![]() Chapter 1; The new schoolA Chapter by Briteskylar![]() A.N. Everything except for Haley, Belle And Samara are the property of J.K. Rowling. This is strictly Haley's point of view.![]()
A soft tapping on the window had woken Danisty from a sound sleep, looking at the alarm clock she saw that the small red numbers showed 5:25 am. She rolled over onto her back and kicked the covers off and rolled out of bed; she wondered who would be sending her an owl this early in the morning. Danisty stretched before walking over to the window. As she opened it, she felt a crisp breeze that told her autumn was right around the corner. The owl gave a soft hoot before flying in. “Wh…What are y…you doing?” she yawned. The owl hooted again and held out her leg, “Th….This early?” She yawned again before taking the letter from her. “Thanks bug.” She said with a small smile before opining the letter, her Russian accent was stronger when she first woke up or was emotional. ‘D.J. Save me a spot at the Slytherin table?’ she flipped it over a few times but didn’t see a name. She thought about it, there was only one person who called her D.J other than her dad. Jaden was her middle name and not many knew that. Shaking her head she thought, ‘it couldn’t be…but nobody knows?’ She had been transferring from Beauxbatons Academy to Hogwarts School. She couldn’t stay in one school for too long it seemed, she went to Durmstrang for three years, and then she transferred to Beauxbatons academy and now she was going to Hogwarts, entering her fifth year. Flopping back onto the bed she rolled over on her side, she had to be up in two and a half hours, she slowly drifted asleep with the note in her hand, her mind pondering on whether or not it was him. What seemed not even five minutes later, Danisty was being woke by someone shaking the bed, “Sissy! Wake up! You’re going to be late! SISSSYYY!” a small blond boy had been jumping on the end of her bed. “G…go a…away Chris!” she yawned. “No… Sissy…, Myla… says to…wake you… up! It’s 8:30.” Christian said in between jumps. Danisty shot out of bed, she had over slept, the train was leaving in an hour and a half and she had to be there by nine to find a compartment, and she still had to shower. Half an hour later, Danisty and Christian were standing on platform nine and three quarters. Myla was just walking through the barrier with a smile, “This is nothing like the other schools form of transportation.” She placed her hands on Danisty’s shoulders, “I know your father is going to be there, but act yourself, don’t let him interfere, but mind your manners with him. Do you understand?” Dani ran her fingers through her silky dark brown hair, she sighed, “Yes…” she said lazily. “If you need me, you know where I am.” Danisty nodded as Christian wrapped his arms around her legs, “Take me with you sissy! I want to see daddy.” Chris tried to act upon all the opportunities he got when it came to seeing their dad. He only got to see him once a year since the day he was born, Danisty knew that it was hard on him, but she didn’t feel bad, he had the Kantal’s to be his parents. “No Christian, you have a year before you can go, besides, daddy will be here for Christmas,” She stooped down to hug him as the trains engines sounded, the platform was covered in scarlet smoke. She gave Christian a kiss on the cheek and then hugged Myla, said her goodbyes and ran onto the train. She looked around for a compartment; they seemed to be full, as she came upon the last compartment she saw that it was empty. After stowing away her trunk her mind started to turn, she hadn’t thought about the letter until she sat down. ‘It can’t be him.’ She had been lost in her thoughts when a white haired boy cleared his throat, “Who are you and why are you in my compartment?” he sounded rude, a snobby looking girl with black hair was hanging off his arm whispered something, and he shook his head as he sat down, followed by two big boys with dark hair, “Well, who are you?” “Danisty Snape.” She smiled; he had the most gorgeous blue gray eyes. “Snape you said, well I didn’t know he had family!” the boy looked her up and down, then smiled, “I’m Draco Malfoy. This…” he pointed to the boys, “is Crabbe and Goyale.” He pointed to the girl, “And that is Pansy.” He looked at her with disgust. “So what house are you in?” She looked at them all and nodded, and then she looked Draco in the eyes, “Slytherin.” Draco smiled, “Best house there is. So, where is your accent from?” he asked intrigued. She raised and eye brow, “Russia.” “So then you went to Durmstrang?” He asked with a smile, Danisty nodded as he continued, “Father actually considered sending me to Durmstrang rather than Hogwarts, you know. He knows the headmaster, you see. Well you know his opinion of Dumbledore” he said mostly to the others but still keeping eye contact with Danisty, “–the man’s such a Mudblood-lover – and Durmstrang doesn’t admit that sort of riffraff. But mother didn’t like the idea of me going to a school so far away. Father says Durmstrang takes a far more sensible line than Hogwarts about the Dark arts. Durmstrang students actually learn them, not just the defense rubbish we do.” He took a breath and then asked, “So Snape, why did you go there rather than come here your first year?” Danisty laughed; he had managed to say the whole thing without taking a breath. “Well daddy sent my brother and me to stay with a family while he taught at Hogwarts, we lived with the Kantal’s in Russia, but I only attended Durmstrang for three years, I went to Beauxbatons last year.” “Then why would you want to come here? You went to two schools better than this!” Danisty smiled, “Well if I would have stayed I wouldn’t have met you.” She stood up and reached to open the compartment door, but realized it was left open, “Now would I?” she walked out, followed by Draco and the two boys, she had a seductive smile. “Well I guess not.” he said awkwardly. Draco stopped at the compartment before theirs, “Wait a minute Danisty.” He said looking into the compartment, he slid the door open but nobody seemed too noticed. She couldn’t see who was in there but she could hear voices, “It was.” She heard a boy’s voice, “Look at this Neville…” “Oh wow!” The boy named Neville said enviously. “We saw him right up close, as well” The first boy said, “We were in the Top Box –“ “For the first and last time in your life, Weasley.” She heard Draco’s voice. “Don’t remember asking you to join us, Malfoy.” Came another boy. “Weasley… what is that?” Draco asked. Danisty moved in closer slightly brushing up against him. A grin crossed her face when she noticed what Draco had been pointing to. She tried so hard not to laugh. She noticed the red haired boy named Weasley try to stuff the robes out of sight. But Draco was a little faster than him; he grabbed the sleeve and pulled. “Look at this!” he said with excitement, he showed the robes to Crabbe and Goyale, “Weasley you weren’t thinking of wearing these were you? I mean – they were very fashionable in eighteen ninety…” “Eat dung, Malfoy!” Weasley said. Draco howled with laughter, “So…going to enter, Weasley? Going to try and bring a bit of glory to the family name? There’s money involved as well, you know… you’d be able to afford some decent robes if you won…” Danisty gave a puzzled look to Draco, but it seemed that she wasn’t the only one that was confused, “What are you talking about?” Snapped Weasley. “Are you going to enter?” Draco repeated slower, “I suppose you will, Potter? You never miss a chance to show off, do you?” “Either explain what you’re on about or go away, Malfoy.” Came a girls voice, Danisty turned her head to the girl, she had brown bushy hair, she hadn’t realized that there were so many people in the in the compartment. Draco smiled gleefully, “Don’t tell me you don’t know!” he said delightedly, “You’ve got a father and a brother at the Ministry and you don’t even know? My god my father told me about it ages ago…heard it from Cornelius Fudge. But then, Fathers always associated with the top people at the Ministry…maybe your father’s too junior to know about it, Weasley…yes…they probably don’t talk about important stuff in front him..” He laughed and walked out of the compartment followed by Crabbe and Goyale. Danisty just stood there looking around, she noticed three boys and two girls, “Well, What do you want?” The first girl snapped. She raised an eye brow, “I was simple going to introduce myself thank you very much!” She turned to leave but a boy spoke, “w…wait a minute.” She turned around and looked at the boy; he had brown eyes and brown hair, “I…I’m N…Neville.” He said rather nervously. Danisty smiled “I’m Danisty,” she looked at Neville and noticed her was holding a figurine of Viktor Krum, she smiled, “Can I see that?” She asked Neville. He nodded and handed it to her, her eyes sparkled, and her face glowed, “Ooh…Look at that I think she’s in love with a toy!” said a girl with black hair. She looked at the girl, “And who are you?” The girl rolled her soft blue eyes, “I’m Samara, not that it’s really any of your concern.” “And it’s not the toy, it’s the person!” Danisty said hoarsely. Samara laughed, “Right. Whatever you say!” Ignoring her Danisty looked at the rest of the people and asked, “Who are you people?” “Harry.” The boy with messy brown hair and green eyes said. Danisty ‘s sapphire eyes moved up to the scar on his for head, then she looked to the others, the girl with brown messy hair spoke, “I’m Hermione, “ She pointed to the Weasley boy, “and that is Ron.” She looked at Danisty, “Now, what do you want?” Danisty looked at Hermione, and rolled her eyes, “I don’t think that is any of your business.” “There is no need to be so snobby with us! She was simply asking you a question.” Samara spat. “So why are you wearing those robes?” she pointed to the ones Draco had been holding. Ron ignored her, so she continued to speak, “So what do you all have against Draco?” “What do you like about him?” Harry asked She smiled, she knew that was coming, “I think you guys are just jealous.” She said as she walked out. Danisty could hear glass shatter as she left and then Hermione’s voice, “Ronald!” Draco had been waiting outside the compartment alone, “Where are your body guards?” “I told them to take Pansy and leave.” He held the compartment door open for her to walk in; he smiled as she walked by, and gently ran her fingers against his. “Thank you.” She stopped in the entrance and just stared into his eyes, her hand still on his, then she walked in with him closely behind. “So Draco, what were you talking about back there?” “Your father hasn’t told you?” he asked puzzled. “Erm…” She scratched the back of her head, “I don’t talk to him much. So no.” she felt comfortable around him, like she could tell him anything, it all just seemed to spill out. “Oh. Well” his face brightened, “Well this year we are going to have the Tri-Wizard tournament!” he said excitedly, “Three schools compete in three tasks.” “What schools are coming?” she asked in hopes to an answer for the letter. “Both the schools you went to.” Draco looked as though he had been dying to ask her a question but didn’t want to know the answer, “So uh what year are you in?” Danisty pulled out a book from her backpack that was on the seat, and opened it, she was excited maybe it was him, “Fifth.” She didn’t even bother to look at him. She read and talked to Draco the whole train ride, she hadn’t noticed that it was getting dark out until she looked up from her book; she stared out the window at the stars, lost in thought, she had forgotten where she was until she heard Draco’s voice, “What the bloody hell is that.” Danisty looked around; she hadn’t noticed that Crabbe, Goyale, and Pansy had all come back to the compartment. She looked at Draco, following his eyes; she noticed he was looking at something that was flying out side. Danisty squinted her eyes and saw an eagle owl, she smiled, opening the window she let the owl in, “Bug what are you doing here?” the owl flew onto her lap and hooted softly while holding out her leg. “Thanks bug!” she took the letter and then grabbed a treat out of her backpack and handed it to her. The owl hooted and nipped her finger affectionately before taking the treat. Bug flew onto the empty cage on the floor. Danisty unfolded the parchment. “Is that thing yours?” Draco asked with disgust. Danisty looked up from the letter, “No, my owl Adalenna is out hunting. It’s the family’s I stay with, her name is Bug, because her eyes look like bug eyes.” She laughed. “Well it’s rather disgusting does it have to stay here?” Draco asked still looking at it. “Yes, until I respond to the letter.” “Then hurry up and respond!” Haley started to read the letter, a smile came across her face. ‘D.J have you heard the news yet? I won’t ruin it for you, so I can’t say. I forgot to mention in the last letter that I miss you. When are you coming back home? I think that we should spend the summer together! Tell me what you think of Hogwarts, I want to know if I’m going to be spending the semester there.’ Danisty looked up her face was glowing. “What’s your bloody problem?” Draco had been staring at her the whole time. She blushed, “Oh…Um…my friend’s coming to visit me! I ‘aven’t seen zem in four ‘ears!” her accent was getting stronger, “Oh, um, sorry, I didn’t mean zo act zat vay, but I can’t ‘elp it, I’m just zo excited! Draco laughed, “What the bloody hell? I can’t even understand you!” Danisty’s face turned redder, she took a few deep breaths and then said, “I’m sorry, I can’t help it! I’m excited! When I get excited, annoyed, or mad, and even sometimes when I just wake up my accent gets stronger.” She pulled out her quill and started scribbling; after she finished Bug snatched the letter out of her hand and took off. Danisty buried her face in the book again with a smirk, every few minutes she would glace up over at Draco, he had been in the corner whispering something to Crabbe and Goyale, Pansy on the other hand was sitting by the compartment door with a sour look on her face, her arms were folded and she was staring at Danisty. She gave Pansy a smile and looked back down. Danisty sighed a sigh of relief when the train came to a stop. She was beginning to get annoyed with Pansy. Grabbing her stuff she was the first one out of the compartment. She followed the rest of the students to a horseless carriage, her mouth hung open as she watched one of them move. “Are you trying to catch flies or something?” A girl with raven black hair and golden eyes asked. Danisty stared at her eyes; they were like that of a wolf’s. She shook her head and looked at the girl, “I…uh…no!” she shook her head again, “Mind if I sit with you?” she asked the girl. The girl looked her up and down, rolling her eyes she muttered, “I don’t care.” Danisty sat across from the girl, “I’m Danisty.” She extended her hand. The girl looked at the hand and then back at her, ignoring the gesture she said, “I’m Belle.” “Belle be nice. She’s new!” Draco had been standing next to the carriage; he climbed in followed by Crabbe and Goyale. When Pansy noticed it was full she scoffed, “Dracie, there’s no room.” She whined. “Then find another one!” he whined back. “But I wanted to be with you.” “Well to bad, we don’t need crybabies sitting with us! So go suck your thumb in another carriage!” Belle laughed, she turned to Draco, “Dracie!” she did an imitation of Pansy, “You only told me to be nice the newbie, not the b***h!” she turned back to Pansy and stuck her tong out tauntingly. “Well that’s because I like the newbie.” He put his arm around Danisty, “And not the b***h.” The carriage started to move as everyone in it laughed at Pansy’s face. Danisty stared at Belle; there was something about her, something about the way she acted, like it was just an act to prove she was a Slytherin. She looked up at the stars, she liked being out at night. The stars shone brightly, even through the clouds that covered the half crescent moon. The castle glistened in the star light. The lights throughout the castle were lit dimly, “Wow!” Danisty breathed enthusiastically. The five of them walked into the great hall without talking, Danisty hadn’t realized that Draco had his hand around her waist. She gasped at the site; it wasn’t like any of the other schools. Draco laughed as they walked to the Slytherin table, “Want to sit with us Belle?” he asked. Belle had stopped and looked around, then she smiled, Danisty followed her eyes, she was looking at Harry Potter. She saw a red headed boy with freckles sitting with a black boy and another boy that looked identical to the red head, she smiled as he caught her eye. She felt some one smack her hand, then heard “Don’t let Draco see.” She looked Belle with a smile, they both started laughing, “Yeah, sure Draco why not!” They found a spot for the five of them, just as Pansy came running up, “Why didn’t you wait for me Dracie?” she kissed him on the cheek. Draco rolled his eyes as they sat. Crabbe and Goyale were on Draco’s right, Danisty and Belle were on his left, and Pansy sat across from him. The tables were full of golden plates and goblets, hundreds of candles floated in mid air over them, Danisty looked up at the head table and saw professor Dumbledore, he winked at her just as the doors to the great hall opened and she turned her head just as the first years walked in, lead by a woman with a stool. She placed the four-legged stool in front of everyone. On top of the stool she placed an old ragged hat. Danisty had seen what the hat could do over the summer. When she had to bring all her transfer papers to Dumbledore he made her put it on. The hat placed her in Slytherin, she figured it was just because her dad was in that house, but the hat told her she would do it some good. She elbowed Draco in the side and whispered, “Who’s she?” “Professor McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor.” He looked at the head table and introduced the rest, “That big oaf there, that’s the care of magical creatures professor Hagrid, Father is trying to get him sacked. That’s the charms professor Flitwick. Then you know your father. Potions professor, Head of Slytherin, then there’s that Mudblood lover Dumbledore.” Danisty looked at Snape; he looked his normal grouchy self. She smiled when he looked at her, then he mouthed, ‘Behave’ she rolled her eyes at him and turned back to the sorting, but it was over. There had been two new Slytherins other than herself. She watched as Professor Dumbledore stood up, he smiled and waited patiently for the great hall to be quite, when the students noticed him silence fell over the room, he opened his arms welcoming them, “I have only two words tow you,” His voice echoed throughout the hall, “Tuck in!” The empty dishes filled before their eyes, there was pork chops, kidney pie, mashed potatoes plus a lot more, Danisty hadn’t realized how hungry she was until she saw the food, she loaded her plate, “Hungry are we newbie?” Belle asked. She laughed, “Yeah, actually, I skipped breakfast and lunch today…so we can say starved!” Danisty looked around and noticed people at the Slytherin table hardly ate, Draco was talking to a few Slytherin boys and Pansy was whispering to a few girls, they all glanced at Danisty and laughed. She hadn’t told people that she was able to read minds, they didn’t need to know, not just yet. “So you think Draco likes her?” one girl whispered. “Well, I don’t know. I think he’s just using her.” Pansy whispered back. “Why would he use her?” Another girl asked. “Because he thinks she knows the dark arts better than he does since she went to that strange school in Russia, and he wants to use them on Potter.” Danisty shook her head, and went back to eating, “Don‘t mind her, she’s just jealous.” Draco whispered in her ear. She smiled, then heard Belle’s voice, “So Newbie, who were you looking at over there?” she whispered loud enough for only the two of them could hear. Danisty laughed as the desserts appeared, “Yum, Spotted dick.” She grabbed the bowl and helped herself, then looked at the Gryffindor table, “There’s a boy over there with red hair, sitting next to the black boy and the one that looks to be his brother.” Belle laughed, “That’s George, Fred, and Lee. George is the one in the middle; he and his twin are Weasley’s” She smiled, looking at him, he caught her eyes yet again, and this time he smiled. Danisty grabbed Belle’s leg, “That smile is to die for.” She laughed. George held up six fingers and then pointed to himself, then pointed to her, she nodded and held up five fingers, George smiled and then turned to the others and started talking. The chattering in the great hall stopped abruptly, Danisty looked up at the head table and saw Dumbledore standing at the podium, “So, now that we are all fed and watered, I must once more ask for your attention, while I give out a few notices. Mr. Filch, the caretaker has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include screaming yo-yos, fanged Frisbees, and ever-bashing boomerangs. The full list comprises some four hundred and forty objects, if anyone would like to look at the list it’s hanging up in his office.” Dumbledore smiled, “As ever the forest is out of bounds to students as is the village of Hogsmeade to all students under third year. It also pains me to tell you that the Inter-house quidditch cup will not take place this year.” Danisty could hear the students start to whisper their arguments, she was hoping to be able try out, for she was on the team in her other schools. “This is due to the event that takes place in October, and continuing throughout the school year.” She looked at Snape and he nodded, her attention went back to Dumbledore, “taking up much of the teachers time and energy – but I’m sure you will enjoy it immensely. I have a great pleasure to announce this year at Hogwarts…” Dumbledore was interrupted by the sound of rumbling thunder, and the sound of a soft, CLUNK, CLUNK, that echoed throughout the great hall. Danisty’s and everyone else’s head turned towards the doors, a man with straggly gray hair, his eyes, one was beady and dark the other was a bright blue, big and round, it seemed to be swirling every and which way. His face was scared, half his nose was missing, Danisty shivered at the sight of him. The man walked up to Dumbledore, shook his hand and then took his seat at the head table. “Let me introduce your new defense against the dark arts teacher, Professor Moody.” There was another outbreak of whispers. Dumbledore cleared his throat and every one fell silent yet again, “As I was saying.” He smiled wider, “we have the honor to host an exciting event, one that hasn’t been held in over a century. It is my pleasure to announce that the Tri-Wizard tenement will be held at Hogwarts.” The students broke out into applause, and then someone said “You’re JOKING!” loud enough so Dumbledore could hear, he smiled, “No Mr. Weasley I am not joking.” He was on the verge of telling a joke when professor McGonagall cleared her throat, “Where was I? Ah. Yes, The Tri-Wizard Tournament, for those of you who know what it is, please bear with me while I explain it to those who don’t know! The Tri-Wizard Tournament was established some seven hundred years ago as a friendly competition between the three largest; Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons. A champion is chosen from each school to compete in three tasks…” Danisty zoned out, maybe he was coming, and maybe he was the one who sent it. She was staring off into the distance; she hadn’t noticed that Dumbledore had dismissed them for bed until she heard a voice, “Hi.” She shook her head, “Oh, hey.” The red headed boy was standing behind her. “I’m George Weasley.” He extended his hand, Danisty blushed taking his hand, “I’m Danisty Kantal.” “And you said you were a fifth year?” he asked. “Yup, and you’re a sixth?” He nodded, and smiled, he opened his mouth to say something as his twin called, him, “Oy, George! You coming?” He nodded and then looked at her, “it’s nice meeting you, hopefully I’ll see you around?” Danisty smiled, “yeah.” She watched as he sprinted of towards the other boys. She turned and saw Belle standing there, “Where’d Draco go?” she asked. “He went to talk to Pansy. Come on!” Belle said, “I’ll show you where the dungeons are.” “Okay.” She followed. The second she found her four poster bed she laid down, still fully clothed. “See you in the morning newbie.” But Danisty didn’t respond, she was already fast asleep. © 2009 BriteskylarAuthor's Note
Featured Review
1 Review Added on July 3, 2009 Last Updated on August 7, 2009 Author![]() BriteskylarNVAboutAbout me; ·Just a lost girl looking to find the right path in life. With a lot of detours & big dreams along the way. ·Whovian ·Potter head ·Twihard ·Write.. more..Writing