james, excellent poem, imaginatively vivid, a dreamscape for thoughts to dwell, encouragiong, your words
have an uplifting effect, its insightful, the images reminds me of the movie, "amazing stories" how the
imagination takes flight on the back of a mystical creature, sailing to other worlds, the fantasy aspect
is definitely transporting, and the wisdom encourages the reader to reach for the stars, beautifully done!
really interesting. I'm not sure the choppy style really does any thing for me personally, but the lack of flow does help visualize the cowboy's ride. Good write!
Hey there!! Long time no see : )
My fault, not yours, Sorry. : (
I love the picture I got when I read this. I remember watching westerns with my grandfather, and thinking what a life the cowboys had. I know we are still doing the same things today but in a different fashion and it makes me wonder will we ever reach our dreams or just fade out like the cowboys did? God, I hope not!
James this is great. While reading it a caravan of camels traveling through the desert came to mind. I could see them so well with the sand swirling around them and their riders in their flowing robes . They dream of finding that oasis where there's water and beautiful green trees and flowers there in the middle of all that sand.
This is filled with imagination, I could think of so many different stories to go with it.
I Love it. It goes to my favorites.
james, excellent poem, imaginatively vivid, a dreamscape for thoughts to dwell, encouragiong, your words
have an uplifting effect, its insightful, the images reminds me of the movie, "amazing stories" how the
imagination takes flight on the back of a mystical creature, sailing to other worlds, the fantasy aspect
is definitely transporting, and the wisdom encourages the reader to reach for the stars, beautifully done!
Hi, I'm James K. Blaylock and I'm a poet/writer. I'm 39, and I live in Texas. I was born and raised here. I have been writing now for 13 years and I've been blessed to be published a number of times. .. more..