You made me cry
You made me weak
You made me laugh after every time I speak
You made me jumpy
You made me hurt
You made me feel like s**t, like a I fell in the dirt
I can never be wrong
You can never be right
Because of you, all I do is fight
You walk all over me like a welcome mat,
The words out of your mouth are “stupid, ugly and fat”
No ones good enough
No one ever will
You made me cry over spilt mile
But it’s your blood I want to spill
I can’t breath
I can’t speak
I can’t do anything without you in my reach
I want to have a good time
All you do it yell
You made living at home my own personal hell.
I want you gone
I want your dead
I want your stupid fat face out of my head
I can’t stand you
I want you to see
I don’t appreciate what you did to me
You made me twitch
You made me lie
You made me flinch when you raised a hand to say good-bye
You made my life one big Vietnam
I hate your guts
I’m glad you’re not my mom.