My Face

My Face

A Poem by tumi

my current feeling more like a battle field




I put my hands on my face

I touched

and pinched

What I felt

Were like fluids

I went for a mirror

To get a perfect look

Now my face was like boils

More like a battle field

It bleeds and bleeds

Each time I try to squeeze

It pours some blood

After every pinch on the top


My face now besieged

By the wars of my fatherland

With no joy

It made my face

The likes of a promise land

I looked, I thought

What could stop the pores

Acne and pimples

Stuck on my face like dimples

Making the face look as dead

Less elegant

As hell

So much irritant


Like a recurring decimal

Were born each generation


in my face

were lots of decoration

of pore and spots


how can I move them away?

They were a thousand more

The more I killed

The more they come

The more they queued

The more I mourn

Shall I lie and beg

They might feel my tears

Shall I kneel and plead

They might stop to bleed

Or shall I live them to reside

Maybe they shall leave

When it’s time



© 2024 tumi

Author's Note

pimples, spot and pores never let me be
what do you think

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Featured Review

It's a greater sadness that so much time and consideration is spent on the outward appearance when the inward character may be so much different that what we see. Many a beautiful woman has contained the heart of a serpent or a greedy leach. Stress and hormonal changes can be aggravating factors to facial blemishes such as rosacea and acne. Take good care of you. Blessings from the Appalachians. F.

Posted 3 Months Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


I applaud your self disclosure and hope the situation in question improves real soon . Neville

Posted 3 Months Ago

A very difficult situation Tumi and one that I remember from my youth. I understand only too well the battles you talk about. Look in the same mirror Tumi, I want to know of YOU. Look into that mirror; the determination in your eyes, the strength of your soul and mind, what drives you everyday to live this life, what stories of family keep you going. Change the focus! Write about the strength, desire inside you Tumi. These things will speak to the masses.
Take care my friend

Posted 3 Months Ago

A very poignant
poem 😢 sorry you're
having this problem,
hormonal changes do
cause this acne problem,
lotions and creams will
help and eventually that
problem WILL clear up. 👍
Best wishes 🙏 Thad

Posted 3 Months Ago


3 Months Ago

Thanks for the kind review
And advice

3 Months Ago

👍welcome my friend!
Dear Tumi, I agree with Fabian that what you are experiencing is hormonal changes in your body. Every teenager goes through that change and there is only one answer to it. Your local pharmacy will have a special face wash which you use twice a day (morning and evening) and after a few days you will notice that they are clearing up and soon you will be acne free again. You have captured excellently what it is like to be a teenager with acne. I remember, buying a special face wash at one of our local pharmacies when I was a teenager and I am very happy to say, it worked very, very well. Great poem! Thank you for sharing, dear Tumi...

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Months Ago

Thanks for the kind review and advice

3 Months Ago

Most welcome always, dear Tumi...
It's a greater sadness that so much time and consideration is spent on the outward appearance when the inward character may be so much different that what we see. Many a beautiful woman has contained the heart of a serpent or a greedy leach. Stress and hormonal changes can be aggravating factors to facial blemishes such as rosacea and acne. Take good care of you. Blessings from the Appalachians. F.

Posted 3 Months Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on July 11, 2024
Last Updated on July 11, 2024



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