “Well you know, it’s late and that…Mum’s probably going paranoid in the house”

“No problem, I got a lecture in a few hours, boy. Take care, got your digits, so I’ll bell you sometime”

“Please do” Courtney smiled, as she waved and glided away. Wale waved back as he went his separate way.


Courtney arrived at her flat. She was exhausted. As she turned the light on she screamed

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU CALL THIS” Courtney’s mum barked. Courtney put her hand over her chest, as her Mum caught her off guard

“Mum…I’m sorry, things were going crazy”

“What is that supposed to mean? I trusted you Courtney, you know how reluctant I am about letting you stay over midnight, and this is the thanks that I get?”

“Mum…please, I just want to go to bed”

Courtney’s Mum’s eyes ballooned


“What do you mean…?” Courtney asked, as she put her clutch bag down to the ground

“Don’t play innocent. Were you doing something illegal? Did you get into some sort of fight?”

“Mum, what’s with all the interrogation? I’m not eight, I’m EIGHTEEN, and I pretty much can do whatever I want, whenever I want”

“Yeah, I agree” Courtney’s Mum began “But not under my roof. You know you follow instructions; I pride myself on the fact that you aren’t out there having underage relations with strange boys, drinking and doing drugs and whatnot; like many young girls these days”

“That’s well and truly good…” Courtney began “But Mum, not tonight, allow it. Let me just go to bed”

“Alright…” Courtney agreed, as she went to her bedroom. Courtney’s Mum took a deep breath, and proceeded to her bedroom.

Courtney changed into her pyjamas, tied her lengthy hair back and sat on the side of her bed. She turned her stereo system on,but it was on low volume. A slow tempo song came through the speakers. She viewed her phone, and she saw 23 missed calls; all from Reece. She looked through her pictures, and viewed various previous taken pictures of Reece; her and Reece;her and Reece enjoying each others company. It made coming to terms with the breakdown of her relationship a lot harder. She wiped a tear from her eye; looked through the phone and contemplated deleting Reece’s number. She suddenly heard a strange, thundering sound outside.

Courtney put her phone down, and looked outside of the window. A London taxi was logged into a neighbour’s flat across the road. The noise woke up some residents who came outside. Courtney’s mother went outside. An elderly female neighbour approached Courtney’s Mum

“Mercedes, what happened?” The elderly Jamaican lady asked, asshe had a hot cup of chocolate in her hand

“I don’t know” Mercedes replied “This woke me up” Mercedes held her arms, as she was cold.
“Do you think the driver was drunk?”
“Wouldn’t know; but maybe because it wasn’t raining, the road’s dry, so he was drinking. The police are gonna have a fieldday with this” Mercedes replied
“He crashed into Kenneth’s house” The lady replied
“Eve...well you know that’s a coincidence”
“How...” Eve asked, as she took a sip of her hot chocolate
“Kenneth is a bitter, selfish b*****d. Last week, I was coming home with some groceries, he was staring at me. I didn’t noticewhy, until one of my carrier bags ripped. That’s what he was looking at, the rip, so he could get a good laugh. Idiot”
“Well, I hope he didn’t get hit”
“Would any one on this street care?” Mercedes replied “I sure as hell won’t. You know he’s a shady character, it’s funny how he doesn’t even try and hide the fact �" he flaunts it to the world”
“Well, there’s got to be a reasonable explanation to why he’s like this �" no normal person acts how he does” Eve stated, as she finished her drink
Very shortly, the ambulance, as well as a tow truck came to rescue the taxi driver. Kenneth was visibly livid, as he barked at the ambulance staff, at the gaping hole left in his apartment.
“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS...ARE YOU SERIOUS” Kenneth barked inshock and disbelief
“Sir...calm down” One of the paramedics suggested
“What...sir, are you in possession of an illegal firearm?”
Kenneth paused
“ I am not. If I was, that crack-head in that taxi will be dealt with”
“Sir...threatening is against the law...”
“Sir, calm down please”
“You’re gonna send me into an early word, that guybetter have insurance...I MEAN COME ON”
The taxi driver was unconscious; paramedics tended to him, and placed him on a stretcher. Mercedes and Eve shook their heads as they viewed the commotion.
Courtney looked from above, and stepped away from the window. She was convinced of something. She got out her phone, and took pictures of the incident. She then turned on the video function, and placed the phone on her dressing mirror. The camera lens was facing her, as she sat on her bed. She reached to press record
“Alright...I don’t do this on a regular...what am I saying, I’ve never done this...” Courtney began. She took a deep breath
“This needs to be done. Weird things have been happening; andI fear that it’s only going to get worse. I don’t know what’s going on, how or why, but I should just let you know that I fear things are turning dangerous. Nothing and no one is safe. Something dark is going on and I just can’t put my finger on it. I think its supernatural, but that’s all hypothetical. A person called ‘MARSHAL’ approached my friends and I; told us we need to change our ways, consider this your fair warning...fair warning” Courtney repeated, trying to figure out what that phrase could mean
“I have no clue of what this ‘MARSHAL’ is talking about...changewhat ways? Don’t shoot the messenger, people, I am telling you this because I genuinely fear for our safety. I mean, I was in a train collision earlier, an electrics store was smashed to pieces, and a taxi has smashed into my neighbour’s flat...all within a space of roughly two hours. Now if that can happen at that rate, I can’t imagine what’s going to come...” Courtney took a deep breath, as she too was thinking deeply about what she was saying
“Look, without getting gassed up, be careful; watch your backs, because I believe MARSHAL is conducting these terrors, and I don’t know how or when he would be stopped...or if it’s even him that’s conducting these could be a she” Courtney took another deep breath
“...just be careful”
Courtney turned off her camera on her phone.

© 2011 Uc Amalu Jr

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Added on December 6, 2011
Last Updated on December 6, 2011


Uc Amalu Jr
Uc Amalu Jr

calabar, CR, Nigeria

I'm a young writer. creative. Remarkable. Okay! Now I'm bragging. A med student and wanna-be writer, not interested in any other thing-So when I ain't reading, I'm writing. That's all about me.. And .. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Uc Amalu Jr

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Uc Amalu Jr

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by Uc Amalu Jr