Chaprer 1; The truth comes out

Chaprer 1; The truth comes out

A Chapter by Briteskylar

A/N. Everything but Ravyn and Fred Jr. are property of J.K Rowling. This is about four years after school.


Ravyn glanced at the clock and noticed it was five after six; she shot up out of her seat packing her stuff. She had been working late every night for the past week.

She had to go pick up Fred from school, she knew if she wasn’t out the door any minute the phone would ring. She turned off the light and locked her office door.

She walked through the door to her son’s pre-school some minutes later, “Sorry I’m late Evelyn.”

Evelyn smiled, “No problem, working on another big case?” she asked.

Ravyn helped Fred with his coat and then grabbed his lunch box, “Yeah. Time seems to pass by when I have a big case.” Ravyn was head of the Aurora department at the Ministry of Magic. “Are you ready to go home bugger?” she ruffled his black hair.

“’es mum.” He smiled up at her, he looked at Evelyn his pre-school teacher and waved bye, and then grabbed his mom’s hand.

“How was your day honey?” she asked him as she buckled him into his seat.

Fred shrugged his shoulders, “Okay.”

“Just okay?” she laughed, “Why was it just okay?”

When Fred didn’t say anything Ravyn looked in the mirror, she saw his golden brown eyes pleading with her, but then he answered, “I was put in time out.” He muttered slowly.

She raised an eyebrow, “And why was that?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “I no know.”

“Fred Lucius Snape.” She said sternly.

He sighed, “I told a boy to go eat dung.” He said pouting.

Ravyn looked at him, “Fred!”

“Well he didn’t believe me when I told him I was a wizard.”

“Well you’re not supposed to go around telling people. We are to act like regular people. I don’t want to hear of you telling people again, okay honey.”

“Yes mummy.”

They drove the rest of the way home in silence. Gazing every now and again at Fred she smiled. The little four year old looked exactly like his dad, except his hair, he had her black hair. His eyes looked heavy as he dozed off then snapped himself out of it.

About an hour later they pulled into the driveway, Fred had finally fallen asleep. Ravyn sat there in the car for a minute, it was her birthday, and she only wanted one thing, the same thing she wanted every year, but she knew it was unreachable. A smile spread across her lips as a tall white haired man walked out of the house. He opened her door and gave her a peck on the cheek, and then he opened the back door and got Fred carefully out of his seat.

“Th…thanks Draco.” She yawned tiredly.

“Happy birthday.” He smiled as Ravyn closed the car door. “Did you want to do anything? My treat.”

Ravyn shook her head, “All I want is to go to bed.”

Draco gave her a half smile, “Are you sure?” She nodded again. “Alright, well I’ll put Fred to bed and you go get sleep.” Walking in Ravyn felt a cold breeze brush against her face, sending a chill down her spine. The way she liked it, it may be seven at night but it was still ninety something degrees out. Draco stopped halfway up the stairs, “Oh Ray…”

“Yea.” She stopped in the archway to the kitchen.

“There’s a letter for you on the bar.”

“Kay.”  She walked to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water before she looked at the envelope sitting on the bar. Setting her purse down, she pulled a barstool out and sat, she looked at the parchment lying in front of her, she recognized the writing. She didn’t want to open it, the last time she wrote him she told him to never speak to her again.

“Aren’t you going to open it?” Draco’s voice came from behind her.

She shook her head, “Don’t wana.”

He kissed her cheek, and smiled, “I’m going home. If you need me you know where to find me.”

“Thanks.” She got up wrapping her arms around him, “Where would I be without you?”

“Same place you are now.” He looked her in the eyes, “Do you want me to pick him up tomorrow?”

Ravyn nodded “Yeah, I have court.”

Draco kissed her on top of her head, “Good night my Moon Ray.”

Ravyn wrapped her arm around his waist and walked him to the door, “Why didn’t we ever make it?”

“Because I loved you and you loved someone else.” He opened the door, but before he left he said, “Read it, and write him back. You know you want to.” He kissed her one last time on the forehead and left.

Ravyn closed the door behind him; leaning up against it she sighed and walked back to the bar. She watched the parchment as if it would jump up any minute and bite her. She rubbed her face; her eyes were red from exhaustion. She grabbed her wand from her purse and tapped the parchment and watched it unfold it’s self, then she read it.

Ray, I know you don’t want me to talk to me anymore, but please, hear me out. I’ll be in town at the end of July. Let me see you one last time, and I’ll leave you and your family alone forever.

With all my love,



Ravyn just stared at the writing, ‘was now the time’ she thought to herself. She hadn’t told George that Vince was his son. She left him when she found out she was pregnant. She thought he would never want to care for a child. She was happy being a single mother, she had Draco and the rest of the Malfoy’s to help her.

She was just confused, all throughout school everyone thought Draco and Ravyn would be together forever, but she fell for George. She loved Draco more than anything but not the same way he loved her, she was in love with George.

Ravyn sighed as she got up, Grabbing her wand she flicked her wrist as she stopped at the entrance way, the lights turned off and the doors clicked, letting her know they were locked. She repeated the process throughout the whole house. She stopped at Fred’s room and checked on him. She smiled as she saw how peacefully he was sleeping. He was the only reason she was successful with her life. She smiled one last time before leaving. She walked into her room and noticed a vase of roses sitting on her bed side table; she smiled and walked over to smell them. Sitting her wand down she picked up the card and read it, ‘Happy Birthday My Moon Ray. You Bright Up My nights!’ Ray flopped onto her bed still fully clothed, she was asleep the second her head hit the pillow.









Ravyn felt like she only slept for twenty minutes when she woke up to the smell of bacon cooking. She rolled over and looked at the clock, it was seven fifteen; she had to be up in fifteen minutes, so she rolled over but couldn’t get comfortable because she was wide awake.

                She got up and dressed, she picked out a mini dark blue jean skirt and a white tank top; she placed her thick shoulder length black hair into a pony tail, and did her makeup, which consisted of eyeliner and mascara only.

                Walking down the stairs she could hear voices, it sounded as though Fred was awake, she smiled as she stopped in the entrance to the kitchen. Fred was sitting on the island counter while Draco and Traléna were cooking breakfast.  She stood there and watched them, she was thankful for what friends and family she had in her life. Fred turned his head and smiled, “Mummy!”

                “Hi baby.” She walked over and gave him a kiss on the forehead. “What are you two doing?”

                “What does it look like?” Traléna asked.

                “Well I mean why are you cooking for us?”

                “Because we know you Ray. We know you won’t eat before you go into work.” Draco said. “So are you ladies ready for the big case?”

                Ravyn shook her head while Traléna nodded. She glared at Traléna, “You’re only ready because you had very little work!”

                “Well you’re only not ready because you’re the boss!” She laughed.

                “Grrr.” She laughed.




© 2009 Briteskylar

My Review

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Very good so far.
This is some really entertaining stuff.
This is in BIG need of an edit and a polish though.
I really like your writing style, quick, yet graceful.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 3, 2009




About me; ·Just a lost girl looking to find the right path in life. With a lot of detours & big dreams along the way. ·Whovian ·Potter head ·Twihard ·Write.. more..
