Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen

A Chapter by Deanna Ballard

            Will is unavoidable. He’s in practically all of my classes and our lockers are in the same hallway.

            So I do what any cheating girlfriend would do, I approach him first and act normally. I hug him and kiss him nice and slow. Now that I think about it, that’s not all that normal for me.

            “What was that for?” he asks.

            “For being so good about my solitude yesterday. You left me alone even though I know you didn’t want to.”

            He slides his arm around my waist and guides me to class.

            “Can you tell me what was going on?”

            “Of course not. Remember we’re still in the early stages of this relationship, week two. I won’t be revealing any of my deep, dark secrets anytime soon,” I say. Or ever, I think.

            “I guess that’s fair. But the same goes for my secrets.”

            “I never ask about your secrets. That’s the difference between us. I respect your privacy.”

            He stops which tunes me into the fact that that last sentence may have been a little snippy.

            “Sorry for being concerned,” he emphasizes. “Maybe I just won’t worry about you anymore.”

            “Thanks. That’d be great. You finally get it.”

            He backs away. “Whatever.”

            I sigh. This was not how our day together was supposed to start.

            English class wasn’t all that awkward for me. It was more like the good old days when people left me alone. I rather enjoyed it actually.

            The day got even better because Will’s sister didn’t threaten me at all.

            However, the day got back on track in Photography of course because that’s the class I share with Phylicia.

            I’m pretty much allowed to do what I want in this class because I’m the photographer for the newspaper and I’m always working on something school related. And the teacher is awesome, one of those free spirits types.

            The ipod’s on full blast as Pink belts about glitter so I don’t react in time when Phylicia nonchalantly comes by and pushes my camera off the table. I don’t hear it so much as I feel it hit the floor and scatter across the floor in its different pieces.

            My eyes glaze over and I blink back tears.

            “I love this camera,” I hear myself whisper.


            There’s distant arguing and someone’s running interference. It ends faster than it began and I feel someone next to me, helping me pick up the few pieces that I’d only been staring at.

            She stands, “What a jerk!”

            I slowly rise to see that she put my camera back together already.


            “Oh, yeah,” she chuckles, “I know a little about this stuff. I’m Ivy.”

            “Thanks, Ivy. I’m-

            “Kendall. I know. The teacher paired me off with you to show me around class because I’m new…here. I’m new here.” I watch her laugh at herself.

            She’s one of those girls you see and the first word you think is hardcore. She’s got on this black leather jacket that’s beat up but it only adds character to it. Her t-shirt says “Have my bail money ready.” Her black fitted jeans are held up by a heavily studded thick black belt and lead down into black leather combat boots. Her thing, mesh, fingerless gloves are half shoved in her pockets as she finishes laughing at herself. The funny thing about her whole outfit and my dubbing it hardcore is that she had on a chain that sits on her chest. It reads “Hardcore” in big letter, “Hard” on top of the “Core”.

            She meets my eyes with eyes equally brown. Her skin is about the same shade of brown mine is as well. She reminds me a lot of Fefe Dobson. She’s wearing barely noticeable eye liner and her long black hair has streaks of purple in it. I approve of her overall appearance and let her welcoming smile draw me in.

            “So why are you the go-to girl in here?”

            “Because I’m just as smart as the Maddox and I take pictures for the paper.”

            “By yourself?”


            “Wow. You must be good.”

            I shrug, “I do okay.”

            “So, why’d you let that girl do that? To your camera, I mean?”

            “Right to the point, huh?”

            “I’m just curious.”

            “Phylicia and I have history; negative history. I just try to stay out of her way.”

            “She bullies you?”

            “…You could say that.”

            “But why do you let her?”

            “I have more important things to worry about than a jealous hussy.”

            “Nice choice of word,” she says smiling. “I like you, Kendall.”

            I smile shyly.

            “Let’s make a pact.”

            “What-What kind?”

            “See, as friendly as I am, I find it hard to find people I like; that includes teachers. I’m a rebel. I spend more time being a smartass than I do doing homework. I spend more time getting kicked out of class than I do in them.”


            “I like you, Kendall. I don’t like Phylicia. I promise to have your back and be your very best friend if you can help me graduate on time.”

            “That’s not how friendships work?”

            “Isn’t it, though? I’m just putting it all on the table earlier than most. Friends watch out for each other. They mother each other. Do you not agree?”

            She was right.

            “Great! So, do we have a deal?”

            I look around. I could use a female friend. I’m not super comfortable being friends with a girl who’s made it clear that she’d whether have a sexual relationship with me rather than a friendship. Then I notice Phylicia looking over here. She narrows her eyes at us and Ivy flips her off. Decision made.

            “We have a deal, Ivy.”


            After class, Will is waiting. I know this is a good thing but I don’t currently care so I ignore his presence.

            “Kendall, come on.”

            I feel him grab my arm. That’s too familiar but my mind knows it’s just Will so I’m allowed to snatch away which I do.

            “What’s the problem now?” he asks trying to mask his irritation.

            “You. I was just trying to make up.”

            “I know. That’s why I’m here, because I don’t wanna wait until class or after school to make this right.”

            I sigh. Ivy’s waiting on my reaction to react.

            I go to him. “Maybe I shouldn’t have said what I said.”

            “I shouldn’t have asked. I know how you feel about your business.”

            He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me. I can’t help but smile.

            “I’m sorry.”

            “Me, too,” I say.

            Ivy clears her throat.

            “Oh, sorry. Um, Will this is my friend, Ivy. Ivy this is my boyfriend, Will.”

            “I can see that,” she says waving at Will.

            We head to lunch. Julian makes an appearance walking pass my table. Will’s arm is around my shoulders and that just furthers my guilt. But it doesn’t faze him. He winks at me regardless of Will’s presence. I love his boldness. Wait, what am I thinking? I shake my head but manage to give him an unnoticeable wink in return. He smiles and keeps it moving. I’ll probably be seeing him tonight knowing him.

            It turns out that Ivy has study hall with me, too.

            “So, you’re cheating on Will.”

            I choke on my spit and almost trip to death.

            We stop walking, “What?”

            He winked at you and it looked one-sided but you winked back.”

            “That doesn’t mean I’m cheating,” I say defensively.

            “True. But the way you reacted when I called you on it and how defensive you’re being right now says it all.”

            Oh, crap. What’s with all these perceptive people wanting to be my friend?

            “And now your silence says more.”

            “I’m thinking.”

            “Don’t worry. I’m not here to out you. Then who’d make sure I graduated?”

            “It just started. He came over last night because there was some messed up stuff going on at my house. We ended up making out and he stayed with me until I went to sleep then he left.”

            In Study Hall, I level with Ivy about the situation that had gone down between myself, Julian, and Phylicia and about how I’d become a loner afterward. I was trying to put into her mind that the humiliation had driven me to my current state. Inception. However, I don’t think she fell for it.

            I also told her how Will had helped me come out of my shell a bit and how his crazy sister was after my hide for it. She didn’t like that at all. But in exchange for taking her into my confidence, she finished all the homework she’d gotten up to this point.

            For some reason, her aggression made me trust her. How ironic.


            I don’t know what to made of Kendall befriending Ivy. Better yet, I don’t know what to make of Ivy. I got the impression that she thought I was the enemy when I approached Kendall outside of her photography class. She seemed as though she was protecting her.

            For that reason alone, I liked her. But why was she protecting Kendall? I’d never seen her before. Kendall never mentioned her. I would ask but she’s so sensitive lately and we just made up, who knows for how long.

            “What’s on your mind?”

            Devin hasn’t turned around the entire class. How does he-

            “You’re too quiet. Now let’s hear it.”

            “…?” I don’t know how to respond to that so I just give him what he asks for. “There’s something I want to talk to her about but she’s been so touchy lately.”

            “Is she having her period?”


            I look crazy because he’s facing forward and not toward me.

            “Sorry, Mr. Riffice.”

            “Now calm down and answer the question,” Devin prompts.

            “I don’t know. Why would-

            “Because that’s yo’ girl and you need to know. You need to know when it’s safe to step to her about certain things and when you need to stay away all together.”

            “That makes sense.”

            “Well, yeah. You forget who you’re talking to? Van the Man.”


            “My name is De-Van,” he says breaking his name up to point out his title.

            “I thought it was an ‘I’ not an-

            “Don’t ruin this for me, man. I just put you on.”

            I raise my hands in surrender, “You’re right. You’re right.”

            “But be warned, sometimes they show no signs of the dreaded monthly. Some may sit differently than usual but that’s not a guarantee. You’ll be going in blind. Oh, and sometimes it’ll come on a random day. That usually pisses them off. Just pay attention is really all I can tell.”

            I’m glad he’s finished talking about…that subject however helpful it was. Between my mama and sister, I know enough about it. For some reason, though, I never applied this prospect to Kendall.

            In Chemistry, in a very bipolar, very Kendall way, she’s completely happy; talking to me, laughing with me, sneaking in kisses, which I’m not complaining about.

            After school she kisses me nice and good and we go our separate ways, me to practice, her home. Kendall’s just about to get into the mysterious car when a motorcycle rides up. She takes a step back but when the eyelid on the helmet goes up, she advances.

            Who’s that?

            She exchanges light words with whomever, says something to her driver, back to the biker then gets in the car and the biker follows.

            I’m jealous.


            How late is it?

            I’m tired and now I’m having trouble with these stupid keys. Dex honks twice to let me know he’s gone. I let my keys rest in my hand as I dwell on how sometimes I really hate this house. It brings back memories of that woman and how she left us, how she left me. I know for a fact that had she stayed, I wouldn’t be like this. I wouldn’t have become what I am. I used to be social. And thanks to a certain someone, I was gradually getting back where I used to be.

            After my sobering, brooding thoughts, I manage to get the door open but the sigh that follows doesn’t begin to rival the length of stairs I have to transverse before I’m home free, though I’m technically already home.

            I count how many times I stumble on the way up. That’s strange for me. The hallway is visible now. Just a few more stairs and a few more paces then I can lie down and sleep this feeling off.

            Suddenly, I feel the urge to make a spontaneous pit-stop.

            I put my hand around the knob, nervous. Why?

            There’s a loud scrapping sound on the other side of the door. A chair on the floor.

            I gently turn the knob then slowly push the door open. I had heard a chair; a chair being pushed away from a desk.


            I’m startled by my own voice.

            What’s she doing here?

            She stands up. Wary of me?

            “Katelyn, I-

            She’s shaking her head. Those golden brown eyes stare into mine, fearful, through the darkness.

            Why is she afraid of me? My anger flares. I should be afraid of her; that she’ll break my heart again.

            “How dare you?”

            “What did I do?” she breathes.

            “You know exactly what you did, Katelyn!”

            I advance on her, grabbing her arm.


            “Stop calling me that!”

            I slap her and she hits the floor hard.

            “Daddy, please!”

            “Shut up!” I shout.

            I feel my foot slam into her chest, her stomach…her head.

            She’s balled up, arms and hands blocking her face, legs blocking her torso. I can’t get through. This is Katelyn’s best defense but tonight, for some reason, I’m determined. I grab her arm and pull her to her feet. I’m about to hit her again when my phone rings.

            I push her down and grab the phone from my pocket. It’s my girlfriend. I want to answer this call but I’m not done with Katelyn just yet. But...

© 2011 Deanna Ballard

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The father, Marcus Carter.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wait? Who is the nArrator in the last one??? That's a bit confusing?!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 7, 2011
Last Updated on September 11, 2011


Deanna Ballard
Deanna Ballard

Forest Park, IL, IL

What defines me is not what I can tell you, but the things I can't. Know the things I cannot tell, and you'll find you know me I'm pretty laid back. I have a great sense of humor. I don't particula.. more..
