Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen

A Chapter by Deanna Ballard

     I bolt out of my seat in my last class and I'm at the car before Trish. I call Stone and tell him what happened to Kendall. He understands and gives me the day off so that I can go see her for him and me. When I get home I tell my parents the same story I told Stone. They generously let me have the car and I rush to the hospital. Visiting hours are for another three hours but I waste no time.
     I practically shout what I want at the nurse. She clearly is offended because she takes her slow time finding the sign-in sheet and name tags that will let everyone know I'm a visitor. She finally gives up her room number, and I'm on my way, rushing again.

When I get off of the elevator, the first person I see is Ivy at a vending  machine. She looks distracted which is odd for her. I walk past her, not feeling like dealing with the body guard. Next I see three guys huddled up together. A few more steps and I realize it's Kendall's brothers and Julian.
     When Julian spots me, he breaks away from them.
     "You can't go in there," he says.
     "The hell I can't," I retort feeling my anger rising. "It took me too much to get here thanks to you and Ivy leaving me behind. I'm too close to turn back now."
     He puts a hand on my chest, "I don't care. Look, I'm not kidding, man. Her dad doesn't know you and he's not a big fan of guys thanks to me."
     "But he let's you see her?"
     "Rather he likes me or not, I'm familiar. He understands why I would be here. You're random. It'll unsettle him."
     I push him hard away from me and he squares his shoulders, ready for a fight.
     "What's going on?" One of the brothers comes over.
     "He's not getting it," Julian explains.
     "You can't see her," the brother says matter-of-factly.

     I see the other brother, hanging back waiting for an excuse to have to come over. He looks tougher than the one I'm talking to, who seems more confident and used to taking over.
     "You don't understand what I've just gone  through to get here to see her."
     "And I'm sorry but she's  been through enough. She's got enough on her mind and her plate. You'll see her when she gets back to school."
     I stare at him and Julian at his side and realize she and I were never meant to be. Her father, her brothers, her best friend all have this thing for Julian. They have obvious history. He can come and go as he pleases uncontested. Even she still has a thing for him. How can I compete with that? How can I win the war when I can't even win one stupid little battle first?
     I sigh, defeated. "Can you just tell her I stopped by then?"
     The brother nods.
     I steal one more glance at Julian who, surprisingly, doesn't look at all triumphant. When I turn to go I see that Ivy still hasn't noticed that I've come...and gone. What's that all about?
     On my way home all I can think about is the trouble I went through to see this girl to no avail.
     When I get there, I go into the kitchen. My parents are there.
     "You're home early. We didn't think we'd be seeing you until later tonight," my mom states.
     "What happened?" my dad inquires.
     I flop into a chair at the table and sigh.
     "He ex boyfriend told me I couldn't see her because her dad wasn't too fond of boys in her life. I didn't like that but one of her brothers confirmed and refused to let me see her. I didn't even get a glance."
     "That's because they know just as well as I do," Trish said entering the room, "You two do not belong together."
     "Why do you think that?" my mom asks.
     "I know opposites attract and all but this is pushing it. He's holding back from his potential because of this girl and her depressing lifestyle. She's keeping him from being himself. You shouldn't lessen yourself for anyone."
     "Unless they're worth it. Besides, you don't know what she's going through."
     "Oh, yeah. That poor rich girl who boys lust over, who all the teachers love and who the track coach is tripping over himself to recruit. Not to mention her on-their-way-to-the-NFL-brothers. Life must really suck for her."
     I shake my head.
     "She's really got you all fooled," she declares shruging her shoulders and leaves the kitchen.
     I look at my parents. "Do you guys agree with her?"
     "We don't know this girl, sweetie," my mom replies speaking for them both. "But if you think she's worth it..." she trails off.

     "Kenny? We're leaving. Visiting hours are over and we have to catch our flight back to school."
     Donny's holding my hand.
     "Can you hear me?"
     I open my eyes and everything's fuzzy at first but it slowly starts to clear up. Donny's got on a grey NWU tee and Derrick's got on a black one.
    "Way to rep your school, boys," I say drowsily.
     I see them smile and I want to cry because it feels like its been so long since I've seen them and now they're about to leave me again. It takes everything in me not to blurt out that our father is the one who put me here and keep them from going but I bite down on my tongue. I know how much football means to them and I would never do anything to jepordize their careers.
     "Your vision's back!" Derrick exclaims. "You look a mess, though," he laughs.
     "You just wait until I get my strength back," I say taking a weak swing at him.
     They laugh.
     "We'll check on you in the morning," Donny assures me.
     They each kiss me on the forehead and say one last goodbye then leave. All at once I feel all alone. I roll onto my side and allow sleep to take me once again.

© 2012 Deanna Ballard

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short, but awesome. don't take 2 years on the next chapters though!!!! lol

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 28, 2012
Last Updated on February 28, 2012


Deanna Ballard
Deanna Ballard

Forest Park, IL, IL

What defines me is not what I can tell you, but the things I can't. Know the things I cannot tell, and you'll find you know me I'm pretty laid back. I have a great sense of humor. I don't particula.. more..
