#11 Shattering

#11 Shattering

A Chapter by tynamite

Could it be possible that we're all being watched?


Let me tell you about what happened one day that I didn't expect.


I was in a room chatting to my friend, and we were talking about stuff. There were these two people behind us who were arguing. We didn't know what they were arguing about. The next thing I know, one of them pulls out a knife and stabs the other one.


The whole place freezes. None of us could move for thirty seconds. I feared whatever was going to happen next. It was as if God had came to pass down his judgement onto the murderer. I didn't know what was going on. While all that happened the ground was shaking us all. We all were trembling.


When the time ended, the murderer behind us looked really scared. He walked out the room after looking at us all, and the dead body that lay bloodied on the ground. As he got the the doorway, his legs shook as if he was electrically shocked by someone watching from above. He dismantled his confident self because he was scared.


And that's why murder is the one thing you can't do here.

© 2011 tynamite

Author's Note

I know it's short, but then again, Excess Rah Style was never designed to be a long series.
#12 will be the final chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Added on September 3, 2011
Last Updated on September 3, 2011
Tags: fear, murder



Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

Hello peepz! I write novels and short stories in the "urban life" genre going for the "thought provoking" style. You could call it realism, but even romance and crime novels can be realistic, so I.. more..
