Chapter ThreeA Chapter by Uc Amalu Jr
The two stationary trains were flipped over on their sides, and were severely damaged. The smoke was rising thick and fast. The train drivers were out cold. Inside the train Courtney and Wale was travelling in, Courtney’s body was up against a cracked window that was positioned to the ground; as the trainwas flipped on its side. She pulled her lengthy hair back, and was visibly shocked. She felt her forehead, and shortly groaned in pain, as she felt the bruise. She reached for her clutch bag, and took out her pocket mirror. She sighed in annoyance at the bruise she saw. Courtney then put her mirror back into the bag;as tried to move, she felt a sharp pain on her lower back, the pain was visible on her face. Courtney then turned to Wale, who was mildly unconscious, as were the other passengers. He was mildly bruised, with a mild contusion to his right cheek andforehead; his lower lip was mildly bleeding. Courtney slid against the window, in agony, towards Wale
“Wale…Wale…” Courtney wailed, as she tapped his face “Wake up” Wale gradually opened his eyes, and turned to Courtney “Hey...” Wale whispered in agony “What the…what happened…?” “The...the train went out of control, It just flipped over…I thought I was gonna die” Courtney shakily stated “It’s…it’s alright” Wale coughed “We good now...where are we anyway?” Courtney looked to the ceiling, through the other window “Well…surprise..." Courtney faintly smiled “We’re at where we need to be” “Thank no one but God” Wale smiled. Courtney looked around; only four other people were present on the train. They were all badly bruised “Should we talk to them…?” “Nah, allow it” Wale stated “We need to get out of here quick time, but if the doors are at the ceiling, how the hell are we going to get out? This train ways like 4 tonnes” “I know” Courtney sighed “It’s a good thing this isn’t the underground, I would have been crying!” “Aww” Wale teased “Should I get you your rattle?” “Waste man” Courtney smiled “I’m a big girl, if you didn’t notice” Courtney got her clutch bag and produced a tissue; which she gave to Wale “Thanks, and how can I not notice?” Wale asked, as he looked at his phone. The battery died. He then wiped the blood from his lower lip with Courtney’s tissue “What? Are you calling me fat?” Courtney asked “You’re far from it!” Wale replied “You’re perfect…just perfect” “Aww, thank you” Courtney smiled “You’re coming hard with the compliments now, init? But no time for compliments now…I’m too beautiful to die…especially in this dress…£110…noway am I dying tonight” “Joker” Wale laughed “I got some bad headache…” “HELP; HELP US” Courtney yelled to the ceiling “Allow hollering in mans ear like that” Wale declared “Jam…I’m sure someone will come for us" Courtney started to feel her arms, and began to shiver “I’m bare cold…” Wale retrieved his coat, and wrapped it around Courtney “Thank you” “Anytime” Wale smiled "Was the train going that fast for my jacket to fling off you?" "Yeah..." Courtney had a thought “You know what…I’m convinced these aren’t coincidences” “What makes you say that?” Wale asked with concern “I don’t know…there can’t be a logical reason as to how the train could just get out of control…what…did terrorists hijack the train? Was the train driver high on weed? No…it’s impossible” “Well…you know how bare heads smoke weed on the down low” Wale declared “It messes up your head piece, bro” Courtney declared “Don’t touch weed, trust you will regret it” “You can only say that if you’ve used it yourself…” Wale declared “So…” “Oh shut your mouth” Courtney smiled “I ain’t never touched weed, but I know people that have, and trust it ain’t a pretty sight. I’m convinced that this is the work of a supernatural source” Wale paused “WHAT…don’t gas” “Yo, I’m not gassed! I’m telling you that this all isn’t natural… it’s supernatural” Courtney declared “Come on Courtney…what is it? Witchcraft; Black Magic; Voodoo; Harry Potter...” “Don’t mug me…” Courtney stated “Don’t…believe what you want, but this all ain’t natural…I don’t know, I’ve just got this weird feeling” “Courtney…I’m just concerned about getting out of this train, quick time” Wale declared. A few minutes later, the ambulance came. The paramedics forced open the electric doors “Hey, I hope everyone is alright” The paramedic growled “Allow the long talk” Courtney barked “Can we come out of this train?” “Courtney...” Wale called in irritation “Sure” The paramedic declared “Now, this train weighs 5 tonnes, so we need you guys to climb to the top, by clutching onto the seats” “Is he nuts?” Courtney asked Wale “True say, he might be…but I’m coming out of here” Wale began to climb the seats, and was almost at the top in no time “Come on Courtney!” Wale hollered below. Courtney then began to climb, following Wale, but she was slow in climbing due to her lower back being bruised. They made it out, and landed on the train station platform. More people came out of the opposing train that caused the collision. A female paramedic wrapped a bandage around Courtney's lower back in the vast train restroom. Courtney exited the restroom and viewed the train wreckage “My days…how the hell did this happen?” Wale asked the male paramedic, as the paramedic wrapped the bandage around his forehead “No clue…but are you guys alright?” “Yeah, we’re good” Courtney smiled “That’s good…you guys stay safe” The paramedic smiled back, as he went to attend to the other injured passengers. “YO ADEWALE” Two voices shouted in African accents. Wale turned around and smiled. “What’s good, DeMarion, Paul, my boys!” Wale grinned as two young men approached him and they all touched fists “Allow shouting in that accent, though” “Nothing fam, just coming from Kofi’s drink up, init” DeMarion declared in a cool; laidback, throaty voice “The accent was Paul’sidea” “Paul…obviously” Wale shook his head “My days… his drink up…that was tonight…” Wale asked in disbelief “Yeah, fam. You’re some doughnut, I was bare calling your phone…what, is a man too busy to reply, like?” Paul asked in a welcoming, bass voice “Allow the gas, Paul” Wale sighed "How come you man ain't got bruises or nothing?" "Cause we're Dons, you get me" Paul smiled Wale grinned as he shook his head; Courtney smiled “Who’s this lovely chick?” DeMarion grinned to Courtney “I’m Courtney” she grinned “You’re nuff beautiful” Paul smiled “What country you from?” “Sierra Leone” Courtney replied sweetly “You?” “That's cool. Mans is half Jamaican, half English” DeMarion grinned “Yo, she was asking me” Paul barked “So can you jam with youryellow self! I’m from Congo, darling” He told Courtney in a calmer tone “Dickhead, she was talking to me” DeMarion shouted “Mans is not yellow, I’m light skinned” “ANYWAY…why was your train bare coming towards us, like, your driver is a clown” Wale stated “Allow you, man” Paul barked “You done know, if I was driving that train…my days, I would be invincible, trust” “Shut up, man” Wale barked back “I’m too tired, can we just duck out” “Sure, let’s go then” Paul declared “COURTNEY…YO COURTNEY” A female voice hollered. Courtney knew that voice, and she took a deep breath Courtney turned around, and a glamorous Filipino girl of similarage to Courtney walked toward her “My days…check out the Chinese chick” DeMarion smiled “She’s nuff beautiful; she’s got B-O-D-Y! Mans is gonna holler at her, don’t try and watch that” Paul smiled “Two TREMENDOUSLYbeautiful chicks in one night? My God is an awesome God, trust when I say that!” “You two are bare excited tonight” Wale grinned and shook his head “Not even…I’m not as excited as Paul. My ex is cute…no supermodel but she’s cute. I don’t have super high standards like Paul, that’s why he’s womanless at the moment” “Womanless you know?" Paul grinned as he shook his head "Do I want some busted, butter faced chick?” he barked “Don’t think so…” Wale laughed as he shook his head “What are you doing here Shay?” Courtney asked “Oh…I’m coming from Night Shift, init” Shay replied in a sweet honeyed tone “Trust that place is live! Did you hear how it was blown up?” “Was it blown up?” Wale turned to Shay “I don’t know…but it was on fire” Shay smiled “Shay…all you do is rave, you’re some excited chick” Courtney declared “Surprised you don’t have some next man’s arm around your waist” “Yo…don’t be coming at me with that gas talk” Shay barked “I got beauty, body plus brains” “Yeah true, don’t agree with the brains part…but still…” Courtney declared “You hardly holler at me when we’re in college, despite the fact that you’re in my English class…why the change of heart?” “Just jam, alright…I don’t know why…but I’m talking to you now, THAT IS what matters” “Alright…can we all just go out now” Wale declared “Nice to meet you, Shay is it?” “Yeah, darling, I’m Shay” Shay smiled as they shook hands. Pauland DeMarion introduced themselves to Shay. The group of five then proceeded out of the train station, as they talked. The group of five were walking on a road full of shops, which was remarkably quiet in comparison to how it was in the day. The scene was chilly and there was virtually no natural light present. The scene was lit by streetlights “She’s SO days...” Courtney smiled, as she looked at a picture of a baby girl on DeMarion’s phone “Thanks! She’s ten months” DeMarion grinned “She’s beautiful…she should be one of those baby models! You must be proud” “Trust, I am” DeMarion declared “I love her too much. There’s nothing like becoming a Dad. Got my looks, don’t you think” “Trust, that’s sweet. What’s her name?” “Ayanna” DeMarion grinned in a proud manner “That is bare cute, Baby Ayanna, I love it” Courtney smiled “How you supporting her?” “You sound like my baby Mum” DeMarion stated “Allow me Courtney, what’s with all the interrogations...?” Courtney gave a false apology look, DeMarion smiled in acceptance. Courtney smiled at the thought of how shallow DeMarion was. “Do you mind me asking how old you are?” “Nah, I just turned 20” DeMarion stated. Courtney slightly nodded in an understanding manner “You know Kofi got my car wrecked” Paul said to Wale “How did he manage that? He’s like one of the best drivers I know” “He was drunk! He was GONE fam…yet Teneka gave him my keys for him to go around the block. I swear I should have boxed him in his face” “But it’s his B’Day init…allow him” Wale declared “Trust, I did” “Paul…could you set me £1, my phone is dead, and I need to callmy Mum” Shay asked “Use my phone, it’s bless” Paul declared, as he reached into his pocket and produced a mobile phone “Thank you” Shay smiled sweetly, as she dialled her mother’s phone number “Why is it so dark out here, man” DeMarion moaned “Shut your mouth, man! Take you’re knickers off and be a man” Paul barked “Waste man…it’s so dark outside, I can’t see you” DeMarion laughed “I’m not that dark, you dog. You’re looking to get one mighty box in your face, cocoa butter” Paul barked, as he rose his fist up at DeMarion. He then laughed “Waste man of life, you could never touch me” DeMarion barked back as he smiled. But then he dropped his smile, after he realised what Paul said “AND WHO ARE YOU CALLING COCOA BUTTER?” “Allow it, you two!” Courtney screamed “It’s dark…its cold…and I just want to reach my yard, so all of you just jam” Paul and DeMarion indicated that they agreed. “My days…look at that white girl…” Wale declared, as he pointed to her They approached the depressed teenage girl, who was on the pavement. “Hey, darling…” DeMarion approached the girl “What’s going on?” The girl sniffed, it was evident that she had been crying “I hate people…I hate life” she murmured “She must be one of them emo chicks” Paul declared “…what’s an emo chick?” Wale asked “Emo’s are them mostly middle-class well-off kids who find flaws in their life and create a ridiculous, depressing melodramaaround each one. They make you depressed” “Some deep analysis, bro” Wale declared “But wait...why she got to be emo? Is it 'cause she’s white?” “No...Don’t start” Paul declared “She even looks it, let alone actslike it...ask her and I guarantee she’s emo” “I tried to be different…I don’t usually look like this…” the girl declared to DeMarion in a cold but sweetened voice “What are you talking about?” DeMarion asked “Look…I went to this club/rave thingy called Night Shift…” she began “I just could not socialise...boys saw my b***s before they saw I have a BRAIN…girls didn’t want to know me…I don’t even know why I bother with this world…” “…Ok…So many heads went to that place” DeMarion stated “Well, you can’t stay here…its mad cold” “Trust, have you got a name?” Courtney asked “Lillian…but call me Lil” Lil replied “Well, if you feel like you don’t have friends…I will be” Courtney smiled “I don’t care…we all need friends, God knows it” “Thank you” Lil smiled, as she rose to her feet. “ you go college, or?” Courtney asked “Yeah…I go to Dee Bess Sixth Form College” “…that’s my college” Courtney declared “I ain’t never seen you” “I usually just stay in the library…can’t be bothered to go to thecanteen” Lil declared. She joined the group as they walked. “So, you’re moving up in the world?” Courtney asked “Well, I wouldn’t say that” Wale smiled “I’m just doing Uni; likemost people” “Paramedical Science...sounds hard” “Yeah, but I like to help people, you know?” Wale smiled “Easier than being a full time Doctor” “That’s cool, I like empathetic people, its cool...can’t wait to leave college, I swear” Courtney stated. The group soon passed by a betting shop. Four drunken men came bursting out of the doors “My days…look at these clowns” Paul shook his head “What did you call me?” One of the men grunted “Yo, can you please go away…it’s too damn cold for me to be beefing with you” Paul barked “Trust…you man, take a step” DeMarion barked Courtney looked to the side of the road, and was shocked “What’s wrong, babes?” Shay asked “Look over there…” Shay looked, and her jaw dropped in shock “What the hell…” It was a tall figure that was camouflaged in darkness. The group of young people, and the men, looked over to view the figure. Beside the figure was a 60-inch screen that was on a stand. The figure turned on the screen, and a loud, static noise filled the area “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?” Paul barked. Suddenly, the noise stopped. Letters that spelt ‘MARSHAL’ was present on the large screen. The whole group turned to witness the large screen “Having a good evening?” The distorted voice began “Well I’m glad you are…This world…is vile. It’s a disgusting place to be in” “That’s how I feel...” Lil said in an agreeing tone. Shay screwed her face at Lil. “God did not intend for this world to be what it is today. Everyone keeps themselves to themselves…there is no human harmony…empathy is non-existent…technology and robots are devaluing humanity…they are slowly taking over…well that canand will NEVER happen…not unless you allow it too, anyway” “Gas talk” DeMarion shrugged “What is that thing talking about?” Courtney asked. Wale shrugged as the group continued to listen “Now, things better change, and fast, or else things will get a lot worse. Consider this…your fair warning…” The screen suddenly switched off.The figure and the screen proceeded into the distance The group of young people were visibly confused. Courtney could not shake the last line that was said "fair warning..what?.. © 2011 Uc Amalu Jr |
Added on December 6, 2011 Last Updated on December 6, 2011 Author![]() Uc Amalu Jrcalabar, CR, NigeriaAboutI'm a young writer. creative. Remarkable. Okay! Now I'm bragging. A med student and wanna-be writer, not interested in any other thing-So when I ain't reading, I'm writing. That's all about me.. And .. more..Writing