![]() BodyGuard 11A Chapter by Love U StylinsonChristian After getting off the phone with Jake I went back downstairs
to get some breakfast; courtesy of my dad and his amazing cooking skills. As I
took a seat by the island and watched my dad dance to the music that was
playing on the radio. I wonder what got him so happy this morning, especially
on a Saturday morning. He usually sleeps through the day and Sunday because he
works so much during the week, I wouldn’t blame him. “What got you so happy?” I asked as he set my plate down in
front of me. He smiled before bringing all the food on plates and set them down
on the table. “I got the next four days off from work,” he said happily.
Hmm so that’s why he’s so joyful this morning, my dad never gets days off like
that, maybe a day or two but not four. “That’s pretty cool, wadda ya going to do all day then,” I
asked him as I picked up a pancake from a plate. “Were going out today,” Kristi piped as she walked in the
kitchen and sat down next to me, already filling her plate with food. “Yep I thought you guys would like to go the movies or
something….maybe go out to eat later,” my dad said as he sat down across from
us. “Out? Um….I kinda have plans with Jake this morning,” I said
slowly looking up from my food. I saw the quick flash of disappointment run
across my father’s face and I instantly felt bad. “B….But I can cancel we were
just gonna waste sometime before Nikki’s party,” I said “Who’s Nikki?” my sister asked, looking at me through
narrowed eyes. “And a party?” my dad questioned, I gave them a look. I
swore I told them about the party today but judging by the look on their faces
I didn’t tell them anything about it. “Um yah she’s one of Jakes friends and she invited me.” I
watched the look on my dad’s face, going from disappointment, to confusion, to
sadness and I was feeling really bad because I caused it. I mean as a family we
really don’t hang out that much because he’s works and never has time. But now
that he does all he wants to do is share it with his kids and there I go and
f**k everything up. “No don’t cancel I should have told you guys before anyway,”
he said as picked at his food. Now I was feeling even worse, I don’t think he
knows it but he was defiantly pulling the kicked puppy act. I looked down at
Kristi and she just shrugged her shoulders not knowing what to say. I thought
about just canceling with Jake anyway but then an idea hit me and I smiled. “How about I bring Jake over so you could meet him,” I
concluded. Yep that got him as I watched a huge smile appear on his face. “Of course that would great,” he exclaimed. “Yah but don’t tell him that it’s my birthday tomorrow,” I
said. Kristi gave me look, “Why not?” she asked. “I uh....I asked him out on date Sunday….and I don’t want
him to get me anything,” I said quietly. My dad laughed, “So you did follow my advice,” he said and I
just nodded my head yes. After that wonderful conversation I ate and went back
upstairs to find some decent clothes to put on. Couple minutes later I walked
back downstairs and said that I’ll be back. As I passed the living room I saw a
whole bunch of photo albums lying out on the table. ‘Wonderful’ I thought as I walked out the door. - Jake Yah my good mood just flew out the window when I saw Tyler
sitting there with a whole bunch of luggage by his feet. I took slow steps
towards him but stopped when he stood up and grabbed the bags off the floor. “A……Are you going somewhere?” I questioned. I flinched when
he turned his cold eyes towards me and the smile on his face turned into a
smirk. “Im leaving kid,” he said stiffly. I stood there and stared at him, “L…Leaving?” I squeaked. The f**k he means leaving, he can’t leave me
here. “Yah I got a life ya know, and apparently you being in it
wasn’t my plan,” he said plainly. “But you just can’t leave me here,” I cried. I was seriously
on the verge of tears, what the hell am I going to do. “Listen kid I only stayed here because of your mom….but the
little s**t died I got nothing to do around here,” he said shrugging his
shoulders. I watched him as he picked up the rest of his bags and walked
towards the door, but before he left the house he turned around. “I left a hundred dollars on the counter and" I didn’t know what happened because I
all I could see was red. I tackled Tyler to the ground before punching him in
the face repeatedly, I’ve never fought back in a fight with anyone before but
this sudden anger and power was fueling every punch I gave him. How the f**k
dare he called my mother a s**t, he has no f*****g right to say that. “F*****g….b*****d I’ll f*****g kill you….you son of a
b***h,” I screamed. I didn’t stop until I heard Tyler’s name being called and
that’s when he got the chance to get away but not before kicking me in the
face. Falling onto my back I got up in time to see Tyler’s back walking to his
s****y car and getting in, I also saw Jesse getting in the car with him. “You’ll pay for that you little prick,” he yelled out the
window before driving down the street. I sat there on the floor, my lip
bleeding from the kick I received. I didn’t realize I was crying until a breeze
came in through the open door and swept across my face. I can’t believe this is
happening to me, what did I did to deserve this; my mom’s dead, don’t know
where my real father is, and that d****e, that f*****g b*****d just left me
here with a hundred’s dollars. “Um…..Jake?” I looked up to see Christian standing in my
doorway and I sat there on the floor like an idiot and stared at him. “Jesus Jake your lip"“Is
bleeding I know,” I said softly as I stood up slowly and fixed my clothes. Well
I tried too; my hands were shaking so badly from the adrenaline rush I just
had. ‘Oh s**t’ I thought I wonder if Christian saw that whole ordeal. “What happened?” he asked sternly a look of anger present on
his face. ‘Well at least he didn’t see everything’ I thought. “N…Nothing it’s just"I
tried really hard not start crying again because I didn’t want to do that in
front of Christian. However once he took my hands in his and brought me into a
hug I couldn’t help but cry my eyes out on his shoulder. “Shhh its okay everything’s gonna be fine,” Christian said
trying to console me. After crying for about five minutes he took me up to my
bathroom to clean me up. I had blood running down my chin from my lip and I
busted one of my knuckles from all that punching I did. As sat down on the
toilet see I watched Christian carefully wiped up the blood from my lip and
bandaged my hand. “Mind telling me what happened?” he spoke softly. I thought
about telling him I really did, but I didn’t want Christian mixed up in all
this. “Nothing happened,” I said quietly. Christian stopped what he was doing and looked my dead in
the eye, “So you’re telling me that you did this yourself?” he asked. “No,” I replied. “Did you run into a violent ghost then?” he asked, his brow
rose curiously. “No,” I said….trying to hold down a smile. “Then maybe you"“Christian
look….I really don’t want to talk about it right now….later okay,” I pleaded as
I looked at him. He sighed but stood up and brushed his pants off, “Okay but
don’t think I won’t forget,” he said giving me a knowing look. I didn’t say
anything as we walked out the bathroom and down stairs. Once outside I was
starting to get the feeling that Christian was mad at me for not telling him
what happened. “Im not mad,” he suddenly said as he looked over at me a
small smile on his face. I opened my mouth to protest but he shushes me, “It’s
your business you can tell me when you’re ready,” he said calmly. “Um…okay,” I said not having the courage to look at him in
the eyes. We kept walking down the street until we reached Christian’s house,
“I thought were going to get piercings,” I said looking at his door curiously. “Oh yeah I forgot to tell you,” he said before walking
inside, “My dad wants to meet you.” “W…What! Why didn’t you tell me before,” I cried. I was in no condition to meet his dad, I mean I look a mess and I don’t have the proper clothes on either. Christian put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a huge smile, “Don’t worry you look fine,” he said before walking inside. I walked in slowly after him, being cautious of everything. When I looked up I noticed that Christian was nowhere in sight but I did see a girl standing not too far from me. “Your Jake right?” she asked. “Um yah…you a"“Im
Kristi, Christians sister,” she said with smile. Before I could say anything
she came running towards me and gave me a hug. A little shocked I hugged her
back awkwardly before stepping away. “Jake over here,” Christian hollered from the living room. I
walked over to where I heard his voice and once I got there I was greeted with
a replica of Christian. “You must be Jake,” he said as he grabbed my hand and shook
it. I couldn’t help but to stare up at him, I mean the guy was a freaking
giant. “Uh yah,” I said awkwardly. “I’m Charles and I’m sure you
met Kristi,” he said. I was going to say something back but Christian
interrupted me by grabbing my arm and pulling onto the couch. “Dad stop making him all nervous,” he scowled as he sat down
next to me. I opened my mouth to tell him that I was fine but Kristi came out
of nowhere and sat down next to me a huge smile on her face. “Do you have any brothers?” she asked. “Sorry im an only child,” I answered but I really wish I had
a brother…or sister, it was always lonely in the house when mom was at work. “Aww that sucks….you can take mines,” she smirked as she
looked over to Christian whose face turning a nice color of red. ‘Ha I wouldn’t mind having Christian either’ I thought. “Be nice Kristi,” Charles said as he came into the living
room with an armful of book. As he settled down on the couch opposite of us he
set the books down on the table, where some others were lying. “So before we show you the embarrassing pictures of
Christian, tell us something about you,” he beamed at me. I couldn’t help but
notice how alike Christian and his dad was, I mean they even smiled the same
way. I sat there for minute to think about what I was going to
tell them. I mean I don’t have much of life, nothing really happens to me,
unless you count the harassment at school, Tyler leaving and being an a*s, not
knowing where my real dad is. “You don’t have to,” Charles added, giving me a look. “I am an only child….and I live with my stepfather Tyler up
the street from here,” I started, completely ignoring what he said. “Um…my mom
died some time ago from cancer,” I said softly. “What type of cancer?” Kristi asked. “Kristi!” Christian yelled, “That’s really rude,” he
growled. “No its fine,” I told him I looked at Kristi, “She had
Breast Cancer,” I told her. Her mouth formed an ‘oh’ before settling back down
on the couch. “What about your father?” Charles asked. “My mom told me that my dad left but for a good reason,” I
said, “We didn’t have that much money back then and the job he had wasn’t
paying enough for food, the apartment we had, or the hospital bills for my
mom,” I paused trying to get myself to calm down, “He left to get more money,
to find a better job I guess but he just never came back,” I said quietly. “A couple of months after that we moved here and my mom
moved on,” I said. “I bet your mom was pretty,” Kristi said quietly. I smiled a
little at that, “I was the spitting image of her actually,” I said. - Christian When I was listening to Jakes back-round I had a feeling
there was more to it. Like he wasn’t telling us something, I personally think
it’s about Tyler. I mean I’ve never met the guy but I just had this feeling
that he was bad news. Also there was the incident when I showed up at his house
and he had split lip and bloody knuckles. All of it just seems iffy to me and I
was going to find out what happened if it’s the last thing I do. After Jake was
finished, Kristi started to ask a whole other bunch of questions and I just tuned
her out. “Alright Kristi don’t wear him out with the questions,”
Charles said sternly. “No its fine really,” Jake reassured with small smile. “Well I rather look at pictures than keep listing to her
drone on all day,” I huffed from beside Jake. I was seriously getting tired of
hearing her voice, and that the fact that he wasn’t paying any attention to me.
“Well then let’s look at pictures,” dad said with smile
before picking up an album off the table. I noticed that the album he picked up
was the green one…..oh please no I thought. I watched as he turned to the first
page and my face lit up. “Now this is one of my favorite pictures of Christian here,”
my dad said. I felt the couch move and I looked up to see Jake staring at the
picture with a smile on his face. Jeez I really hate that picture, I was just a
little baby and I was in the tub on my stomach naked as the day I was born, my
hair wet and a curly mess. I was smiling up at the camera no teeth with a
bubble mustache on my face. All thoughts flew out my head when I heard Jake laugh…not a
giggle or a chuckle but a full on laugh. I watched in amazement as the sound
came out of his mouth, it was so pure and joyful; at the very moment I wanted
to kiss him I really did. I saw my dad wink at me when he saw me gawking at
Jake and his cuteness. ‘I can’t wait till our date’ I thought. - © 2012 Love U StylinsonAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on August 29, 2012 Last Updated on August 29, 2012 Author