![]() BodyGuard 21A Chapter by Love U StylinsonJake The words slipped through my lips in a whisper, and seconds later was I in my dad's arms again. I clutched the back of shirt as I buried my face in his chest. The tears were pooling down my face and into the front of his shirt. I heard the sound of the door closed and I looked over my shoulder to see that Christian left. After regaining some of my dignity I wiped my face and stared up at my dad. This man I haven't seen for years just showed up into my life out of nowhere. As he smiled at me I couldn't help but feel this anger rise inside me, how dare he show up now when I and mom needed him the most. I mean I understand that he left to make more money, but when weeks started to turn into months and months turning into years, we both lost hope of him coming back. Now that's he here….it was like a slap to the face. I folded my hands in my lap, my eyes trailing to the ugly pattern of the blanket that was covering me. "What happened to you?" was the first thing to come out my mouth. I watched as he sat down in the chair next to my bed, a sigh escaping his lips. "First let me tell you that I did not run out on your mother." He started. I nodded my head, already knowing that part. "Your mother was sick even before you came along Jake and I knew that we didn't have the money for all those bills, "So some months after she had you I told her that I was leaving for New York where I'd get a better chance of selling my portraits." He explained. "Portraits?" I questioned. "Where do you think you got those talented fingers from?" he asked a smile showing on his face. "So you moved all the way to New York…..how come you couldn't just sell them here?" I asked. "They didn't sell down here and I was getting nowhere with money, your mom was getting worse and moving their…I had a better chance of selling," He explained. "So did you?" I asked. "Yeah a lot actually, and I was steadily sending money but then somebody thought it would be cool to burn down my gallery." A look of complete rage flittered across his face, and I noticed that his nose twitched the slightest. 'So that's where I get that from' "Did you know the person who did it?" "Unfortunately yes, he was good friend of mine and to make it worse he was my co-worker helped me with all the business stuff while I tried to focus on my drawings." "What made him do that?" "Jealously, he wanted to hang some of his own drawings up and split the money, but I just couldn't," he sighed, "Between paying rent for my apartment there and sending money to you and your mother….I just couldn't so he got mad and decided to burn the whole thing down." "Oh dad im sorry." I started but he shushed. "It's fine, but after that I found out that your mother got married again and although I was a bit mad I understood why she would go out again." "I mean I was gone for so long and you were growing up, she needed help." He took a breath before heaving it out, rubbing a hand over his face. "I wasn't sure that this guy was willing to take care of you two so I tried to find another space, to sell my portraits again, but by the time I did…it was too late your mom passed and I just….I didn't have the courage to come back down here knowing that I could've prevented that from happening." "…So you stayed up there….you stayed there and left me by myself with that a*****e of a stepfather." I said quietly, picking up my head to stare at him. "Jake lis""He beat me every time he had the chance, he would hit me, punch me, kick me in the stomach and then he would leave me on the floor to cry, I would sit there in the corner of my room sometimes, thinking what did I do to deserve it, I kept wondering why you left, what happened to my dad when I needed him." I all but yelled at him. All the anger I bottled up for years letting loose, I couldn't stop it I was mad, angry as hell actually and I wanted him to know, I want him to feel the pain I felt every time Tyler would come into my room in the middle of the night. "D****t Jake…I know….I know I messed up okay you don't think I tried to come home, I wanted to so bad but I just….I couldn't of fear that you would rather have him then have an irresponsible father like me in the house." I instantly felt bad, he didn't deserve to get yelled at but I needed to get that anger out because if I didn't I would've gone mad. I looked at him for moment, taking in the frown on his face, his eyes welling up with slightest tears. That when I realized that couldn't stay mad at him, I mean yes he could've prevented the bruises and cuts that I got from Tyler, but there was nothing I could do about it now. "Dad im sorry I know you""Im the one who should saying sorry, after all the years I came back here, I finally worked up the courage to come here and to what? "To find my son unconscious in some boy's arms." I watched him shake his head, "Im so very sorry….you are my son and I should've looked after you." He said softly "I forgive you." I said quietly. "What?" I wrapped my arms around my dad's shoulders, a few tears slipping down my cheeks again, "I totally forgive you." I felt his arms wrap around me as he hugged me tighter, a smile forming on my face, this was how things were supposed to be. There perfect father son moment was rudely interrupted with yelling from outside there door. "Let them have their privacy." "Oh come on I just want to peek at him…he's so cute." "Nikki the hell is your problem that Jakes dad, beside didn't you see him Tuesday." "So he's hot, have you see those eyes and hair." "Um excuse me am I just a plaything to you girl." "Ohh Terrell are you jealous?" "The hell I am….the guys like sixty anyway." "He is not." "You guys come on we really need to be quiet." "Yah Nikki shuz up befo' we get kicke'd ou't." "Christian shut up and eat your food." "Hey im not the one causing a fuss over someone who way older that you." "It's not my fault Jakes dad is cute." "Once again am I just a plaything to you?" "Guys seriously….we need to be quiet." "Cam I don't know why your trying to shut them up you know they never listen." "Way to keep it positive Nathan." "Well im just saying." I sighed before breaking the hug with my dad and sheepishly rubbed the back of my head. I heard him laugh before standing up from the chair. "Your friends are quite….um interesting." He said. "Yeah there interesting alright." I muttered. "Hm so is that Christian boy….he's very fond of you." My face completely turned red from embarrassment. "Um yah he's kind of my""Boyfriend?" his father finished. "How'd you know." I asked. "Please I might be old but im not that old, if it's not from the way he wouldn't eat or sleep until you woke up, then it was the look in his eyes when he told me how you two met." He explained. "That….that sounds like him." I said softly. His father chuckled before walking over to the door where the arguments and yelling was being held. Opening the door he was met with five teens all yelling at each other. "You guys should really be a bit quieter." He said smoothly. "Yah I was trying to tell them to shut up." I heard Nikki say. "Hm right." He said, he turned back to me, "I gotta check on something but I'll be back later." "Okay see ya later dad." I said. I watched my dad walk out and the group of people walked in, all of them wearing smiles on their faces. "How ya feeling Jakey?" Nikki asked. "Im fine Nikki….did Christian get something to eat?" I asked looking over at my boyfriend. "Yes mother hen, Cam drove me over to a McDonalds down the road." Christian explained as he walked over to sit on the bed. I smiled before giving him a kiss on the cheek, "Don't ever do that again okay, just because I get hurt doesn't mean you can starve yourself." I chastised Christian rolled his eyes but agreed to never do it again. Smiling I had everyone sit down and just catch up, I asked what was going on at school, how life was, you know just the usual. I noticed that Nathan and Cameron were sitting a bit to close and was that….a hickey on Cameron's neck? What the f**k, I looked over to Christian who was talking to Terrell about some show. "Psst." Catching his attention he turned to me. "Are those two a thing now?" I asked gesturing to the two, who were now laughing. Christian smiled, "Oh yah I guess they are, actually Nathan wanted to say something to you when you woke up." Christian said looking a bit puzzled. "Say what?" "Nathan what was it that you wanted to say to Jake again?" Christian asked a slight smirk on his face. I looked over to the blonde to see that his face was completely red right now. He looked to Cameron before facing me again, a hand going to scratch the back of his head, his eyes trailing off to the side. "Um remember what I told you during lunch that day?" he asked. I thought about it and if I remember right he pretty much told me his hold backround story and told me he was sorry for all the things he's done to me. I nodded my head slowly, not knowing what he was getting at. "Well um…I wanted to say thank you I guess?" he said slowly. "Thank you….for what exactly?" I questioned. "For what you said….it really helped." He said gesturing a bit to Cam. I looked at him and then got what he meant, so they are together. "Well congrats then and your welcome." I smiled. "Wait a minute what are you guys talking about?" Nikki cut in, her eyes curious. "Were you not listening at all Niks?" Terrell said, obviously knowing what just happened. "Now would I be asking if I knew…..smartass." she muttered. I started to laugh at Nikki's antics and looked to Nathan whose face was gradually turning red again. Cameron though had a bright smile on his face, and I noticed the hand wrapping around the others. Christian decided to take some sympathy on the poor blonde and directed the conversation towards me. "So Jakey docs says you'll be out of here tomorrow morning, have any ideas what you plan on doing?" he asked me. Well first off I didn't even know I'd be leaving that soon, two I really wasn't sure what to do. I mean I've been out for almost a whole week; there was a lot to do especially now that his father was back in his life. This meant that he could stay here and didn't need to get a job to stay in the house. A smile started to form on his lips. "I guess we could just chill I mean I really can't do much, im still kind of tired ya know." I said. "Tired but you've been asleep for four days!" Nikki cried. "Yah but I feel sluggish I kinda just want to go home." I said softly. "Beside I need to catch up a bit with my dad anyway…since he decided to show up out of nowhere." "Oh yah what's up with that?" Nikki asked. Sighing I flopped back onto the bed and told them the whole story on how my dad left, and then finally found the courage to come back here. By the time I finished I could feel my eyelids drooping just a bit and I was washed over with exhaustion. "Alright guys time for Mr. Johnson to get some sleep." said as he made his entrance through the door. Everyone turned and said there goodbyes but Christian was the last to go, he got up and hugged me, and kissed me fully on the lips. "I love you." He murmured into my ear. I blushed, why must he say things like that with other people in the room. Looking down shyly I whispered the words back to him, I gave him a kiss on the cheek before I watched him leave the room. asked me a few questions before dimming down the light in the room and leaving. I fell asleep pretty quick, my mind racing with thoughts of my father, my friends being there for me, but the last thing I thought of was Christian telling me that he loved me. Christian It was Saturday now and Jake and his father were at our house. Friday night after we left Jakes room so he could sleep, Jakes father wanted to talk to my dad, I guess to get to know each other. It was Kristi's idea for them to come over and have dinner and they agreed wholeheartedly. So now were all sitting at the dinner table eating lasagna and breadsticks. Kristi was bombarding Jakes dad with questions about his drawings, and it was kind of funny to see that they got along so quickly. While they talked I was too busy embarrassing Jake, he was quietly eating his food when I reached over with my foot and rubbed it against his thigh. His head flew up to glare at me, mouthing the word stop. I smiled at him all innocent as I chewed on my breadstick. I waited till he drank some of his water when my foot traveled past his thigh and to his crotch. I snickered when water flew from his mouth; it turned into a full blown laugh when his face turned a bright red. "Jake you okay there son." Jasper asked. Jake glared at me but wiped his mouth before turning to his dad, "Im fine…..people just don't know how to keep to themselves." He muttered. All eyes went to me and I threw my hands up in an innocent manner. "I didn't do anything." I argued. "Mhm yah right you were probably playing footsies under the table." Kristi sneered a smirk on her lips. I scowled out her, sometimes she was just annoying sometimes…a little smartass sometimes. I saw my dad giving me a look out the corner of my eyes….I sank down in my seat a pout forming on my lips. It wasn't my fault that I was horny and Jake was just sitting there looking cute as f**k. "Well I think it's about to time to wrap this up hmm." Jasper announced. "Going somewhere dad?" Jake asked taking another breadstick from the basket that was sitting in the middle of the table. "Oh yeah, Kristi wanted to see some movie that's out and Jasper wanted to come along." I narrowed my eyes at my father, how come he didn't tell me they were going to the movies. "Don't burn down the house okay Christian." "I won't!" I protested. I heard Jake start to giggle from across the table, "Oh and Jake don't be too loud….they do have neighbors." "Dad!" Jake yelled in embarrassment, his breadstick forgotten on his plate as he glared daggers. "See ya later," they called. Once the front door closed I turned my attention to Jake who was silently eating his breadstick again. For some odd reason it was turning me on just a bit, I watched the way his mouth opened a bit to take a bite and I couldn't help but think he was wrapping the perfect lip around my""Christian you okay?" he asked. I didn't even acknowledge the words coming out his mouth "Suck me." Jakes mouth fell open and I couldn't help but smirk a bit. I know that was very bold to say, but I couldn't help it I was hard and he was just sitting there looking cute sooo…. "Excuse me?" he asked. "Please, im hard and it's all your fault." I complained "What Chri""Fine…" Jake said, he started to get out of his seat but I quickly stopped. "Under the table…" I demanded with a smirked. I watched Jake glare at me but I could see the desire and excitement written all over his face. He slowly walked back over and crawled under the table, I felt his hands ghost of my thighs before playing around with my zipper. I watched him as he pulled my c**k out, his lips settling into happy little smile. He looked up at me with those green eyes of his before encasing the head with his mouth. "Mhm hell yeah." I muttered under breath. God this felt f*****g amazing, I think this was the first time Jakes ever sucked me off. Or maybe he did when they had sex in his room that day after school….either way it felt so good. I could feel his tongue swirling around my head when he moved his mouth up, oh god this was great especially when he started to moan around my c**k. I was just threading my fingers through his hair when the front door opened and my dad came strolling back in. I quickly scooted my chair closer to the table and leaned my elbows on them. "Christian have you seen my wallet?" he called from the living room. "Um…n….no dad…I haven't." I stuttered. I felt Jakes mouth leave and for a minute I thought he was taking mercy on me….however I completely lost it when I felt tiny little bites against my shaft. Jake was a terrible, terrible boy. "Jesus….f**k." I muttered. His father strolled back into the room wallet in hand a smile on his face. He took a look at me and I tried so hard not to moan as Jake licked all over my head again. "Um are you okay?" he asked. "U….Um Im fine." I said with a weary smile. He nodded his head and started to leave but then came back. Jesus would you leave already!' "Where's Jake?" he asked. "Uh the bathroom." I said. "Oh okay then well im off, make sure you clear the table." he called before walking out the door. As soon the door was closed I heard cute little giggles from under the table. Pushing my seat back I looked under to see Jake on the floor trying to conceal his laughter. When he noticed me he crawled from the tiny space and stood up. "Pay backs a b***h hmmm." He smirked. "Touché my friend." I said laughing a bit as I stood up, my c**k wet and leaking thanks to Jake. I backed him up against the table and nipped the side of his neck. "You gotta finish what you started love." I whispered in his ear. "Hmm I rather get on to the next part." Jake murmured. I smirked before trailing butterfly kisses all the way up to his cheek; I felt his hands slide down to my shirt, hiking it up just a bit. "Want this off." He muttered." "Are you trying to get me naked?" I asked pulling back to stare at him. I watched in amusement as his face turned red. "Uh maybe." He said shyly. I smiled at his cuteness, my eyes didn't move from his when my hands trailed down his body and pulled his shirt off. His pants were next to come off and couldn't help but look at his hard on. "No underwear?" I question as I grabbed his shaft in my hand. He moaned, his head falling to my shoulder. "I kind of….had a feeling we were….ahh gonna""F**k." I said simply. He responded by moving his hips forwards to get more relief. I felt a rush of pleasure run through me when I saw the look on his face, "Christian." He gasped. My c**k twitched at the sound his voice and I quickly pushed the stuff out the way on the table and pinned his arms to the table. "Im going to completely ravish….you." I said, quickly reaching down and kissing him on the lips, tongues wrestled and battled together. Moans and whimpers were all I could hear from Jake as I slid my hands down his body, my fingers brushing over peaked n*****s making him cry out. I kissed every inch of his body, all the way down to the scar that the stitches left in his side. "I will never let anyone hurt you again." I whispered as I kissed around that jagged scar. "C….Christian…." "I will always love you." I breathed my hands trailing down to play with the head of arousal. "Aha…Nghh please." Jake whined. "Ah ah ah." I said pulling my hand away, "Such impatience." I added. I wasted no time slipping down his body and took his c**k into my mouth, giving it a firm suck to the head. Jake cried out even louder which boosted my ego. Smirking around his head, I moved lower completely taking him in my mouth. "F**k…no…Christian." Jake cried, his fingers finding its way into my hair gripping it tightly. I bobbed my head, slowly torturing him for what he did earlier. My hand traveled down to his balls, teasing it with the tip of my finger. I can hear him moaning my name like a mantra and it was turning me on even more. "S….Stop….Please." I slowly let go and looked up at him, his eyes were burning with lust and I knew he wanted it. I pushed my pants down lower so that it was hanging by my ankles, my shirt followed a second later. Jake was watching me, completely wrapped in pleasure. I watched his pink tongue run over his bottom lip as his stare went from my face and down to my dick. I grabbed it and teased his entrance to get it wet, "Is this what you want Jakey?" I asked a smirk starting to form on my face. Jake God Christian was going to be the death of me one day I swear. I knew he was going to get me back for what I did when his dad came back to get his wallet, but I couldn't help it. It was his fault for molesting me under the table during dinner. When his hot mouth encased my length I completely lost it. It felt so good to be touched my Christian, the last time they done this was Monday. Being in coma pretty much stopped us from doing much, and the day I left the hospital I was hoping and praying that Christian would come on to me. So when he grabbed his c**k and looked dead into my eyes and asked me if I wanted it, I did what any other guy would do in this situation. With my eyes lidded, my breaths coming out in little pants, I spread my legs for him and reached out for him. "Make love to me Christian." I saw the feral look in his eyes as soon as the sentenced slipped from my lips. He leaned over me, his hand still holding my arms above my head. He kissed me gently on the lips his tongue trailing over my lips. "So damn cute." He hissed into my ear as he pushed inside me, slowly but surely. My face scrunched up pain just a bit, he didn't exactly prepare me down there but I was wet enough so it wasn't unbearable. I could feel him breathing against my neck, waiting for me to get comfortable, and that is one thing I really admire about him; always so generous and cautious of me. I started to push back on him, telling him to start moving. He leaned back up again, his hips moving back and then thrusting back in. I watched Christian's expression when he pulled out again; it was showing so much concentration. A small smile formed on my lips. "You're thinking too much again." I said softly. Although it felt good that he was inside me, I wanted him to be comfortable as much as I was. His blues eyes opened to stare down at me, "Am I?" he asked. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my mouth. "Just a bit….stop thinking and just….feel me." I said. After I said that something must have clicked in his mind because his hips snapped forward and I moaned. The feeling of his c**k inside me, was mind-blowing, it felt so damn good. "God Christian don't stop," I cried. He let go of my arms and hoisted me up and walked back into the chair he was sitting in earlier. I grabbed his shoulders and pushed down into his lap, my head falling back when he drove up into me hitting my sweet spot in the process. I felt hands snake over my chest and tweaked one of my n*****s. Crying out again I completely stopped moving while he thrusted into me, fast and hard. I was just going to tell Christian to jack me off when he stop, just completely stopped all movements. Opening my eyes I stared at him trying to figure out what he was trying to do. I saw the sly smile he had on his face and I had feeling that he was thinking something naughty. "Why'd…..you stop?" I panted. He brought a hand up to curl a finger in my damp hair; that smile never leaving his face. "I want you to ride me." He said simply. My face went completely red, how could he ask something like that so boldly? I stared at him for minute and the look in his eyes were challenging….it was like he didn't think I had the guts to do it. I mean I was shy but I wasn't that timid and he has another thing coming if that's his track of mind. I grabbed a hold of his forearms that were holding me by the hips. Closing my eyes I lifted myself of his c**k all the way up to the head and slowly sank down, savoring the feeling of him inside me. I kept the pace nice and slow, trying to drive Christian mad with pleasure. "F**k Jake faster." He cried. Mission accomplished Smiling I picked up the pace going a lot faster and harder than I did before. The sound of Christian moaning my name was a huge turn on and a boost to my pride. To make him turn into complete and utter submission….well not complete but close enough was a pretty picture to see. I watched him as I bounced up and down on his dick; his mouth was partly opened and his eyes were closed, head lolled to the side just a bit. I was so caught up in watching him and concentrating on the pace of pushing down. I didn't feel the hand around my c**k until he gave it a firm squeeze. I threw my head back and mewled in pleasure, he started move his hip forward again, going up while I slammed down. He leaned in towards and started to nip my neck, leaving marks all over my collarbone. Between him jerking me off, biting me, and hitting my prostate dead on, I could feel it I was so close. I could feel swirling around in the pit of my stomach just read to unfurl and let loose. "C….Chris…so close." I moaned. His lips started to trail towards my face, I could feel his breath on my lips. Those beautiful dark blue eyes of his were staring at me; showing complete lust, passion, and love. Complete and utter love. I stared at him and I realized that he really loved me, this boy that saved me when I was in trouble, the one who listened to me cry my heart out onto his shoulder…the one who stayed by my side when I was sick. "Come for me Jake." He whispered against my lips before slipping his tongue into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around him burying my face into his neck. Christian gave a flick of his wrist and I felt the coil in my stomach come undone. I screamed Christians name as I came all over his stomach, it felt so damn good to release all that sexual tension that was inside me. "F**k…..Christ!" Christian cried as he came inside me. I could feel the warmth of his seed inside me and I felt filled. We both sat there in the dining room for about two minutes before Christian thought it was a good idea to get up before their dads and Kristi got back. Christian picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist…. (Still inside him mind you) and carried me to his bathroom. He gently slid out of me and smirked at me when I made a noise of protest. "Already wanting more I see." Christian laughed. I leaned against the wall and pouted, "Don't be an a*s." I muttered under my breath. I watched him as he turned the water on for the bathtub. Minutes later the tub was filled with steamy water and Christian was ushering me towards him. He sat down in it first and then I crawled in with him. The water felt great against my skin as pressed my back against Christian chest. I sighed in content, this is just great. My life was finally turning out the way my mom predicted it would, even though she said it would probably be better when I left this town, but thanks to Christian and my dad coming back everything was just perfect. Add to the fact that he was staying here and we got to keep the house was even better. "Watcha thinkin about Jakey?" Christian asked. I turned my head so that I was looking up into his blue eyes. "Everything…you….my dad." I mumbled…."My life." I added simply. "Are they good things?" he asked. I reached up and kissed him on the lips, "Very good things." I said. "This might sound really random but what do you want to do when you graduate?" Christian asked. "Im leaving….for New York." I said. I waited for Christian to think about it, I mean I been thinking about applying for colleges out there but I didn't know what would he think about it. My dad thought I'd be a great idea since he lived there for so long and could show me around and stuff but I was still a bit hesitant. "You mean we are going to New York." Christian corrected. It turned slightly so I could fully look at his face, "You didn't think I was going to stay here?" he questioned. "Well I wasn't sur…um I thou""Jake I didn't even want to come down here in the first place, the only reason we did was because of my dad's job and I told they day I graduate I was going to go back up there." He explained. "If you put it that way I guess I don't disagree." I said smiling. We both fell into a comfortable silence with Christian rubbing my back in little circles and me dozing off. "I love you Christian." I said softly. His arms wrapped around me tightly his nose nuzzling my neck. "Love you to Jake." He whispered. After cleaning up we stepped out the bathroom and walked into Christian room. I waited as he rummaged around in his closet and came out with tee shirt and sweatpants. I put them on and they were way too big on me, his shirt came all the way down to my thighs….."I never really noticed how short you are until now." Christian commented from the bed. "Hey!" I shouted as I walked over to the bed and crawled in next to him. "S'not my fault im short." I pouted. Christian laughed but pulled me towards him so that I was lying on top of him. "Im just kidding Jake." He smiled. Just when we were getting comfortable Christian started to fidget beside me. "Something wrong?" I asked. "I'm getting the feeling that we forgot something." He said absently. I looked at him a bit confused, "Like what?" I asked. Suddenly the two heard voices from downstairs, I could hear Christian's little sister going on about the movie. I got a text earlier that my dad went home after them movie so I know he's not down there. It went silent for a minute before I heard Mr. Booker yelling. "Christian I thought I told you to clear the table." he yelled up at us. Behind I heard Christian flop back down on the bed. "I knew we forgot something." He muttered. I laughed he was so forgetful…..well technically it was a bit my fault for seducing him, but he started it. "….And what are these clothes doing all over the floor!" My head whipped around to face Christian," You didn't pick up the clothes!?" I hissed. "Um I was a bit…..occupied," he started, "Besides it's not like he's going to find your underwear down there." He said simply. I slapped him upside the head, "That's not the point you a*s!" I huffed. "Jakey don't worry we'll get it later." He whispered, biting my ear. I relaxed into his touch before fully turning around so that I was facing him. "Whose wanting to more now?" I asked slyly. "Hmm all I want is you." He said softly. My face burned but I kissed him anyway, loving the way he held me against his chest as he whispered I love you against my lips. © 2012 Love U StylinsonAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on December 31, 2012 Last Updated on December 31, 2012 Author