when i look in the mirror

when i look in the mirror

A Poem by tumi




When I look in the mirror

All I see is the shattered pieces

Of a broken man

Filled with regrets and prolonged hisses


When I look into the mirror

At the second time

I see a man with no dime

Looks and frets at things in horror

Yawns and stretches

With eyes searching in terror


When I look at the mirror

I see only but a sad man

An angry man

A shattered fool

A useless tool

Living only as life ceases to be

Searching for death

But it turns to him as a rare breed

his eyes were red

his beards were there

hanging loosely like a broad weed

almost like he was already dead

with no love, no care

all but tears

left with the shattered pieces

of a broken heart

a deadly disease

living all day like a troubled storm

rumbling and grumbling

A life with no hope


© 2024 tumi

Author's Note

what do you think?
feel free

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When someone - YOU, can write such a sensitive and creative poem like the above, you should see yourself as a first class poet, thinker but - only for the moment, unecessarily despondent person. You have so much value in your being.. please focus on that. Don't look for the dark.. always try to look for the light and smiling.

Posted 2 Weeks Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I see a portrait of a beautiful human being who is broken by the many hardships faced in life. A man filled with love without anybody to give it to. A lovely person down on their luck at the moment, BUT and as you can see tumi, it is a very big but, it won't always be like this. The winds of change are always blowing and better days are on the way. Just keep hope alive in you tired heart because the best is yet to come. Sometimes we have to go through the very bad times in order to find the good times and appreciate them. Feelings are very well expressed! You have crafted a very powerful, emotionally moving poem and depiction is very poignant, but finely painted. Excellent write! Be proud of you, tumi...

Posted 2 Months Ago


2 Months Ago

Thanks for the kind review and encouraging words it means alot

2 Months Ago

Most welcome always, Tumi and very well deserved too...
I think you need either a new mirror or a new way of looking at life.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Powerful work. You evoke a lot of emotion here.

Posted 3 Months Ago

I'm not certain of why you keep sending me requests for critiques, but since you did:
When I look in the mirror
All I see is the shattered pieces
Of a broken man
Filled with regrets and prolonged hisses

You might want to use my mirror, instead. When I look into it I see a man who's had a successful and satisfying life, three great kids who've grown into adults to admire, and who found a woman willing to put up with him for 52 years — my greatest accomplishment.

My point: This piece is you talking about your feelings, to people who lack backstory and context, when you should be making the reader feel and care. In other words, it's the male equivalent of what's often called a dismal damsel poem.

And since you need a project that will take your mind from your troubles, and focus on changing the situation, why not take positive action? If you want to write poetry that more people will identify with, and appreciate, spend some time digging into the skills of poetry. It will distract you from your problems and eliminate at least one of them.

And if my reminding you to do that is an annoyance, Turn off the read request. 😋

Posted 3 Months Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Months Ago

lol real funny to be honest
but could you give your time to write or change what could have b.. read more

3 Months Ago

• could you give your time to write or change what could have been excluded in the first stanzaread more
thanks for the kind review
happy you enjoyed reading

Posted 3 Months Ago

Very poignant and
really pulls on the
heart strings indeed.
Eloquently penned
and a pleasure to read.
Best regards ✌️ Thad

Posted 3 Months Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on July 8, 2024
Last Updated on July 8, 2024
Tags: poems, emotions, pains



lagos, christian, Nigeria

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