the night of 1938

the night of 1938

A Story by Percy Jackson

The cool draft of autumn air came in from the window, as I sat on my old rocking chair in the upstairs bedroom. I sat rocking back and forth, back and fourth, thinking about the day I had had.

This morning after breakfast, I had gone to the synagogue to do my morning prayers. Then, on my way home, I spotted two Nazi solders walking down the street. They were apparently talking to each other. From where I stood, it looked like they were arguing. I dove into the woods to avoid being captured. As I ran, I saw a bear running across the ground. I dove left and hid behind a tree. The bear passed. Then I ran in the direction of my home. I paused on the door step to catch my breath. When I reached for the handle, I paused, turned around, and saw the same solders, walking straight at me. I ducked behind a bush near the front door. As I crouched there, I heard one solder say to his companion “ I just don't like these orders,” clearly in mid sentence.

The other shot back, “But these orders come straight from the leader.” They walked up to another Nazi patrolling the street. They all raised their right arms and said, “Hiel, Hitler” and continued on their way with this new companion. When they were out of site, I got out of the bushes and went inside.

Now I'm sitting in the rocking chair and wondering what these orders might have been. They must have been really extreme if they had to come from Hitler himself. As I sit, I think of what the orders could be. I am thinking it might be a capture of the Jew. But they just do that on their own anyway. They might have been the orders to take people to a concentration camp. But that order didn't have to come from Hitler himself. As I thought, I heard people gathering in the square outside. I stood up and crossed to the window. When I reached the window, I looked out upon the square. I saw the Nazi patrol gathering in the square for an announcement. It felt strange to me that they would gather out in the open like that. I sat there watching them, wondering what they were doing. Then I remembered the conversation I had overheard. I was expecting something dramatic. I didn't think that the orders would be in broad daylight. The Nazis were more of a secret operation group in my town. They were still seen and feared. But their plans were never seen during the day.

The rest of the day dragged on and on. It seemed like there were weights on all the clock hands to slow them down. All day I sat in that room, watching, waiting, trying to figure out what these plans might be. This time it might be to much for the town to handle. At about 6:00 p.m, Momma called “Dinner,” then I replied “Be right there.” But I sat there for five more minutes, looking out the window. They were still standing there. I only moved when Momma yelled, “Dinner” again. I slowly got up and slowly walked to the stairs.

At dinner, I barely ate anything. I just sat there prodding my food. My mother noticed my odd behavior and asked “whats wrong?”

I decided I would tell the truth immediately. I said “I saw a couple of Nazis in the street. They were talking about some orders that had come right from Hitler. I am scared.” Mother didn't comfort me, but looked at my father with a look of pure terror. Then she looked at me and said, “I'm sure it's nothing to worry about,” but she still looked terrified and worried herself.

That night I lay in my bed, thinking about what they were arguing about. I eventually drifted down the long, long train tunnel to sleep, boarding the last train in the station.

I awoke with a start, it was midnight. I had awoken to a crash of giant proportion outside. I propped myself up my arm and after another crash,ran to the window. When I looked out, I saw a huge fire erupting out of our synagogue. I screamed, and my parents came running into my bedroom. “What is it?” Papa asked in his deep, commanding voice. When I pointed to the window, Papa strode over to it and looked out. When he saw the synagogue, he had a look of pure terror. He collected himself and turned to Momma. “hide!”. That was the only thing he said. Momma apparently understood, because she grasped my arm and ran. I had no idea what was going on, but I ran too, without hesitation.

We got downstairs and hid in our root cellar. That's where I tried to sleep again, but I couldn't. This situation was scary, and all that came out of mothers mouth were questions. I had more questions then she had, but I held my tongue.

When we came out the next morning, the whole town was in devastation. That night the Nazis had been mountain lions, and us their prey. No one was left in town but us, not even Papa. So mama and i went on, awaiting his return.



A few weeks later he still wasn't back. i started to get worried at this point. I thought that papa may never come back. I was affraid that the nazis had captured him and where doing horrible things to him. Tourturing, or killing. i was terrified that it would be the end of my father.

one day, i was coming back from the synagogue and i saw the same two soldiers as last time. they where walking straight at me and i knew they had seen me. i ran for home. when i arrived, out of breath, i found my mother sitting at her garden. she looked up when she heard the panting and inquiered "what has happ" she cut off when she saw the two soldiers sprinting, trying to keep up with me. then my mother looked at me franticly and said "get inside, go up to your room, hide everything to do with the jewish religion. go quickly. when you reach your room, hide, do not make a sound. no matter what happens, do you understand?" i replied "yes mother, i will" and with that, i ran in the house.

i hide everything. clothes with the Star of David, stars of David orniments, and everything that had anything to do with the Jewish religion. then i ran to my room and hid. i found the perfect place where i was hidden from the door, as well as the window. but i could see out of both. my mother had stood, walked to the oncoming men and said something. the men looked at each other and exchanged looks. then the big one went over to my mother and knocked her unconntios. i screamed. i knew my mother said not to, i knew that the soldiers had heard it because they looked up, startled, and then ran for the door.

 when they ran for the door, my heart stopped. i thought for sure that they where going to kill me when they got up here. i tucked myself in a corner of the room. terrified, i waited, and waited, and waited. finally, i heard the door to my room open.

in the second that i heard the knob to the door turn, i knew what i had to do. i overturned a table near me and hid behind it. when they came in, i was absolutely silent. then i heard one say to the other, "he's not here." the other one called back, "keep looking! i know i saw him and we're not leaving until we find him." i heard one coming close, and my parents had always taught me to be non- combative, but i knew what i had to do. when the man got close to me, i grabbed him by the neck and dragged him to the floor. i knocked him out from the contact with the floor. i grabbed his gun and looked up just in time to see the other whirling around to get me. he raised his gun, ready to shoot. then i pulled the trigger. i had to, he would have killed me. i hit the wall, but this sent fear into the man. he dropped his gun and i knocked him out with one hit from the gun handle.

that's when i grabbed the other guns, the bullets, and my mother, and ran. i knew i would not be safe in the town any longer, so i ran. ran until i couldn't run any more. i knew every soldier in our area would be looking for us, but he had to escape. i would not let my mother be taken away to a concentration camp, like papa. this is why i had to run. so i had to push myself. running, until i felt safe. running, until everything went black, and i hit the ground.


© 2013 Percy Jackson

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1 Review
Added on October 24, 2012
Last Updated on March 4, 2013
