Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Briteskylar

A.N. Everything except for Haley, Belle And Samara are the property of J.K. Rowling. This is strictly Haley's point of view.




                First class was double potions, Danisty sighed as she stood outside the class room door with the other Slytherins, and Gryffindors. She wasn’t sure she wanted to be in the same class with her dad, “You look nervous.” A voice came from behind her.


               Danisty spun around and smiled when she saw Belle, “Just a little.”

                “Nothing to be nervous about, well, I guess there might be, it’s Snape after all.” Belle said just as the door opened and Snape came out, “Would you like to sit with me?” she asked.

                Danisty nodded as she locked eyes with Snape, she hadn’t seen her dad in almost a year, she didn’t have the time, she had been moving and he had stuff he had to do, or so he said. Snape looked at her and then spun on his heels and walked away without saying a word. She hadn’t realized she had been holding her breath until he was gone.

                She found Belle sitting in the back away from the others.  The class was quiet as Snape walked to the front. “I want a simple here or present no funny business.” He grabbed a piece of parchment and started calling names, “Alice Northington”

                A blond girl in the front raised her hand ‘Here sir’ she said rather a little to bubbly.

                “Dustin Michales?”

                ‘here’ said a geeky looking boy.

                He went on for about five minutes until he finally got down to the last two names, “Belle Fey?”

                 “Here” she said lazily.

Then he called Danisty, “Lastly, our new student, D.J Kantal.”

Danisty raised her hand, “Professor?”

 Snape looked up, “I would like a simple here next time.”

“Erm…I don’t want to be called D.J.”

Snape looked at her, “And what would you rather be called?” he asked.

“By my real name.” 

“First and last?”

“No just first!”  She said rather embarrassed.

Professor Snape looked rather hurt, but shook it off, “I want to see you after class Miss. Kantal.”

“Ohhhh!” came from the whole class at once.

“Already in trouble and it’s your first day?” Belle and Danistylooked at each other and laughed.

 “Will you two shut up back there and do your work!” Professor Snape snapped.

Danisty couldn’t help but wonder why Professor Snape wanted to see her after class; she dreaded class ending which made it go by faster. She had just started cutting her ginger root for the confusion drought potion, when the bell rang.

Belle smiled, “Do you want me to wait for you?” Danisty nodded and Belle laughed walking out the door, “Trouble your first day.” She muttered to herself.

Danisty packed her stuff slowly; she had just put her potions book away when the last student walked out, “Well Miss. Kantal.” She looked up at Professor Snape and saw the hurt expression on his face. She knew it was something that was rare.

“Yes professor?” she closed her eyes, as Myla’s voice sounded in her head, telling her to mind her manners with him.

“D.J, what are you telling people your last name is?”

She sighed, she knew this was coming, “Erm..” she looked down “…I told one person my last name was Snape, but I’ve told others that…”

“It’s Kantal?” he interrupted. She nodded as he continued, “Are you ashamed of who you are?” he paused for a second then said, “Or rather who I am? Or that you’re more like me than her.” The ‘her’ he was referring to was her mother.

Danisty looked up at him, She knew she was nothing like him, she knew she was more adventurous than he was, when her dad was in school he was an outcast, and she felt bad that he let it affect his life, affect the way he was today. She stood up, “Daddy, I’m not ashamed of you, or who I am, I love who my family is. They mean more to me than anything! I think the reason I tell people another last name is who they don’t think I’m being favored by you or the other professors for being a daughter of one.” She lied.

Snape nodded noting he understood, but the look on his face said different, “I have a lot to think about, but I won’t bother around you, that is the one thing you got from your mother, her mind reading.” He shook his head, “You may go Miss. Kantal.” He walked out of the room leaving her baffled.

Danisy followed in his tracks shortly after. She had forgotten Belle was supposed to be waiting for her, until she heard her talk, “You want me to wait but you take off without me.” Belle caught up and looked at her and noticed she was crying, “What’s the matter?”

Danisty shook her head; she wasn’t ready to tell people. Danisty was in a daze all through her next class. Belle kept asking if she was okay but she just continued to shake her head. She couldn’t help but wonder, ‘am I really ashamed of him? But I…no, I can’t be….but then?

               “Miss. Kantal…Danisty Kantal?” A squeaky voice called.


                  Belle jabbed Danisty in the ribs with her elbow, “Ow, what the bloody hell was that for?” she yelled rubbing her side.

                “Miss Kantal, can you please give us an answer?” Professor Flitwick’s voice was filled with annoyance.

                “S...Sorry professor, I wasn’t paying attention.”

                “Yes I can tell, I asked can you tell me what the silencing charm is.”

                “Uh…is it the Silencio charm?”

                “Correct. Five point to Slytherin.”

                Danisty’s mind went back to wondering, she was still thinking about what Snape had said. ‘Was he ashamed of her? Was that why he sent her away? Is that why he asked? But I love him, how can I be ashamed?’  She hadn’t heard the bell ring; she just sat there until Belle elbowed her in the side again. Belle nodded her head towards the door as she threw her back pack over her shoulder. Danisty hurriedly packed her stuff and joined Belle. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Belle asked.

                Danisty nodded her head but didn’t say anything. The rest of the day seemed to go by fast, whether it was because her mind wasn’t set on class or because it was the first day she wasn’t sure. The two girls walked to the great hall without a word, they were joined by Draco as they walked through the door. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. “Hey Danisty, you alright?” he asked.

                “Why does every one keep asking me that? I’m fine!” she felt like someone was staring at her, she looked around and spotted them, she caught George’s eye, and smiled.

                “Why do you have to like that blood traitor?”  Malfoy pulled her closer and dragged her to the Slytherin table. He watched George’s expression and smirked.

                Danisty rolled her eyes, and followed, she wasn’t sure why she was putting up with this, maybe it was the fact that she still had a lot on her mind, she didn’t like the fact that she was being pushed out by her own father.

                Sitting down she felt Draco’s hand drop from her side, she looked over at him and smiled, she turned her attention to the staff table shortly after Dumbledore got up to speak, “I hope your first day went well?” he looked around as the student’s nodded, “Good!” His eyes sparkled, “All I have to say is dig in!” he clapped his hands and the food appeared.

                Danisty looked at Snape and just stared, she tried to read his mind but he was blocking her out. Snape looked at her and dropped his guard, ‘I think you should go back.’ her eyes got big and her mouth fell open, Snape dropped his gaze and played with his food. “I’m not hungry.” she got up and ran out of the great hall. She refused to cry in front of the whole school.

                She ran to the girl’s bathroom on the third floor. There was an out of order sign but she ignored it. As she walked in she noticed it was old and ran down, she ran in to a stall and sat on the floor. She pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them with her face buried, she hadn’t heard the door open until she heard someone speak, “If you’re looking for the crying girl, she’s in there.”

                She heard footsteps and a faint, “Merci.” There was a slight knock on the stall door, “Dani, ce qui est erroné ?”

                Danisty hadn’t heard that voice since she was little; she knew who it was right away from the way she talked. “Jade?” she opened the stall and saw a girl with brown hair and soft blue eyes, “Quand êtes-vous venu à Hogwarts ?”

                “Vell, I ‘ave been ‘ere for a year.” She smiled, “I didn’t know ‘ou, vere coming zo ze school.”

                “oui, I haven’t seen you since we were little.”

                “I know. I vas going to Beauxbatons but mum vanted zo move ‘ere.” She hugged Danisty, “Vhy ‘ave ‘ou come ‘ere?”

                “I came to spend time with my dad, but he doesn’t want me here anymore, so I will owl Myla and see if I can go home.”

                “Vell, I zink ‘ou should stay no matter vhat ‘Ee zinks.”

                Danisty smiled, and hugged Jade, “Thank you!” She smiled, “Ohhh!” She jumped up and down clapping her hands “Victor is coming for the Tri-Wizard tournament!”

                Jade smiled and giggled, “I ‘aven’t seen ‘im since school!”

                “Me either!”She  turned her head when she heard the door open, her smile faded, and Jade hurried out of the bathroom muttering her apologies.

Danisty grabbed toilet paper from the stall and tried to push her way past the person, but they stopped her, “I don’t want to talk to you.” She half whispered.


               “D…” he started.

                “I’m sorry Professor Snape, but it’s either Danisty or Miss. Kantal to you!” she interrupted. She pushed her way past him, stopping with her hand on the door, “’Ou know vhat? I zink ‘ou are zhe one zat is ashamed!” her accent was rather heavy. She pushed the door open and headed to the dungeons.

As she walked into the common room she noticed it was partially empty, the other students must have been at dinner still. She wanted to be alone and the best way to do that was to sit in the girls dorms.

Danisty sat there by the wall with her knees to her chest and her head rested on her knees, staring at the brick. At that point she refused to cry, refused to show any emotion at all. She didn’t want to show the fact that she was torn apart inside. She turned her head as she heard the soft footsteps of another girl; she rolled her eyes at the girl and turned her attention back to the wall.  “You got a problem?” she stood up straight waiting for Danisty to say the wrong thing so she could pounce on her. ‘Or did Draco dump you?’ she thought.

Danisty laughed, “You know Parkinson, you are such a b***h!” she smiled, “And no, Draco didn’t dump me! You’re the one that was dumped.”

Pansy stomped her foot, “Humph! How dare you! How did you even know what I thought?”

Danisty stood up ignoring her question, she shoved her hand into her pockets, her grip tightened on her wand, “You know he never liked you!”

Pansy’s eyes widened, “So you think! He loves me, just like I love him!”

Danisty chuckled, “Don’t make me laugh! If he really loved you then why would he drop you once someone better came around?”

“Ha! You really think you’re better than me? You?” She shook her head, “I think not!” Pansy lifted her wand with an evil smirk, “I don’t see why he likes you at all, I mean look at you.” She looked her up and down, “You’re not even pretty, and, and that accent! It’s so fake!”

Danisty smiled, “Well Dracie likes my fake accent!”

Pansy’s eyes grew and her face turned bright red with anger, “He’s mine! Do-Not-Ever-Call-Him-That!” she took a breath trying to calm down, but it didn’t work, “I’m only going to tell you this once, and only once, stay away from him!” She lowered her wand a few inches.

She raised an eyebrow “And what if I don’t?”


Pansy grew angrier, her wand pointed at Danisty again, “I will curse you!”

Danisty laughed, she started walking but stopped when their shoulders met, “Want to see what I’m going to do with Draco when I find him?” She whispered.

Pansy spun around as Danisty moved, she grabbed her hair and pulled her hair, “I…Said….Stay….Away….From….Him!”

Danisty ignored the small amount of pain it gave her; she threw her elbow back as hard as she could, connecting with Pansy's stomach. As air rushed from her the grip she had loosened. Danisty spun and punched her in the face. "Is that the best you have got, hair pulling?" she mocked as Pansy tried to still catch her breath, her cheek already swelling.

Pansy's anger began to cloud her thoughts as she charged at Danisty and reached for her, she moved at the last second received nasty scratches down the side of her left cheek. They stung but her mind was on something else to even bother with it. She turned quickly and grabbed the back of Pansy's head smashing it into the wall and watching as she fell to the ground.

Danisty leaned forward, "Dracie has tossed you away like a piece of trash, and it’s time to get over it." She whispered in her ear.

 Pansy laughed, “I think it’s you that’s the trash!” she threw her head back and smashed into Danisty’s face missing her nose, but crushing her bottom lip into her teeth. At once Danisty tasted the copper taste of blood. She yanked Pansy's arm back behind her back, making the girl cry out with the pain from her arm being forced the wrong way. "Do you give up yet?" Danisty hissed beside her face.

"Yes!" Pansy cried. "J-just go!" Danisty threw the sobbing and bleeding mess of Pansy away from her.

 "Remember this the next time you try to threaten me." Then she turned and left the dorm for the bathrooms to clean up.

Danisty had a smile on her face; she wasn’t really paying attention to where she was going, or to who was around her. She hadn’t really known the person in front of her stopped until she ran into them, “Watch were….” A smile spread across the persons face, “Oh um…You don’t have to watch anything.”

Danisty looked up and smiled, “Sorry, my mind was distracted. “She looked him up and down, “George….” She scratched the back of her neck nervously, “Um…What are you doing after breakfast?”


George laughed, “I’m not sure, but I know before bed I’m taking you to the hospital wing. What happened?”

Danisty shook her head, “Nah, these are battle wounds, I want to keep them.” She looked around and spotted Pansy walking with her hands covering her face, she smiled at him, “I think Pansy needs the hospital wing thoug.” She nodded.

“Bloody Hell! You did that?” George hugged her, “That’s bloody awesome!”

Danisty blushed as he let her go, “Yeah, I did.”

George laughed and gently touched her cheek, searching her eyes, “You’re beautiful when you blush.” he shook his head and blushed himself as he dropped his hand. “So what did she do to get on your bad side?”

“Erm..She threatened me.”   Danisty looked away.

“Well, I think you should get cleaned up before a professor see’s you and makes you go the hospital wing even if you don’t want to.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the nearest bathroom.

Danisty giggled like a little girl,  “So George, Erm…” she paused unable to get the word out, “Em…do you have a….” She stuttered, blushing redder.

“No. I don’t.” he smiled looking back at her; they were in the bathroom, by the sinks. He grabbed a paper towel and wetted it, gently wiping the blood from her face. “Do you have a boy friend?”

Danisty shook her head, “No.” she stared into his eyes.

His smiled faded, “What about that oaf Malfoy?”

She shook her head again. She placed her hands on his and leaned in slowly and kissed him. She blushed; “Sorry” she placed her hands to her mouth. She didn’t know she was being so shy around him.

He smiled, “No need.” He threw the paper towel in the trash and pulled her into a hug.

“I think I…I should get to bed.” George nodded and walked her to the door. He watched her walk towards the dungeons before he went to the towers.

Danisty laid in bed with her mind on George.



© 2009 Briteskylar

Author's Note

Please let me know if you notice 'Haley' any where *Name Change*

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haha YES I'm IN THERE! lol WOOT! haha it's great so far XD

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 3, 2009
Last Updated on August 8, 2009




About me; ·Just a lost girl looking to find the right path in life. With a lot of detours & big dreams along the way. ·Whovian ·Potter head ·Twihard ·Write.. more..
