The Palace

The Palace

A Chapter by Mikayla Tyler

Luciana stirred just as the sun was peeking over the horizon.  Her exhaustion was like a heavy weight on her bones, but she got up anyway. She stretched, wincing as wounds inflicted by Catherine protested all over her body. Angel had managed to restore her face to normal, leaving just a hint of bruising around her eye.

She glanced over at her friend's empty pallet. Up and moving before the rest of us as usual, she thought as the other servants began to wake. She headed to Catherine's tent, dreading the morning rituals.

She entered the tent and said, "Milady, it’s dawn. We’ll be moving on shortly."  

Catherine groaned and dragged herself out of the pile of quilts, blankets and pillows that comprised her bed. Luciana contemplated her critically. Catherine was small and somewhat bony, with carrot-hued hair and earthy brown eyes. She had an upturned nose and a sneer permanently etched onto her face.  

She said little to Luciana as she was dressed, but smirked at the fading bruise under her eye. Luciana quietly packed up Catherine’s belongings, and in no time the tents were disassembled and they were back on the road.

Luciana walked with the other servants, chatting and laughing as the day progressed. They ate their noon meal as they walked, sharing a large waterskin frequently. Her lack of rest soon caught up with her, doubled by her half-healed injuries. A rock gave way from under her foot and she collapsed with a cry of pain.

Angel strained to help her up, teetering under Luciana’s weight. Suddenly the earth disappeared from under Luciana’s feet and strong hands held her.

“William! What are you doing?” she demanded, trying not to wince at his firm grip on her back.

"Nirennen is only miles from here and you certainly aren’t walking another step of it."  

Luciana grumbled under her breath. William grinned triumphantly and walked on as if she weighed nothing at all. His rough homespun shirt smelled like sweat and horses, like it always did. Luciana found it oddly comforting and felt herself start to relax.


*   *   *      * * *     *


Luciana awoke to the sound of trumpets. She straightened herself up from her cradled position, annoyed that she had fallen asleep. She looked around, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

A massive brown wall at least forty feet high loomed before them. A wooden drawbridge spanned the distance over the wide moat, guarded by soldiers and an iron portcullis. An enormous crimson banner emblazoned with a golden eagle hung above it. She craned her neck and saw watchmen strolling up and down the top of the wall, the sun flashing brilliantly on her armor. The portcullis creaked as the soldiers raised it and the caravan entered the city.

Nirennen was clean and orderly, with colorful booths lining the streets. There were more people that single square than Luciana had ever seen in one place, from rich merchants on horseback to farmers driving wagons laden with food. They all made way for the caravan, bowing respectfully as the nobles passed by.

The palace sat in the middle of the city like the jeweled hub of a wheel. Ornate iron gates rose high above them, regal and imposing. The gatekeeper took their letter of invitation and opened the gates, waving them through. Inside was a wide courtyard, paved and meticulously swept, and a marble fountain shone in the center.

A richly dressed man came out of the castle and met them at the steps.  "Good day to you, my lord. I am Thomas, the royal steward. I trust your journey was uneventful?

"Yes, thank you," said Lord Samuel politely. "Please take us to our accommodations. My family and I would like to rest."

Thomas bowed and led the way to the castle. William followed the maids to the servants’ entrance, still carrying Luciana. They entered a long, sunlit corridor bustling with servants. William weaved around them carefully, getting a few dirty looks as he went. Suddenly a man raced around the corner and, despite his best efforts, crashed into them. William staggered, clutching Luciana tightly as he struggled to keep his balance.

"My apologies," the man said immediately. Luciana looked at him, rubbing her face. The man didn’t look much older than William, with springy golden hair and bright blue eyes that looked rather dazed by the crash. He was sprawled on the floor almost unconcernedly, while servants hovered around him. "Why are you carrying her?" he asked, waving the servants away.

"She injured her ankle and I’m looking for a healer. Do you know where I can find one?"

A door opened and a man stepped out, nearly tripping over the man on the floor. He flailed his arms madly and righted himself. “Your Highness! You’re quite determined to be the death of me!” he gasped, putting a hand to his heart. Luciana raised her eyebrows and looked at the man with renewed interest.

“Ah, Landon. Your timing is impeccable as usual,” the prince said brightly, standing fluidly. “This pretty lady has sprained her ankle and is need of your services,” he said, winking at Luciana. She felt her face heat and looked away.

Landon wiped his hands on his tunic. "Bring her in here and I'll examine her," he said, gesturing to the door he had just exited from. The prince clapped Landon on the back and continued on his way, scattering servants as he ran.

William followed Landon into the healing ward, looking around carefully. The room was calm, with windows spilling sunlight onto rows of white beds. There were small braziers burning in the aisles and a row of cabinets lining the far wall. William gently set Luciana on a bed near the windows, taking care not to jostle her. Landon pulled up a stool and began probing her ankle. Luciana clutched the pillow on her bed and groaned.  

Landon released her foot. "Looks like the prince was right. It should mend in a day or two. Did you just arrive today?" he asked William.  

William nodded. “Can I visit her?" he asked.

Landon nodded. "Of course. Go tend to your duties; I’ll tend your friend.”

William shook Landon’s hand and raised his eyebrows at Luciana, loath to leave her. She smiled and shooed him away with her hand. He left, giving her and the room one last glance. Landon contemplated Luciana intently. "Let's you and me get to know each other."

© 2016 Mikayla Tyler

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Added on August 22, 2016
Last Updated on August 22, 2016