chapter 2

chapter 2

A Chapter by Naomi Cullen

Chapter 2:

I went to my first period class, I tried to pay attention in class but all that I could think about were those violet eyes. They were so beautiful and memorzing to look at.I wonder who is that person and why did he stare at me back? I hoped that I would see him again.
" Jen is the answer to number 3?" my teacher said breaking my daydreaming.
" Um... I lost my place where are we?"I said embarrassed
"Number 3. Please pay attention Jen."said my teacher.
"Ok."I whispered
During the day I still daydreamed about that boy until I bumped into him in the hallway. My heart started to beat twice as fast as I looked into his violet eyes.
"Are you ok?"he said. His deep voice was so warm and sweet.
"Um... yyyeah um.. I'm ookkay."stuttering like an idiot.
" Hi, I am Josh."he said. His voice sounded like bells ringing
"Um...I'm JJJJen."I stuttered.Come on Jen get a hold of yourself.
He picked up my books and handed them to me.His shin was so cold, but a felt an electric shock that went up hand and my arm when he touched me.
"ThThThank you."I am such an idiot.
"You are welcome. I hope that we cross paths soon."he whispered as he touch my cheek. I thought I was going to burst into flames.
As he walked away I started to think what was I going to tell Rachel. Finally it was the end day, I walked to Rachel's car and then I saw that boy..I mean Josh staring at me again leaning against is black mercedes and I couldn't away. I could stare at him all day but Rachel called my name from the car.
"Jen.Jen. JEN!!!!!"she yelled disturbing my concentration.
"Yeah.. I'm coming."shaking my head and ran to Rachel. I jumped into Rachel car and looked for Josh but he was gone again. But I could of sworen he was right there...
"Hey Jen JEN!!!"she yelled.
"Yeah."I said
"I noticed that you were looking at that boy isn't he cute."she said as she was driving very fast.
"Rachel will you slow down you will get us in a car accident!"I screamed. Sometimes I think I have to scream at her just to slow down.
"Jen..didn't you hear me?"she asked.
"Yes I heard you and yes I think he is kind of cute."I said.
"I think he likes you. He is always staring at you."she hinted. But why would he like me. I'm so weird and clusmy.
"I don't think so. He probably I am weird and stupid."I sighed.
"Why would he think that?"she questioned.
"In the hallway I bumped into him."I said.
"Tell me want happend pleaseeee."she whinned. Rachel can be so nosey sometimes. She wants to know everything and it get kind of annoyed me that times.
So I told her about the whole conversation that me and Josh had.
"Oooo.. Wow he must like you to do that."she sounded excited.
"Maybe i don't know."i said quietly. I was home a round this time and Rachel let me out.
"We will continue this conversation tomorrow okay."she said happily.
Ok see you tomorrow."I waved goodbye as she drove away. I opened the door and my parents were watching TV on the couch.
"How was your day Jen?"asked my mom. Today was.... unbelieveable. I met the most handsome guy ever with those violet eyes. And the sound of his voice was so musical like bells ringin. I thought in my head.
"Good. Nothing special today."I lied. I grabbed something to eat for dinner and went to my room. I started to do my homework until it was time for bed. I put on my pajamas and went to sleep on my soft bed. That night I had a dream about Josh.

© 2009 Naomi Cullen

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Added on April 15, 2009


Naomi Cullen
Naomi Cullen

Sratford, NJ

I'm am a huge twilight fan!! I love the twilight saga and the movie and I like to watch anime too. I like to read to vampire books. I love to make new friends too. I am on team edward because edward i.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Naomi Cullen

chapter 3 chapter 3

A Chapter by Naomi Cullen