Chapter TwoA Chapter by Uc Amalu Jr
Courtney stared at the flames; it also symbolized the end of her relationship with Reece. It hit her hard that her first love was well and truly over. A Fire brigade shortly arrived to put out the fire. She wiped a tear from her eye. Wale felt helpless "I...I don't know what to say..." Wale declared "There's no need to say anything..." Courtney falsely smiled, as she sniffed "It's cool, I just want to go home" Wale gave Courtney a genuine concerned look, as they came to a halt "I'm fine" she sniffed "Trust...I bet that crowd was laughing at me" "...Why would you think that?" Wale asked, as they proceeded to walk "I mean, you could have been laughing at me...I wouldn't blame you. I would laugh at me. I looked like a straight up dickhead. Reece was being dodgy with me for a whole year, andI didn't clock could i not?...It gets me bare angry..." "Maybe he's a good actor...does he do drama?" Wale smiled. Courtney couldn't help but smile "Joker; He must of been you know, because I'm no clown to not notice when things don't seem right. He even needs a medalfor keeping something like THAT under wraps for all that time." Courtney kissed her teeth "I flipping loved that guy, I swear, with every inch of my body. I went against my Mum's wishes and went with him. Well, oh well, he got one nice box to his face...I should scratch his car doors with my keys" "Nah, you don't want the feds to be on you like lions fighting for meat" Wale advised "Let it go, darling... I don't like to see a sexy girl cry. How can he cheat on a stunner like you?" "That's sweet...thank you" Courtney smiled "Trust me, I don't say that on a regular...and I'm so telling the truth. You got body and brains to match. Cross my heart, boy" Wale laughed Wale placed his arm around Courtney's shoulders. Courtney grinned; she instantaneously placed her arm on his lower back as they walked. "You can tell all that, after knowing me for a few hours?" Courtney beamed "Course...I have that gut instinct" Wale smiled "I don't know what it is...I feel like I've known you for time" "I feel the same" Courtney grinned "That crack head will get what's coming to him" A voice in the distance growled. Wale turned around to see two black teenageboys near a jeep "Yo...YO IS THAT YOUR CAR?" Wale barked. The boys froze "No...Well...." One of the boys began "No..." "Then beat it, init? You should be in bed...don't you have examsto study for?" The boys then casually walked into the distance "I swear, some kids need some hard beatings" Wale declared "Trust" Courtney agreed. Moments later, there was a massive explosion. The place lit up for a few seconds. Courtney turned around in anxiety, as she saw the car up in flames; which causedthe two opposite cars to light up in flames "...OH MY..." "No...what the HELL is going on?" Wale shouted "Those...two stupid boys, they must have done it" "No...I don't think so, they didn't run so it wasn't suspicious. Plus, they was next to the silver car...not the blue one. Come let's just go, I can't think about this right now" Courtney declared. Courtney and Wale walked into the distance toward the train station 1:03am The night was chilly and cold. Wale and Courtney waited outside for a train "I heard the train station closes at 12...but it's still open" Courtney questioned "Maybe it's a special occasion... I don't know!" Wale smiled "At least we can get home" "Where in London do you live?" Courtney asked "" Wale asked "South-West" Courtney smiled "Can I ask you something?" "Sure" Wale smiled "If I was your girl...would you ever do me wrong?" Courtney asked "Dumb question, as we've only known each other for a few hours...but you're a guy" "To be honest..." Wale began "Yeah, of course" "WHAT..." Courtney roared "Calm down" Wale smiled "I was joking! Why would I cheat on you, you're too beautiful for words" "Thank you" Courtney smiled "You're a very handsome guy, might I add" "Trust" Wale smiled "Waste man" Courtney laughed "You're supposed to say 'thank you' back" "Don't matter, does it!" Wale laughed "You're a top clown, bro" Courtney smiled "It's so cold..." Wale took off his jacket, and placed it around Courtney "Thank you, Adewale" Courtney smiled and said in an African accent "Yo, YO IT'S WALE" Wale smiled "What! I actually like the name Adewale! What I'm African too" Courtney smiled. "Let's not get into a countries debate, now!" Wale smiled. The train came at full speed, Courtney squinted her eyes, as the rushing train produced a strong wind current. The train then came to a screeching halt, the automatic doors then opened. Courtney and Wale entered. The train was on its way. Wale scanned the train; he; Courtney, and a few were the only ones on board of the plane "Wow...Well it's a late train, so I don't expect a lot of heads to be here" Wale smiled as Courtney and he took a seat "I actually can't believe we boarded this a train can come this late, I don't know" "Allow it Courtney" Wale stated. Courtney had a gloom look onher face. Wale was concerned "Yo, what's up? Is it to do with Reece?" "Not exactly..." "Then what is it?" "My life is just in shambles, man" Courtney declared "How..." Wale asked in a concerned manner "Divorce...I found out I don't really have friends, just associates...can't find a job...stressing about getting into is just too much" "It's a phase" Wale smiled "It won't last for long, I guarantee it" "I hope your right" Courtney smiled. She then looked on to see a young teenage girl, talking on the phone "Look at that Somali girl" Courtney stated "She looks mad young; I wonder what she's doing on a 1am train" "Wanna go ask her?" Wale asked he smiled "No, I'm sure she'll be alright, she looks cool" Courtney smiled as she looked through her phone. Reece was bombarding her with texts and voicemails. The train seemed to be going slow; in reality it was speeding fast. Courtney yawned, as she looked through her phone. She had 55 missed calls from Reece "Look at that clown now..." Courtney showed Wale her phone "He's a fool for what he did" Wale declared "55 MESSAGES? I don't know...maybe he is truly sorry" "Once a cheat, always a cheat" Courtney declared "He's a top clown, and I couldn't care less about that waste man" She yawned "Someone's tired...are you sure you didn't go over your curfew" Wale laughed "Clown" Courtney smiled "You don't rate me, do you?" "Course I do" Wale smiled "I'm just playing with needit after the night you've had" "Trust" Courtney yawned. Few minutes later, Courtney fell asleep; she rested on Wale's shoulder. Wale was texting a friend. A man wearing a hoody over his head, covering his eyes in shadows boarded the train. He approached a male passenger "Excuse me, I seem to be lost...can you help me?" He growled in an African accent "Excuse me" The man said sarcastically "Can you do me a favour, and move far away from me as you can. Many thanks" The African kissed his teeth and approached people; but to no avail He approached Wale. Courtney was fast asleep "My brother, please help me; I'm lost" Wale did not hear what the African was saying; all he heard was noize; to add he was extremely tired "Yeah..?" Wale whispered in a tired but frustrated tone "Oh...Don't be like that, bro" The man declared "Look, 'bro'" Wale declared without an attitude " think because you're some fresh African, you're better than therest of us? came to THIS country...allow me..." "I only wanted to know how I could get to..." "No - can you just allow me, please? Don't mean to be on a rude one but I'm mad tired; so I'm not in the mood for you today" Wale stated. The African man kissed his teeth and sat on a secluded seat. He took a deep breath. The Somali girl looked at him "Is everything alright?" She asked in a sweet voice "No..." The man lied "Nothing you could help with, little baby" "I'm fifteen, far from a little baby..." The girl smiled "Please don't boy me off" "Yeah, whatever" The man sighed. The girl paused for a minute, but then resumed conversation "I bet you're wondering, what a young girl like me is doing on this train" "Can't help but's dangerous for you to be out here" The man declared "Trust, I'm the youngest out of eleven; so you know, I'm settled" The girl smiled "I don't understand why people won't help me" "Perhaps it's to do with your hoody. You look sinister" The girl declared "Good to know...but regardless...why are you here?" The man asked "...Why is your hoody covering your eyes?" The girl asked "I'm just madly tired, you know" The man declared "Red eyes and all, I'll look even more sinister" "Alright...I wouldn't think so" The girl began "It's just that, youknow I feel like a fish out of water. I shouldn't be talking to people I don't know...but you seem harmless. I hope my instincts aren't wrong." "God is my witness; I'm not that kind of man" The African mandeclared "Why do you feel out of place?" "I was born in India" The girl began "I came here five years ago.I'm the only Muslim girl in my area. I try to be a good Muslim girl; I know I am. My purpose is to serve and give all praise to Allah; but I try to interact with people but it's difficult than it sounds" "You're interacting with me...and I'm a 24 year old African immigrant" The man smiled "Yeah...I don't know. I'm talking about people in my age group; I find them ...immature. I only have one friend; she's the best. But anyway, I'm on this train going home, a stupid girl that I tried to be friends with embarrassed me. I got her a card and everything; I hardly spoke to her, but I wanted to make a good impression as she is so popular...I wasn't allowed in" "Oh...I'm so sorry" The man declared "You don't need to be...She made me question my religion just because she doesn't believe in Allah. I can't believe I even had to question my belief; I'm ashamed of doing that. I don't need to change myself, I love who I am d'you get me? Allah rules all,and I'm not bitter, I hope Allah saves her" "That's good" The man responded "I guess I'm in the same boatas you "How can you be?" The girl asked "I'm an immigrant" The man began "I have only been in this city for a few months...and even though it is crowded with people, I have never ever felt so distant and alone" "Gee...I'm sorry to hear that" The girl stated "It's alright, little baby" The man smiled "You know regardless, you should not be out here at this time" "I know...Don't worry; I am not one of them rebel chicks...I love my parents! That's why I'm going home" The girl declared.The train came to a halt, and the electric doors opened. The African man appeared to know where he was now "You recognize here?" The girl asked "Yeah, I do" The man stated "Thank you, young girl. Be safe" "You too" The girl smiled, as she jumped off of the train. The man also exited. The doors shut, and the train proceeded on. A few minutes past; Courtney and Wale were both sleeping. There were still people on the train. Unexpectedly, the train started to accelerate at an abnormal speed. Courtney gradually woke up, and was in shock "Wale...WALE!" She shook him to wake up "Yeah..." He yawned "Look how fast this train is going...what the hell is going on?" "I don't know...probably wants to finish the shift or's minor" Wale assured her. The train tyres began to glow bright red; the train was shaking violently and was out of control "My days...WHAT'S GOING ON" Courtney roared. The train tracks; due to the heat, ignited and flames begun to appear. The train went onto the opposite lane, and was heading towards another oncoming train. Courtney, at full volume, screamed for her life ***BANG*** ***CRASH*** ***BOOM*** ***SMASH*** The two trains were severely wrecked; thick smoke filled the place... © 2011 Uc Amalu Jr |
Added on December 6, 2011 Last Updated on December 6, 2011 Author![]() Uc Amalu Jrcalabar, CR, NigeriaAboutI'm a young writer. creative. Remarkable. Okay! Now I'm bragging. A med student and wanna-be writer, not interested in any other thing-So when I ain't reading, I'm writing. That's all about me.. And .. more..Writing