Its My birthday

Its My birthday

A Poem by tumi



“It’s My Birthday!”


Today's my birthday, silence surrounds
My empty house, my fragile bounds
No calls, no flowers, no whispered wishes
No friends, no wealth, no fleeting riches


But then I recall, and my heart revives
The love we shared, the greatest gift that survives
Your prayers, a soothing balm to my soul
Your words, sweet treats that made my heart whole


Your smile, the brightest light in my day
Your song, the melody that chased the blues away
Though loneliness may shroud my present days
Memories of you illuminate life's fading rays

© 2024 tumi

Author's Note

feel free

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Beautifully "poignant" is an apt endearment for the emotional moments your skillful pen so eloquently scribed upon this page.
Thank the stars above for memories we can call upon when needed to sooth and help ease our loneliness … even though, they may inspire their own measure of solitude.
Still, remembering often comes unbidden, painting its own ambient moment upon the canvas of a heart in need.
Tumi, that you've chosen Unmetered Quatrains in spot-on aabb rhymes, lends the perfect poetic imagery to breath life into the tender emotion of your smoothly flowing lines.

Stellar work, Sir Poet … thank you for sharing! ⁓ Richard 🍂

Posted 2 Days Ago

Happy Birthday....although it seems so melancholy when we are alone and missing someone.
They are brighter when shared.

Posted 3 Days Ago

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Tumi. I am so sorry my greetings are belated! I hope you enjoyed a wonderful day and I wish you an equally wonderful year ahead which is filled with the very best of everything for you to enjoy, especially everything you wish for your dearest self.
Your poem is very poignant, Tumi. Loneliness filled your special day and memories of love which was once vibrant and happy. SO sad! When you let go of the past, of what was and concentrate on what is, when you go out and about again, you will find love waiting for you! Wishing you happiness always, dear poet. Thank you for sharing your feelings on your special day! I wish you could have had a day as special as you are, dear Tumi...

Posted 3 Days Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on October 14, 2024
Last Updated on October 14, 2024
Tags: joy, emotions



lagos, christian, Nigeria

i am just a random person trying to do best at writing more..

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A Poem by tumi